Quick Links and Menu

I'm trying to consolidate my top menu as I think it has too many options on it and is confusing.   Is there a way to remove an item from the top menu but leave it in the Quick Links?

Quote · 19 Apr 2010

I am interested in the same thing. Anyone have any ideas?

Quote · 15 Aug 2010

I have created a solution. I edited BxDolMenu to add  a new cache for quick links.  Then I made some changes to BxBaseMenuQlinks2 to use the new cache.  Finally, I edit the sys_menu_top table in the database, changing the field BQuickLink to 2 for anything I want in Quick Links.

This change makes Quick Links completely separate from the navigation bar. Using the Dolphin check box in the Navigation builder will no longer work with my solution.

Why did I use 2 instead of 1 for quick links? Because it looked like the BQuickLink field may be used by other code. I chose an approach that would not impact any other part of the system.

I am happy to send the files to anyone interested in this kind of solution. Maybe someone else will be interested in making an interface to set quick links so you don't have to go into the database.

Geri Winters (Jon's webmistress)

Quote · 16 Aug 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.