I can't even express in words how stupid I think this is. Why on earth are people on that blog post giving it a "thumbs up" and saying "good job Boonex" - why? All I can think is that Boonex want's to do as much damage as possible to people trying to run their software. |
Agreed. Way to soon. Not even enough time to test.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
It is just stupid Deano - no other words to describe it. They said they release this because not enough bugs were reported for RC4 here. That is just beyond belief - it shows an incredible amount of disrespect of the people who have been helping them with all this testing for the past year. Did you see the blog post? Why on earth are all those people saying "good job Boonex"? |
Rob most of them are not real test something. They are update and going on. Thats my opinion. Kids first |
I just posted this on the blog - but has anyone looked at the bugs fixed with this yet? Here they are:
1649 - group forum posting problem - set to invalid 1650 - member menu bug - minor - fixed. 1653 - latin accentuated characters - set to invalid! 1656 - language key popup - fixed. 1654 - private photo request - minor non-critical feature added 1655 - Renew install.txt file. minor edits to install.txt file.
Two of these bugs were "fixed" by setting them to "invalid"! One is
simply some edits of a text file, and only one is even close to being
serious - and that only for people using translated versions. This
release is a MISTAKE! Something has gone wrong with the decision making
process at Boonex, and I can't see any reason to install this
"release". |
I so agree with you on this one Caltrade. This is so unprofessional of them and just shows you what type of developers they are to make so many stupid moves like this. Well for me they have tell March to give us something worth investing in or I am going to move on and take the money I was going to use with Dolphin and spend on another software. So what if it does not have all Dolphin has. At least it works!!! You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can help you heal, and relieve stress. |
Should not have been released, especially given the fact that recently only 1 person was posting bugs on trac and that one person was only posting minor issues that appeared at the top of the forum whenever he was logged on. None of the other issues that were scrolled to the second and third page made trac. |
another thing:
Take a look at Poseidon:
Estimated Release: March 2010
is planned to be the core engine for Dolphin 8.
At this speed we can get Dolphin 8 in 2012!
If we are lucky we can get 7.1 at half 2010....another time that boonex write a date and do not respect it...like almost all other betas and RCs...
Developers shouldn't be deciding if something is a bug or not - there should be a QA person. Clearly they are only taking on the "softball" easy bugs, and postponing the rest. You are absolutely correct - the only way to even hope to get a bug considered here is if it happens to be at the top of this list when they are online central Asia time. |
Developers shouldn't be deciding if something is a bug or not - there should be a QA person. Clearly they are only taking on the "softball" easy bugs, and postponing the rest. You are absolutely correct - the only way to even hope to get a bug considered here is if it happens to be at the top of this list when they are online central Asia time.
Damn! you have discovered my trick!
Where in Italy it's night I post in the 3d where I've reported bug not "TRACed", then when team open forum should see my post in first page and (not always) they look it and trac it!
So Caltrade don't tell this to other or dolphin devel stop because they don't find bugs! (here I'm kidding but above not...)
I was working on my own script at one point it time. But i put it off because of the amount of development time i had to put into it and financial problems.
Maybe i should look for funding to help keep me afloat and go back to work full time on my own script.
Maybe what boonex needs is some serious competition.
Yea. I saw the blog post and the number of issues pushed to the next release. Those next release issues they call enhancements, not bugs. https://www.deanbassett.com |
Well I hope I do not start any additional fires to this conversation but would like to put my two cents worth in. (takes a deep breath)....
First off, Let me say I agree..AND a bit on the middle of sides here.
Since the release of D7, there have been hundreds of tickets created to resolve issues. Also since the first release, I have heard so many people do the following:
- Complain about how long before "Final" is released.
- Complain about tickets not being created
- Complain about tickets not fixed or how long it takes to fix them
- Complain about how many beta versions
- Complain about how many RC versions
- I could go on all day with these...
Here is my opinion. And PLEASE take a moment to try and understand what I am about to say. I dont need any "hate" attacks.
Boonex does need to understand that we need time to test things. There have been about 14 versions of D7 released already. I understand that their goal is to get a "default" package working with as little bugs as possible. You must admit that we encounter alot (not all) problems whenever we alter the "default" package and start adding our own custom things we want to add. Now before you jump to conclusions, I understand we should be able to do some of these things without encountering some type of error. We should be able to make the site they way we want it right?
So we start adding things, inserting codes, altering database tables, and THEN....BAM something breaks when we try to do a simple task (like upgrade). No matter how many release of Betas, RCs, or even Finals, WE WILL BREAK IT SOMEHOW.
