RC2 require site at www.mysite.com not mysite.com

Hello I want my site to appear at http://www.lworld.com.au not http://lworld.com.au

My   /home/lworld/public_html/inc/header.inc.php

$site['url']               = "http://lworld.com.au/";

$dir['root']               = "/home/lworld/public_html/";

I have asked my server support for this they said go to boonex/help

If I try to add a redirect to the .htaccess it loops

If I change

$site['url']               = "http://lworld.com.au/";


$site['url']               = "http://www.lworld.com.au/";

the bar down the bottom of the page for members accounts where the status email notification ect links are, doesn't work as either does alot of other things...

I would really appreciate help, its probably quite simple but I am unable to find the answers any where in the forum

PHP version 5.2.11

Thanks Jennifer

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL: jennifer.bogan@gmail.com
Quote · 9 Dec 2009

It because the way the site is registered on the internet. Even if you try to type in www.lworld.com.au, the browser automatically switches it to http://lworld.com.au


Nothing to see here
Quote · 9 Dec 2009

Hi Chris when I had Dolphin 6 there my site appeared at www.mysite.com.au and if I change the header.inc.php

$site['url']               = "http://lworld.com.au/";


$site['url']               = "http://www.lworld.com.au/";

I don't know what you mean about how its registered as when you buy a domain you don't buy the www just the name.com

Do you have a solution...

Thanks Jennifer

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL: jennifer.bogan@gmail.com
Quote · 9 Dec 2009

trying to do some research on it now, but it may have something to do with the .com and .au but not sure. will let you kow what I find out.

May just need to change it somewhere else too. :)


Nothing to see here
Quote · 9 Dec 2009

Yup that is right Chris I need to change it somewhere else lol that is the bit I can't figure out, its not to do with the .au is just something else in the header.inc.php perhaps the

$dir['root']               = "/home/lworld/public_html/";

but I tried a combination of things here, but get an error it can't read the header.inc.php

so yup its odd and driving me nuts...As I didn't have this problem with D6, so its something different about D7 that I'm unaware of..

I appreciate your help as I been researching for days to find a solution..Just can't even find a post about it.. It is the same as wanting it to be www.mysite.com not mysite.com

Thanks Jennifer

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL: jennifer.bogan@gmail.com
Quote · 9 Dec 2009

I understand. What I am seeing is though, if I type in my address bar www.lworld.com.au, it automatically switches and reconfigures the name of the address as lworld.com.au. Sam as if I try to type a www in front of my testing site www.testing.mycrazyspot.com it will automatically resolve to testing.mycrazyspot.com without the www.

By the way.. you domain is registered as lworld.com.au

Also, out of curiousidy, why are you trying to make it say www.lworld.com.au anyway since it will not display in a browser's address bar that way.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 9 Dec 2009

That's a good question Chris LOL and I don't have a good answer, so perhaps I should get some sleep and leave it as it is.... :P 6.17am still awake.......Thanks for the chat.....xx

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL: jennifer.bogan@gmail.com
Quote · 9 Dec 2009

What you need to do is called an HTACCESS REDIRECT

Here's how you can achieve this :

- 1st .. create with notepad or any simple text editor a file called htaccess.txt

- 2nd .. Paste the following code in it :

Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
rewritecond %{http_host} ^lworld.com.au [nc]
rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://www.lworld.com.au/$1 [r=301,nc]

- 3rd .. Upload your file to the ROOT of your website (where your index file is located)

- 4th .. rename the file .htaccess


Hope this helps.


Quote · 10 Dec 2009

Hi Ben I have done that before posting my first post, and as in my first post states when I tried the redirect in .htaccess it does a loop.

That is why support at my server said to come here to ask help as its in the dolphin settings.

Thanks for offering a solution..


Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL: jennifer.bogan@gmail.com
Quote · 10 Dec 2009


At 1st I didn't see the line where you mentionned .htaccess .. :/

Quote · 10 Dec 2009
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