Query regarding roadmap for reCAPTCHA V2

Hi Support Team,


As you already know that Google is going to discontinue reCAPTCHA V1 from 31st March 2018, I would like to know what is your roadmap for implementing reCAPTCHA V2. I am aware that @AntonLV (AQB Soft) has a module to add V2 support in the marketplace. But, I do not want to take that route since it will become redundant if and when you release a version of Dolphin that supports V2.


Your timely response will help me make an appropriate decision on time.


Appreciate your help and support.


Thanks and regards

Partha Surelia

Quote · 25 Nov 2017

You can get V2 now from AntonLV and it won't stop working just because Boonex includes it in the core of Dolphin.  I think the real reason is that you don't want to pay; you want it for free.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 25 Nov 2017


You can get V2 now from AntonLV and it won't stop working just because Boonex includes it in the core of Dolphin.  I think the real reason is that you don't want to pay; you want it for free.

 Ha ha, you are so clever! But that's not quite true and your inexperience with SDLC management (if you know what that is) makes you think so. If money is the only concern, then I could have implemented it myself as it won't take more than couple of days including end to end testing. For your kind information, I have lifetime license of Dolphin.PRO which costs $599 and number of products from Boonex Marketplace including AntonLV's MyBanner which cost much more than AntonLV's $15 reCAPTCHA V2. Would really appreciate if you can contribute with some meaningful inputs in future. Such comments are really not welcome and not appreciated.

Quote · 26 Nov 2017

We plan to switch to Google reCaptcha v.2 in the next update:


Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 27 Nov 2017


We plan to switch to Google reCaptcha v.2 in the next update:


 Hi Alex,


As I can see on github that the implementation of issue#59 is planned for V7.3.5, I will wait for the same. Appreciate your valuable input.




Quote · 27 Nov 2017

Hi Alex,


Since reCaptcha V1 is going to be discontinued after March 31st, can you please give me an idea of when you are planning to release Dolphin V7.3.5?




Quote · 15 Mar 2018

Same question. 

When will recaptcha v2 be released with Dolphin?

All feedback forms on all my Dolphin sites are now seeing this message...

Spam is increasing too.

recaptcha-v1-expries.jpg · 38.2K · 263 views
Quote · 16 Mar 2018

Here are your options, change the code yourself or hire a developer if you can't, get a module from the market, use something other than recaptcha

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 16 Mar 2018

There was a posting previously on how to easily add a challenge question in your join form



We were getting literally dozens of spam joins daily. When we cracked down and started deleting them right when joining its as if they took offense and we began getting triple that amount.


We implemented this challenge question and haven't had a single spam join in over a week. We even removed the captcha field for now until the new version is integrated.


Hope this helps.

Quote · 18 Mar 2018


There was a posting previously on how to easily add a challenge question in your join form



We were getting literally dozens of spam joins daily. When we cracked down and started deleting them right when joining its as if they took offense and we began getting triple that amount.


We implemented this challenge question and haven't had a single spam join in over a week. We even removed the captcha field for now until the new version is integrated.


Hope this helps.

 Just tried this following the instructions provided and getting the following error: FieldError_SpamQuestion_Check

Using D7.3.4

can anyone please tell me why this error should occur?



It ain't easy being this stupid all of the time
Quote · 19 Mar 2018

Hi Eddie,

It's well after bed time so no tutorial this time.

This is an easy one and it works.

See pics.

In the Caption, the full wording is:  WHAT FOLLOWS THURSDAY? UPPER CASE


human1.jpg · 27.9K · 298 views
human2.jpg · 32.5K · 295 views
human3.jpg · 28.9K · 272 views
Quote · 19 Mar 2018

Thank you, John!

7.3.5 with responsive UNI
Quote · 19 Mar 2018


Here are your options, change the code yourself or hire a developer if you can't, get a module from the market, use something other than recaptcha


Such awesome customer support!!!  I will remember this and be sure to tell anyone considering buying a licence!

Quote · 23 Mar 2018



Here are your options, change the code yourself or hire a developer if you can't, get a module from the market, use something other than recaptcha


Such awesome customer support!!!  I will remember this and be sure to tell anyone considering buying a licence!


 I sent Boonex support an email a couple of days ago regarding this problem and am still waiting on a reply :(

I've followed instructions on adding a security question from two different sources to the letter and still having problems.

saying that, our site email has not worked since day 1 either so D7.3.4 is not without its technical problems.