It seems to me that Boonex has found its level of enhancing/reconfiguring D7. Note the reason for all the 7.1 tickets. And unless something critical comes up for D7, I do not think you will see alot of tickets being "valid" for D7 any longer. They have to come to a stopping point that can be called a "final" so they can start focusing on a new version. And I think they have.
We also have to remember that just because it doesn't work for a 1 or 2 people, its not necessarily a bug. The more customizations you make, the more risk you are at breaking something.
I am not pointing a blame here on noone. I'm just trying to think outside the box a little. I personally don't care of how many RCs they release. I dont care if they release them every damn day (however I would like just the altered files whenever just a few things have been fixed). Just fix the real problems that we post about.
For all that wanted a Final D7 for Christmas just might get their wish by the looks of it. So what makes it a final anyway? Does Final mean they will NOT fix anything we find? So why not call if a Final right now if not? My point is, no matter what they do and how soon they do it, you cannot please everyone so what does it matter?
Nothing to see here |
The only thing with this... who take a look at all the things we are all say on the forum? Not even one answer of them, i only have answer how to resolve problem from zarcon, mydatery, mauricecano, prolaznik and other regular members... Six time i have posted issue regarding IP block and Time and date problem, i dont know number of time's i was wright to the boonex... nada... zip... nothing.... So i have to stand beside the angry one members...  |
I agree 100% with this Chris.
Yes we want a final, but what you say, if someone can tell me what a Final version is, i will believe it. But no script on the Net to day is a Final!!
You will have alway's critical or not crital bugs in a version buyed or free. :)
That are my two cents. Kids first |
just a thought why not post all the nice/positive things about RC5 in one place
so that boonex can read it all at one place and get a better idea of how well they did with this move/release of rc5
Chris I understand what you want to tell and I don't want to flame this 3d or do "hate" attacks..but.... everytime BoonEx say "we are really closest to final release"...
Every release thay tell this...
Now, this for me sounds like:
We are almost ready! At least 1 month and you'll get final release!
My god! I've to buy domain, hosting, license, download and install and all other things...I've to buy now domain and hosting, and at most in 1 month I'm out with my site....I'll be out asap
Ok this 1 month was many moths ago...
People spend money for this project...simply to have a non TRACed bug or non fixed because thay tell it's invalid or pushed to 7.1 and longer time of devel...take a look at 7.1 trac....I don't think all is enhancement...and some ticket request features that for some community software are very basic!
I've already used other dating script software that are very advanced with more feature and it's completely free...without ads and other!
Now....free and complete VS. with ads (or pay) and incomplete...
Chris -
I don't completely get your point. I don't see that many people "complaining" that D7 hasn't been released yet. A few maybe, but it really doesn't make a bit of difference what they call it. I also don't think "mods" are causing the bugs here- most people haven't had time to do any mods yet. Unless, that is, you consider "altering" the package doing things like adding new profile fields, or moving some blocks around in the page builder. I don't believe you have done much of this - there is really no excuse for a generic install to have ANY significant bugs at this point.
There are no more "valid" tickets for D7 because they have simply moved them to D7.1.. Someone on the blog said they did this with 120 of them! - and that is just the ones we have managed to get a Trac post for - as you should know, there are important issues we have never been able to get into trac. While I understand that people sometimes like to stake out a "middle ground" on every issue for some reason, you seem to be saying that we would all be "complaining" no matter what, and that this is just another routine bitching session. It isn't.
Hey Rob,
Maybe a should rephrase what I said a little for you and others. What I am saying is that Boonex is trying to create a "stopping point" for D7. This means no more re-developing the product to act a certain way. If they do not create a stopping point, we will continue the upgrade process until no more tickets are created at all, which will never happen. I know that ALOT of tickets we moved to 7.1, I have seen them. This just validates my "stopping point" theory.
As far as altering goes, you are correct, I have not done alot of that. Just a few minor things. But as everyone has their own concepts of websites (ex. dating, just social networking, fan clubs, adult, etc.), they take the default dolphin and make it do whatever fits to their concepts. This might consist of adding custom profile blocks, predefined values, language keys, templates, html blocks, code changes, etc.
However, when Boonex releases new verisons, updates or whatever you want to call them, they do not care what you have done to your site. The fixes apply to the default package, not to how me or you have reconstructed our sites to fit our own desires. With this being said, new releases are more than likely going to affect heavily altered sites more than other who have not altered as much. This is how you get problems (bugs) posted about something not working for one person but works fine for others.
As far as complaining goes, there will always be people complaining about something. Thats just human nature. Meaning, Boonex will NEVER create a product that is perfect for everyone no matter what. I know I am guilty of it as well as quite a few others on here.
