Hi - Sorry about posting this to the Dolphin 6.1 forum - guess I forgot there were other sections :-P
I love Ray Desktop as a possibility for my members.
I have ver 3.5 functioning now.
However ...
is no Instant Messaging icon. Only a 'video' icon that seems to be
meant to show uploaded members videos (or ProfileVideos??). And a 'Send
Email' icon.
On this page
it says -
'to invite somebody for a
private talk'
which implies that there should be an Instant Messaging feature.
Also on that page it says -
'Ray Desktop easily runs Ray Video Chat and Ray Video Messenger within itself'
So where is this functionality?
Or is there something wrong with my installation?
Thanks Dan V
Dont tell me this is yet another feature that was removed in version 3.5 ?
Surely not.
This has to be THE most important function of the Desktop app...
to be able to message members who are online... no??
Dan V
There must be a simple answer to this. Does anyone have IM icons in their Ray Desktop installation?
Dan V
In 'Presence' when you have online members, you have the option to IM them.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Hi Stuart - yes I know IM is available in Presence but it should be there in the Desktop app too.
Dan V
Okay I guess no one wants to tell me that there is no Instant Messaging function in Ray desktop - even though it says in the online advertisment that 'Ray Desktop easily runs Ray Video Chat and Ray Video Messenger within itself'.
Dan V
Okay more time has gone by ..... Please Boonex answer this. Is there an instant messenger function in Ray 3.5 Desktop or not? If not please change the wording of your advertisment. If yes - then where is it?
Dan V
This post is starting to feel very neglected despite Stuarts visit. Its begining to feel that no one really cares about Ray IM.  |
Nothing new on this yet I see. I have the same issue. I have created the desktop downloadable and IM used to work. then it just stopped showing an icon to initiate an im with an online person in users list, so I created a new desktop downloadable and that seems to be working fine, except it too doesn't show the IM icon.
Something oddball changed but I can't see what.
Sammy had some posts about using Flash 10 being incompatible with the plugins controls in ACP, that we should only use flash 9 when accessing the Ray apps. That's the only bug I've heard of so far. Anyone else?
Yah I havent touched flash 10 yet. Come on Boonex answer this one please.
I am encouraged by finding I am not the only one with this problem.
Dan V
Bump - hey Boonex what gives? WHy wont anyone answer this perfectly reasonable question??????????????? |
Hey Andrey and anyone else from Boonex - Im going to keep bumping this till you at least tell me "duh, I dunno, I thought it worked" - or something like that 
D. V.
Thanks Sammie but Ive never installed flashplayer 10 because I saw the problems people were having.
This issue existed before they even released flashplayer 10.
The Boonex site advertising Ray strongly implies that the desktop integrated Instant Messaging.
Yet myself and at least one other say that the function is not showing in our desktop installation.
So ... Im just trying to find out... is this because Ray Desktop actually does NOT have IM?
Or is there something wrong with my installation??
( I can see who is online and yes I can then go to the Members online page an IM them from there. But its messy to explain that to everyone. It would be so nice to see someone appear online in desktop and just click to IM them, and thats what it seems to be designed to do , but the control to do it is not showing ).
Why cant I get an answer to this question??
I don't know, I can't wait for Dolphin 7 to come out in the hope that some of the issues that are now bugging the heck out of me will be solved.
My instant messenger never worked. I do have my presence, I did make the downloadable IM, everything is fine except that... IM launched from My presence never works. It's stuck on "loading" indefinitely. All the attempts to find a solution or to contact Boonex on this one were in vain.
I got my IM to work after it was stuck in loading for a few weeks.
In the main ray settings I de selected us rms and now my IM works great. Of course there is no av chat but I dont want it right now anyways and when I do will be either setting mine own ip a VPS or paying for one of the proven RMS providers here in unity!!
Now as for the Desktop I am just now trying to install it.
Well see, the issue is that I DO have A/V chat, so I cannot de-select it. Somehow they seem to not be compatible. |