Ray media section

We removed the video section to our site. I found the Ray video section to be not up to speed and a server hog. as it loads the video as 2 different types of files,,, MPEG & FLV.. so that means that 1 ten MB video takes up more then 20 MB on the server.

Also as I posted  questions here before but they seem never to be answered.

I have to say that everything with this script BUT the Ray system is great the RMS question is still got me hanging. I saw the posts on RMS and is seems to be one of the bigest hang ups.

My site is www.livevideo-tv.com for this script... so we will use our www.ontheairtv.com site for videos.

I also feel it was not nesserey to include advertizing in the player and the embeded player. I understand that there is a product to sell and the hard work in providing a free product... but sometimes the ads are overkill.

In closing I feel over this is a great script.. but the Ray media section leaves a lot to be desired.

Quote · 14 Jan 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
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