Hello I want my site to appear at http://www.lworld.com.au not http://lworld.com.au
My /home/lworld/public_html/inc/header.inc.php
$site['url'] = "http://lworld.com.au/";
$dir['root'] = "/home/lworld/public_html/";
I have asked my server support for this they said go to boonex/help
If I try to add a redirect to the .htaccess it loops
If I change
$site['url'] = "http://lworld.com.au/";
$site['url'] = "http://www.lworld.com.au/";
the bar down the bottom of the page for members accounts where the status email notification ect links are, doesn't work as either does alot of other things...
I would really appreciate help, its probably quite simple but I am unable to find the answers any where in the forum
PHP version 5.2.11
Thanks Jennifer