Question about removing breadcrumb menu


 I removed the breadcrumb navi menu from footer (evo template). But now there is a big empty space between content and bottom menu. Where the breadcrumb menu was before. So the bottom menu don't move up, it stays in the same distance to the content as before. But that big free space looks awful now.


I tested a little bit with removing other things from footer but the big free space is still there. Can anyone help with this please?

Quote · 11 May 2016

You need to tell us how you removed it.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 11 May 2016

In tmpl_evo/_sub_footer.html I removed breadcrumb block:

<div class="sys_breadcrumb sys_main_page_width bx-def-margin-top">
	       <div class="sys_bc_wrapper bx-def-margin-sec-leftright bx-def-round-corners bx-def-border clearfix">
	            <bx_injection:injection_breadcrumb_before />      
	            <bx_injection:injection_breadcrumb_after />

Now that is left in that file:

        		<bx_injection:injection_content_after />
                <div class="clear_both"></div>
		<bx_injection:banner_bottom />
		<!-- end of body -->
	<div class="sys_footer">
	    <bx_injection:injection_between_content_breadcrumb />
	    <bx_injection:injection_between_breadcrumb_bottom_menu />
		<div class="sys_copyright sys_main_page_width bx-def-margin-top">
	        <div class="sys_cr_wrapper bx-def-margin-sec-leftright bx-def-round-corners bx-def-border">
	            <div class="sys_cr bx-def-margin-leftright clearfix">
	                <bx_injection:injection_footer_before />
	        		<div class="bottomLinks bx-def-margin-sec-right">__bottom_links__</div>
	        		<div class="bottomCpr">__copyright__</div>
	        		<bx_injection:injection_footer_after />
	    <bx_injection:injection_between_bottom_menu_footer />
<bx_include_auto:_footer.html />
Quote · 11 May 2016

You can put the code back and try this suggestion by Dolphin_jay. It's a lot easier.


Yay,  I'm back!

Quote · 11 May 2016

That solution is the better one, yes, thanks!


And after:


div.sys_footer {
/*	position: absolute; */

	width: 100%;
	left: 0px;
	bottom: 0px;

/*  padding-bottom: 60px; */


its perfect now.

Quote · 11 May 2016
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