It ain't easy being this stupid all of the time
Quote · 23 Mar 2018

I am not customer support; just a user of the product helping out.  Boonex has already stated it will be included in the next update.  If you can't wait, there are other options.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 24 Mar 2018


Just tried this following the instructions provided and getting the following error: FieldError_SpamQuestion_Check

Using D7.3.4

can anyone please tell me why this error should occur?

 Look at johnk42 screenshots in his above reply. Very helpful to see process illustrated.


And again, I haven't had a single spam join in now over two weeks by using only this Challenge Question method. So definitely serving its purpose beautifully

Quote · 25 Mar 2018

Thanks @neotekcorp.             

One thing I forgot to mention: Drag the existing captcha field out of the Join box in image 3. You don't want it there.

Quote · 26 Mar 2018


Thanks @neotekcorp.             

One thing I forgot to mention: Drag the existing captcha field out of the Join box in image 3. You don't want it there.

 Nice one @JohnK42, I realised that the captcha block should be removed when leaving it there along with the new security question block disabled the join link.


Haven't been able to get the new block to work so i'm currently running with no spam filters at all because potential members were being put off because of the google message apprearing with captcha V1.


I'd rather have to manually delete spammers ourselves than the site look unprofessional.

It ain't easy being this stupid all of the time
Quote · 26 Mar 2018


I'd rather have to manually delete spammers ourselves than the site look unprofessional.

The best thing to do is to block where spammers are coming from and the biggest is China.  You can easily block China by buying the Access Management Module in the market.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 26 Mar 2018

Hi Alex,


Thanks for releasing V7.3.5 just in time. I am able to upgrade the test instance and then the production instance of my Dolphin site successfully with reCaptcha and all other canned and custom modules working just fine.


If you can release future versions with more headroom before the deadlines set by external dependencies (like Google reCaptcha in this case), then it will be easier for customers like me to perform an elaborate testing before upgrading our live instances.


Appreciate your cooperation.


Thanks and regards

Partha Surelia

Quote · 2 Apr 2018

Hi guys, incase you are still having trouble with replacing your reCaptcha V1 to V2 and that if you are using lower versions of Boonex Dolphin , here's a quick and easy way to do it.


On FTP Client or File Directory, open Templates > Base > Scripts > BxBaseCaptchaReCAPTCHA.php


set the value of $_sProto to "https" and then change the value of $sInit & $sCode to "<div class=\"g-recaptcha\" data-sitekey=\"your-recaptcha-public-site-key\"></div>"


Hope this helps. Cheers!

Quote · 12 Apr 2018

I am not sure what this means. I found the file, but $sInit & $sCode -there are several of them what line are you referring too? 

Quote · 14 Apr 2018

first of all i got to say i bought two pro licenses for dolphin since 2007, and i regret it very much. bunch of armatures in charge that dont know how to run a biz. they treat it as a hobby not realizing that every so called improvement they make, should be released as a patch and not require a full upgrade since in custom sites thousands of dlrs has been invested that goes to waste. 


now the easy fix to the problem above, is to download d7.3.5, find the above stated file which is [Templates > Base > Scripts > BxBaseCaptchaReCAPTCHA.php], open it, copy it, then go back to your installed file, find the same file, open it, delet the text, and paste the new script from 7.3.5 . and save. it works.

you can use this method practically for every upgrade

and folks, that is how i deal with this piss of shit platform, that i am sorry i ever paid money for.

actually i am going to attach the file from 7.3.5 that you need to use; just copy and paste, and hell with the dolphin so called stupid ass tech support.


 * Copyright (c) BoonEx Pty Limited - http://www.boonex.com/
 * CC-BY License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/


 * reCAPTCHA representation.
 * @see BxDolCaptcha
class BxBaseCaptchaReCAPTCHA extends BxDolCaptcha
    protected $_bJsCssAdded = false;
    protected $_oTemplate;

    protected $_sSkin;
	protected $_sApiUrl;
	protected $_sVerifyUrl;
    protected $_sKeyPublic;
    protected $_sKeyPrivate;

    protected $_error = null;

    public function __construct ($aObject, $oTemplate)
        parent::__construct ($aObject, $oTemplate);

        if ($oTemplate)
            $this->_oTemplate = $oTemplate;
            $this->_oTemplate = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate'];

