RPX Live Join Animated Image

If your using the RPX live join module and would like to change it to an animated image to grab attention..

RPX Animated gif

Please back up all files b4 you edit. Download the attached animated gif image attachted to this post and upload to the images directory for the module..

i.e. modules/harvest/live_join/templates/base/images

  • for the Harvest Media version offered in the market

Navigate to your modules folder,


look for

<a href="https://open-social-login.rpxnow.com/openid/v2/signin?token_url=<?php echo $site['url']; ?>modules/harvest/live_join/member-rpx.php" onclick="return false;" class="rpxnow"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $site['url']; ?>modules/harvest/live_join/templates/base/images/login.png"></a>

and change to

<a href="https://open-social-login.rpxnow.com/openid/v2/signin?token_url=<?php echo $site['url']; ?>modules/harvest/live_join/member-rpx.php" onclick="return false;" class="rpxnow"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $site['url']; ?>modules/harvest/live_join/templates/base/images/login.gif"></a>

  • or if your using the free version of RPX module from the market

Navigate to your modules folder,


find this line

<img src="<bx_image_url:login.png />" alt="providers" />

change to

<img src="<bx_image_url:login.gif />" alt="providers" />

clear cache..

login.gif · 84.9K · 370 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 5 Mar 2011

It's not quite as fancy as your animated one, but here's one I did for dark page backgrounds:



My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 5 Mar 2011

HL, that is sexy!

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 5 Mar 2011

If anyone wants to use that, just right click on the image and save.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 6 Mar 2011

where are you HL?

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 8 Oct 2011

We're not sure. We haven't seen him in a while. Some would say he finally gave up on Dolphin. I for one, really don't blame him. If he did, I would suspect he found something better

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
Quote · 8 Oct 2011


We're not sure. We haven't seen him in a while. Some would say he finally gave up on Dolphin. I for one, really don't blame him. If he did, I would suspect he found something better

 I know he is very pissed about the bugs and jump to 8..

His original site is still up and running D7; and I'm not talking about assatlas.com, which is gone.

He was a lot of help.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 8 Oct 2011

He's not the only one....

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
Quote · 8 Oct 2011

I noticed the help page for this mod hasn't been updated in like a year - too bad, this was needed. 

There is a problem with RPX though - if your site got popular, it could get pricy, and who wants to have to pay for each new user they get?

I really wish someone would do this for Google.  Maybe Twitter and Linkedin also.



Quote · 8 Oct 2011


I noticed the help page for this mod hasn't been updated in like a year - too bad, this was needed. 

There is a problem with RPX though - if your site got popular, it could get pricy, and who wants to have to pay for each new user they get?

I really wish someone would do this for Google.  Maybe Twitter and Linkedin also.



 true on the module. Janrain allows I think it's 2500 logins a year for free, for most sites its fine.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 8 Oct 2011

2500 logins?  Not 2500 members?  That is even less than I thought - almost everyone here wants their site to be bigger than that.   As anyone done a Google login mod by the way?

Quote · 9 Oct 2011

can any one help me with Live join , which needs to be fixed. martinboi doesnt respond to my requests.

Quote · 9 Dec 2011


can any one help me with Live join , which needs to be fixed. martinboi doesnt respond to my requests.

 perhaps use the free one until he responds to your URL change

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 10 Dec 2011

I responded :) 

Quote · 10 Dec 2011

 Wow, I was totally unaware of this, so naive of me.

I wanted to use this mod on my site, and am not sure how this thing works. I need it for FB, Twitter and LinkedIn.

What about the one that comes with Dolphin? How is that? Free to use or does it too have limited Logins.

Then there is one by Modules2Buy in the market place called Social Connect, it seems pretty good too, i do not think it uses Jainrain, I think you have to apply for your own codes with FB, Twitter etc.

Can anyone help me with this please. It would be appreciated, as we are right now setting up the splash page.

2500 logins?  Not 2500 members?  That is even less than I thought - almost everyone here wants their site to be bigger than that.   As anyone done a Google login mod by the way?


