Public and private phots...

Hi, i'm new to Dolphin and i have one question : i want to make a adult dating site, and i like the idea to have 3 different mode for the site A) visitor : just see the home page and the thumbal of the member ; B) member : can see the public photo, the info of the member (but not the contac) ; C) VIP member : after paying a "tax" can see the private photos , detail info, chat, privat video, etc.

(something like this site )

I try to make a difference of public phots and private photo, but no results..

I don't know what i have to do for the payment...

At the moment the visitor can not see hte pho and video gallery, but the member yes...

Somebody can help me ?

Quote · 12 May 2009

Go into the admin and then click on Membership Levels (under settings). This is where you manage the different types of membership. You also set up pricing there!

Quote · 12 May 2009

Ok, thank you i check and it's where...

I don't understand how i can set one member for example from standar to promotion... For this think i did't try to make a new membership... and i still not understand...

Ayway i will spend more time to study the membership setting.

Thank you again.

Quote · 12 May 2009

To change members by hand to another membership:

login to you admin
Go to Users in the menu, choose there for members.

You see for every user a ID number, click on this ID opens the users profile with where you can set the membership level. Save it. and you are done.

Kids first
Quote · 12 May 2009

Thank you... was soo easy... Yesterday i installed the dolphin and all the day i try to set it and i don't think at this...

Thank you both for the help !

Quote · 13 May 2009

Hi guys... i need help agains :

i setup 4 type of membership non member -standard - promotion and vip.

The non member it's ok, can make a search and see the thumball and work fine.

At the standard member i setup it can upload photos, video, make vote,etc, but not the chat and not look the memebr gallery, but when i login like standard member i can entry in chat and i can look the memebr gallery...

Where i wrong ??

Quote · 13 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.