now you can show public photos/videos & sounds randomly on your homepage

will post it in the market cant do it here since this f. forum strips out just about everything http://www.boonex.com/unity/extensions/entry/Random_Photos_Videos_Audio
Thank you, thank you.
This will add a nice touch to my web sites.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Does this mod work in
7.0.3 ?
I tried it in D7.0.3 and it did NOT work, maybe we have to wait a bit for mod developers catch up with D.7.0.3 You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can help you heal, and relieve stress. |
i tried in my 7.03
and it worked
but i just wanted a small change
i want "random" pictures to be the default way to view the photos
and no t the "latest"
any idea how to change this
to have random as default selection (mod must be already installed) edit "BxBaseSearchResult.php"
around line 289 find
'sorting' => 'last',
and just a bit below find
$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = $aCustom['sorting'];
change to
//'sorting' => 'last',//
//$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = $aCustom['sorting'];//
NOTE IT'S FOR 7.0.2 it should be the same for 7.0.3 if not let me know and ill find out |
Big thanks prolaznik
that just worked fine 100% in 7.0.3
is there a way to make this mod for public albuns too?
is there a way to make this mod for public albuns too?
the photo block on home page ?.. is should work by default make sure to empty the junk folder now in 7.0.3 the blocks are cached
Thanks a lot.... it worked fr my 7.0.3 site too..... https://www.facebook.com/4thmolar |
to have random as default selection (mod must be already installed) edit "BxBaseSearchResult.php"
around line 289 find
'sorting' => 'last',
and just a bit below find
$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = $aCustom['sorting'];
change to
//'sorting' => 'last',//
//$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = $aCustom['sorting'];//
NOTE IT'S FOR 7.0.2 it should be the same for 7.0.3 if not let me know and ill find out
Works perfect in 7.0.2, thanks.
im using trunk trunk-14618
i installed the mod
it works in main page but random i not the default
it keeps showing newest first
i went do admin
im photo configs and there is a place to choose
witch to use as defailt, but there is only top and newest
can anybody see if this trunk is diferent from 703
im using trunk trunk-14618
i installed the mod
it works in main page but random i not the default
it keeps showing newest first
i went do admin
im photo configs and there is a place to choose
witch to use as defailt, but there is only top and newest
can anybody see if this trunk is diferent from 703
did you edit BxBaseSearchResult.php as shown few post above.
to have random as default selection (mod must be already installed) edit "BxBaseSearchResult.php"
around line 289 find
'sorting' => 'last',
and just a bit below find
$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = $aCustom['sorting'];
change to
//'sorting' => 'last',//
//$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = $aCustom['sorting'];//
NOTE IT'S FOR 7.0.2 it should be the same for 7.0.3 if not let me know and ill find out
Works perfect in 7.0.2, thanks.
sorry my fault
tjis works just fine
thanks prolaznik
for your quick answer
Working good on 7.0.4. too
https://www.facebook.com/4thmolar |
On the home (index) page public photos and public video does not show random it shows latest but if i click on home photos or videos it show random strange, I am using 7.0.4 i did all the steps mentioned up on this page.
the random avatars worked great
It works great on 7.0.4 it has been fixed forgot to change :)
//'sorting' => 'last',//
//$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = $aCustom['sorting'];//
This is working fine, the only problem is that it displays photos in random order not only on index page but also in the Photos Module in Administration, so it makes it difficult to manage photo moderation as it is not showing latest ones, can this be solved?
Has anyone had any luck installing this mod on 7.0.6? so far I have tried all of the fixes for 7.0.4 and below. |
Dolphin 7.0.6 random not working! (Fix)
I dont know if during the install I might have overlooked something, but my random members option was not working. I followed the install and upgrade instructions to the "T". the prob was that it would bring up all of the members without avatars first and the random tab was not selected.
I found that if you find this code at line 328:
if (empty($_GET[$sBlockName . 'Mode'])) {
$sMode = 'last';
and replace 'last' with 'rand'
it will rotate the members with avatars only (just like the older versions).
This is a must have MOD for those who want a professional looking community. keep up the great work 'prolaznik'
Dolphin 7.0.6 random not working! (Fix)
I dont know if during the install I might have overlooked something, but my random members option was not working. I followed the install and upgrade instructions to the "T". the prob was that it would bring up all of the members without avatars first and the random tab was not selected.
I found that if you find this code at line 328:
if (empty($_GET[$sBlockName . 'Mode'])) {
$sMode = 'last';
and replace 'last' with 'rand'
it will rotate the members with avatars only (just like the older versions).
This is a must have MOD for those who want a professional looking community. keep up the great work 'prolaznik'
thank you. but your reply goes here http://www.boonex.com/forums/#topic/Random-members-Online-.htm
Works fine in 7.0.5
It gives our sites the impression of being more ALIVE!!
