Hi everybody,
Does anybody else have experience when somebody posting questions about your product on the market in the review section without star rating instead of message system or forum?

There's no possibility to remove those 'reviews' and they are damaging my rating. Moreover, people can think that my product really have problems with installation or something.
I'm always trying to provide the best support for my clients to make them happy and get some points from good reviews.
Is it anyway to make those stars more visible or something so people will will see how it works and where to write?
http://boonexpert.com |
Looking at this review, you still have a 5 star rating on your product. Since the member(s) did not choose any stars, this has not affected the modules ratings. Now with that being said, if the member would have choose 1 star from each, it would have affected the module's overall rating.
Unfortunately only a Moderator or Administrator can remove/hide reviews. In this case, the member is asking a technical question, so when other potential buyers read this, They will know it has nothing to do with the module itself and will not have any effect on whether they purchase the module or not.
Nothing to see here |
You are not going to get rid of this scenario. It happens to every mod seller.
In cases like this you first try to solve the client issue via PM then afterward you utilize the Reply to state that the issue has been resolved and it was unrelated to mod functionality but in fact a client installation error etc. Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz |
Maybe if you created support threads for all your products, and put a link the threads in your listings, it would help. Then instruct people to ask questions there. Then... after you do that, people will still post questions where they are not supposed to, because half the people on this site do things without taking the time to consider how much sense they make. Some people are just plain stupid, and you'll never stop things like this. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Maybe if you created support threads for all your products, and put a link the threads in your listings, it would help. Then instruct people to ask questions there. Then... after you do that, people will still post questions where they are not supposed to, because half the people on this site do things without taking the time to consider how much sense they make. Some people are just plain stupid, and you'll never stop things like this.
I do that. It does not work. Most all of my market entries have a forum. Mentioned in the market entry itself, and there is icon to the forum at the top but people still do not use it.
Could be because starter accounts can make purchases in the market, but can't contact the author or use the forums. I don't know if they can actually post reviews or not.
Anyhow. Market still needs work. Reviews should not be used for asking questions, and a purchaser should be able to message the author regardless of account type.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Thank you guys for answers.
At least I'm happy that "no stars" rating will not make any damage to my rating. But sometimes some of buyers writing real reviews without stars or they are selecting just one star with positive review.
Some comment systems have nice feature that allows you to edit or delete your comment within certain time and shows countdown timer.
In cases like this you first try to solve the client issue via PM then afterward you utilize the Reply to state that the issue has been resolved and it was unrelated to mod functionality but in fact a client installation error etc.
I did. Client didn't gave me even website address to look at it. So problem was not solved actually. Well, it's not my problem, this mod works good for other people, but I want to let everybody who bought my products to use it successfully. But I understand what do you mean. Thank you for this idea.
http://boonexpert.com |