        $this->_sSkin = 'light';
        $this->_sApiUrl = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js';
        $this->_sVerifyUrl = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify';

        $this->_sKeyPublic = getParam('sys_recaptcha_key_public');
        $this->_sKeyPrivate = getParam('sys_recaptcha_key_private');

     * Display captcha.
    public function display ($bDynamicMode = false)
        $sCode = '';
        $aApiParams = array();
        if($bDynamicMode)  {
        	$sPostfix = $this->_sObject;
        	$sId = 'sys-captcha-' . $sPostfix;

        	$sOnLoadFunction = 'onLoadCallback' . $sPostfix;
        	$sOnLoadCode = "
	        	var " . $sOnLoadFunction . " = function() {
					grecaptcha.render('" . $sId . "', {
						'sitekey': '" . $this->_sKeyPublic . "',
						'theme': '" . $this->_sSkin . "'

        	$aApiParams = array(
        		'onload' => $sOnLoadFunction,
        		'render' => 'explicit'

        	$sCode .= $this->_oTemplate->_wrapInTagJsCode($sOnLoadCode);
        	$sCode .= '<div id="' . $sId . '"></div>';
        else {
        	$aApiParams = array(
        		'render' => 'onload'

        	$sCode .= '<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="' . $this->_sKeyPublic . '" data-theme="' . $this->_sSkin . '" style="max-width:200px;"></div>';

        $aApiParams['hl'] = getCurrentLangName(false);
        $sCodeJs = $this->_oTemplate->addJs(bx_append_url_params($this->_sApiUrl, $aApiParams), $bDynamicMode);

        return ($bDynamicMode ? $sCodeJs : '') . $sCode;

     * Check captcha.
    public function check ()
    	$mixedResponce = bx_file_get_contents($this->_sVerifyUrl, array(
    		'secret' => $this->_sKeyPrivate, 
    		'response' => process_pass_data(bx_get('g-recaptcha-response')),
    		'remoteip' => getVisitorIP()
    	if($mixedResponce === false)
    		return false;

    	$aResponce = json_decode($mixedResponce, true); 	
    	if(isset($aResponce['success']) && $aResponce['success'] === true)
    		return true;

			$this->_error = $aResponce['error-codes'];

		return false;

     * Return text entered by user
    public function getUserResponse ()
        return process_pass_data(bx_get('g-recaptcha-response'));

     * Check if captcha is available, like all API keys are specified.
    public function isAvailable ()
        return !empty($this->_sKeyPublic) && !empty($this->_sKeyPrivate);

/** @} */
Quote · 12 Jun 2018

and thats all folks. let me know if you agree

Quote · 12 Jun 2018

correction, i got three licenses, so got to go through this song and dance three times.

Quote · 12 Jun 2018

I've argued this before. Boonex uses Github which isn't user friendly to the average user. They often make changes there long before a release is made, but you have to know what you're doing to (a) find the stuff and (b) implement it.

I don't know, but I'm guessing the above patch was on Github long before we were given the update. I paid Anton for a module and the update was offered a week or two later.

I did a quick compare of the files in the last update and several modules had been updated with nothing more than a new serial number or date. Very few files were affected overall.

Of the 4,200 plus files in Dolphin, only 81 were changed in the new release, of those, 40 were nothing more than a date or serial number update.

of the 40 remaining, many would be very minor corretions, thus as you say, a lot of effort was put in to update the release and patch just for the captcha changes.

I would also love to see a section for patches, where Github changes can be supplied in real time when the developers are happy. This would allow users with an ounce of experience to fix something immediately. Better still, if the entire file with the corrected code was supplied, most people could replace it.

Database changes excepted. 

Quote · 13 Jun 2018


I have a strange problem with reCAPTCHA and Dolhin 7.3.5 (so with the BxBaseCaptchaReCAPTCHA.php file already updated exactly as with the code below)...

Guest users (unauthenticated) who use the form "join" or "contact us", very often have the problem that reCAPTCHA is not displayed and after few seconds appear the message "Could not connect to the reCAPTCHA service. Please check your internet connection and reload to get a reCAPTCHA challenge."


If instead from the same PC / browser the user logins and then for example goes on the form "contact us" the problem does not occur and the captcha appears normally.


I've also tried to disable the Validate domain name option at www.google.com/recaptcha/admin but without success.


Do you have any ideas?


Thank you.



Quote · 29 Jan 2019
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.