Thanks prolaznik
Hey, the mode is not fully working in 7.0.6. I followed all the instructions in the text file. But "Random" is not the default selection. It still defaults to latest even after following this:
Now let's make the random option the default selection
files to edit:
around line 224 find this code
function clearFilters ($aPassParams = array(), $aPassJoins = array()) {
//clear sorting
$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'last';
change to
function clearFilters ($aPassParams = array(), $aPassJoins = array()) {
//clear sorting
$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'rand'; Free the Dolphin... |
Yeah, I think I remember it now working when I installed on on 7.0.6 also - tweeked around with it till I got it working, but forgot what I did - so all I can do is verify. Please post the fix when you get it so we can document. |
3 places to edit
line 235
$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'last'; change to $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'rand';
line 299 'sorting' => 'last', change to 'sorting' => 'rand',
and then line 310
$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = $aCustom['sorting']; change to //$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = $aCustom['sorting'];//
3 places to edit
line 235
$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'last'; change to $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'rand';
line 299 'sorting' => 'last', change to 'sorting' => 'rand',
and then line 310
$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = $aCustom['sorting']; change to //$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = $aCustom['sorting'];//
Thanks it worked.
Free the Dolphin... |
oh no, the link to download the mod is broken....has the mod been taken down? :( |
does any body has this mood? I realy need it
I wonder if there is a way to Randomize the TAGS block. I hate how it's Alphabetical. |
Has anyone noticed that the links at the top of the block only display p
It used to show "Last, Popular, Top" etc..
Can I get it back & still use this mod?
Has anyone noticed that the links at the top of the block only display p
It used to show "Last, Popular, Top" etc..
Can I get it back & still use this mod?
unmodified dolphin version never did show those options only latest and top.maybe i am wrong.
where i can find this mod? i wanna test it but the link is not valid anymore... :( Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81 |
where i can find this mod? i wanna test it but the link is not valid anymore... :(
============================================================================================== Random Photos/Video/Sound on home page by Prolaznik ==============================================================================================
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Step one: let's add the random function files to edit: /templates/base/scripts/BxBaseSearchResultSharedMedia.php around line 239 find this code
function getTopMenu ($aExclude = array()) { $aDBTopMenu = array(); $aLinkAddon = $this->getLinkAddByPrams($aExclude); foreach (array( 'last', 'top') as $sMyMode) { switch ($sMyMode) { case 'last': $sModeTitle = '_Latest'; break; case 'top': $sModeTitle = '_Top'; break; }
change to
function getTopMenu ($aExclude = array()) { $aDBTopMenu = array(); $aLinkAddon = $this->getLinkAddByPrams($aExclude); foreach (array( 'last', 'rand', 'top') as $sMyMode) { switch ($sMyMode) { case 'last': $sModeTitle = '_Latest'; break; case 'rand': $sModeTitle = '_Random'; break; case 'top': $sModeTitle = '_Top'; break; }
Now let's make the random option the default selection files to edit: /templates/base/scripts/BxBaseSearchResult.php around line 224 find this code
function clearFilters ($aPassParams = array(), $aPassJoins = array()) { //clear sorting $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'last';
change to
function clearFilters ($aPassParams = array(), $aPassJoins = array()) { //clear sorting $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'rand';
NOTE if it's not around line 224 try to find it around line 290 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prolaznik prolaznik@Net-Zabava.com http://Net-Zabava.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81 |
I think there is some updates for 7.0.9
be careful read the topic carefuly
where to download the mod?
for dolphin 7.0.9
https://www.facebook.com/4thmolar |
It is working with 7.1, but it is not setting random as default in the home page. Any fix for that? Got it work by disabling
$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = $aCustom['sorting']; onlyheavymetal.com |
Cheers!! =)
where i can find this mod? i wanna test it but the link is not valid anymore... :(
============================================================================================== Random Photos/Video/Sound on home page by Prolaznik ==============================================================================================
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Step one: let's add the random function files to edit: /templates/base/scripts/BxBaseSearchResultSharedMedia.php around line 239 find this code
function getTopMenu ($aExclude = array()) { $aDBTopMenu = array(); $aLinkAddon = $this->getLinkAddByPrams($aExclude); foreach (array( 'last', 'top') as $sMyMode) { switch ($sMyMode) { case 'last': $sModeTitle = '_Latest'; break; case 'top': $sModeTitle = '_Top'; break; }
change to
function getTopMenu ($aExclude = array()) { $aDBTopMenu = array(); $aLinkAddon = $this->getLinkAddByPrams($aExclude); foreach (array( 'last', 'rand', 'top') as $sMyMode) { switch ($sMyMode) { case 'last': $sModeTitle = '_Latest'; break; case 'rand': $sModeTitle = '_Random'; break; case 'top': $sModeTitle = '_Top'; break; }
Now let's make the random option the default selection files to edit: /templates/base/scripts/BxBaseSearchResult.php around line 224 find this code
function clearFilters ($aPassParams = array(), $aPassJoins = array()) { //clear sorting $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'last';
change to
function clearFilters ($aPassParams = array(), $aPassJoins = array()) { //clear sorting $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'rand';
NOTE if it's not around line 224 try to find it around line 290 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prolaznik prolaznik@Net-Zabava.com http://Net-Zabava.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~