Quote · 14 Dec 2011


 Wow, I was totally unaware of this, so naive of me.

I wanted to use this mod on my site, and am not sure how this thing works. I need it for FB, Twitter and LinkedIn.

What about the one that comes with Dolphin? How is that? Free to use or does it too have limited Logins.

Then there is one by Modules2Buy in the market place called Social Connect, it seems pretty good too, i do not think it uses Jainrain, I think you have to apply for your own codes with FB, Twitter etc.

Can anyone help me with this please. It would be appreciated, as we are right now setting up the splash page.

2500 logins?  Not 2500 members?  That is even less than I thought - almost everyone here wants their site to be bigger than that.   As anyone done a Google login mod by the way?


 2500 users a year, free.. pricing schedule here http://www.janrain.com/products/engage/pricing

for a start up site this works perfect as you can easily upgrade as needed.

The free RPX module in our market is configurable for up to "six" clients, you pick the ones you want to use.

Use the default Facebook module and six others with RPX giving you a total of seven social connect options.

 you have up to 20 choices for social logins http://www.janrain.com/products/engage/social-login

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 14 Dec 2011

Thanks so much. How do I setup the one that comes free with dolphin, I can start with 6 free ones, then always upgrade if required.



 Wow, I was totally unaware of this, so naive of me.

I wanted to use this mod on my site, and am not sure how this thing works. I need it for FB, Twitter and LinkedIn.

What about the one that comes with Dolphin? How is that? Free to use or does it too have limited Logins.

Then there is one by Modules2Buy in the market place called Social Connect, it seems pretty good too, i do not think it uses Jainrain, I think you have to apply for your own codes with FB, Twitter etc.

Can anyone help me with this please. It would be appreciated, as we are right now setting up the splash page.

2500 logins?  Not 2500 members?  That is even less than I thought - almost everyone here wants their site to be bigger than that.   As anyone done a Google login mod by the way?


 2500 users a year, free.. pricing schedule here http://www.janrain.com/products/engage/pricing

for a start up site this works perfect as you can easily upgrade as needed.

The free RPX module in our market is configurable for up to "six" clients, you pick the ones you want to use.

Use the default Facebook module and six others with RPX giving you a total of seven social connect options.

 you have up to 20 choices for social logins http://www.janrain.com/products/engage/social-login


Quote · 14 Dec 2011

This is an image of how to install from your Janrain account page


Try these topics,




Thanks so much. How do I setup the one that comes free with dolphin, I can start with 6 free ones, then always upgrade if required.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 14 Dec 2011

You said we can install 6 of them from Dolphin, I was only able to find one in the admin section, which is FB. How do you get to the others?

Quote · 14 Dec 2011

Just realized this image was missing from my server. It really draws the attention to the first time visitors.

If your using the RPX live join module and would like to change it to an animated image to grab attention..

RPX Animated gif

Please back up all files b4 you edit. Download the attached animated gif image attachted to this post and upload to the images directory for the module..

i.e. modules/harvest/live_join/templates/base/images

  • for the Harvest Media version offered in the market

Navigate to your modules folder,


look for

<a href="https://open-social-login.rpxnow.com/openid/v2/signin?token_url=<?php echo $site['url']; ?>modules/harvest/live_join/member-rpx.php" onclick="return false;" class="rpxnow"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $site['url']; ?>modules/harvest/live_join/templates/base/images/login.png"></a>

and change to

<a href="https://open-social-login.rpxnow.com/openid/v2/signin?token_url=<?php echo $site['url']; ?>modules/harvest/live_join/member-rpx.php" onclick="return false;" class="rpxnow"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $site['url']; ?>modules/harvest/live_join/templates/base/images/login.gif"></a>

  • or if your using the free version of RPX module from the market

Navigate to your modules folder,


find this line

<img src="<bx_image_url:login.png />" alt="providers" />

change to

<img src="<bx_image_url:login.gif />" alt="providers" />

clear cache..


ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 29 Aug 2012

And I did find the image..

login.gif · 84.9K · 618 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 18 Dec 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.