I do think that if.. that is the case and Boonex wants to STOP all development on D7 and focus on D7.1, then they should say so. BUTT (msp on purpose) If they are deciding that, then fix the valid tickets for D7 before moving on to 7.1.
Hope that clears up what I was saying.
Nothing to see here |
Yes, it does. This was apparently a "political" release - two of the six bugs they said they fixed were simply "set to invalid", one was just some edits to a text file, and of the three left only one was remotely serious, and that only for non-English versions. Clearly they did this "release" for some reason we are not privy to.
I don't really agree that adding new profile field or moving profile blocks is "altering" the product - it is supposed to be designed for that, and I am actually surprised at how many people have generic installs. If you alter a file that is certainly a modification, but I don't see that as causing most of the problems here - the bugs are real.
Yes, there will always be people who "complain" but there will also always be people who defend Boonex no matter what boneheaded move they do. I learned that when I led the protest of their decision for a 1000 percent license fee increase. I was attacked viciously, and got more than 100 negative votes. As a result, Boonex gave out a bunch of promotional licenses to their members at the time, and about a month later quietly reduced their license fee to exactly what I had recommended in the first place. Boonex received effusive praise for this - deserved I think, but no one ever thanked me, even though it is necessary for someone to occasionally say "the emperor has no clothes".
That is all I am doing this time. This was a terrible way to start Christmas eve. I got the news with an instant message from member here, and my first and natural response was a four letter expletive that starts with "F". I am going to turn off my computer for a while and try to forget about this.
Merry Christmas everybody
Why so much talking about license fees when there is no workable product yet? This is very confusing for newcomers to Dolphin, they can obtain a license now and think when they pay the product works, does it?
I think Boonex has to come up with a version that is called stable release ASAP or otherwise there might be some legal problems, I hope not, but who knows in this turbulent time.
There are probably some out there to lay out traps.
If anyone wants a zip file that is 50KB in size, that will do the same upgrade as the 15MB RC5 download, let me know., and I'll post a download link with instructions My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
@ Rob, Im sure there is something up their sleeve, political or not. I do agree about your comments on altering Dolphin. But to prove my explanation regarding what they see as resolved, Notice how they always say "Try to reproduce on demozzz" or "Unable to duplicate on demozz".. Well they probably wont be able to. Its a "default" installation with no alterations at all.
@HoustonLively, Im sure alot of members would love that. I sure would have. But you might want to wait until tomorrow to do it for RC6 or Final...LMAO (sorry, had to do it)
No hard feelings at all here, just posting my opinion. BTW, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas :)
Nothing to see here |
If anyone wants a zip file that is 50KB in size, that will do the same upgrade as the 15MB RC5 download, let me know., and I'll post a download link with instructions
I upgraded already, but have a bug in forum - language compilation. But I think there are many out there who have not upgraded yet and who would appreciate. It took an hours to upload the unzipped files.
Have you checked on forum bug, seems as if most have this issue? If it works fine on your site I would like it.
RC4 to RC5 upgrade:
Download this zip file and upload to your sites root directory: http://houstonlively.com/uploads/rc4-rc5-update.zip
Download http://houstonlively.com/uploads/unzip.zip and unzip. Upload unzip.php to your sites root directory.
Go to url http://yoursite.com/unzip.php Select rc4-rc5 update.zip and click the unzip button. The update file will unzip and overwrite existing files.
Go to url http://yoursite.com/upgrade and follow directions. You won't have to re-enter your ray base settings, because this update method won't trash them like the boonex method does. This update only updates the changed files, about 13 of them, and leaves the other 4,987 files alone. In the last step, check all the file permissions.... the ones you changed in RC4 should still bve ok, but I think they added more to the permissions settings.
Disclaimer: If you don't feel comfortable using a non-Boonex supplied update, I'd suggest you don't use this. I just used it successfully on my own site, and it worked fine.... nevertheless, use it at your own risk. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
upgraded RC3->RC4-->RC5 RC5 upgrade went very well no errors what so ever |
I checked with your site and found that your forum doesn't work either. when I click on forum folder nothing happens.
[L[Forums]][L[Topics]][L[Latest Post]]
I checked with your site and found that your forum doesn't work either. when I click on forum folder nothing happens.
[L[Forums]][L[Topics]][L[Latest Post]]
forum works fine
@elc ..My forum works just fine. I compiled the language just for you. It would work even better if I actually added a forum. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
@elc ..My forum works just fine. I compiled the language just for you. It would work even better if I actually added a forum.
it works now but it wasn't when he posted :D
I love when things fix themselves. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |