Receiving Invalid Parameters error - flash apps

On a site I just installed I am receiving an error that says Invalid Parameters when I click on Modules>Flash Apps to set up the live video settings. This is on a server that has always worked fine for video chat. I checked a site that I installed a few weeks ago and am now getting the same error, this site worked fine when I installed it. I then checked a site that has had video chat working for a few years and now it gives the same error. I also checked a new installation on another server and get the same error. Why would several sites on two different servers all stop working at the same time? What can I do to fix it?



Quote · 14 Aug 2015

Strangely enough, the video still works on the sites that have had it set up on before this Invalid Parameter thing started so there is no real need to go into the Flash Apps for those sites but a new site I just installed does not have video set up so I cannot get in to set it up.

Any ideas?

Quote · 14 Aug 2015

I installed dolphin 7.1.6 again today and am still receiving the Invalid Parameters error when I go to Administration>Modules>Flash Apps. I need to get into Flash Apps to config video. I am getting this error with sites on different servers and with different computers, however I have found that the problem is with Firefox. I can get in with IE. 

Has anyone else had this problem? Since I can get in using IE it is not a problem for me but it may be a problem for other people if they try it using Firefox.



Quote · 16 Aug 2015

having exactly the same problem but it doesn't seem to be affecting the upload or view of video files, still able to work the site and all upload options work fine.

I've tried access flash apps on the site in a number of different browsers and still getting the same message "Invalid parameters"

had loads of problems with uploading large video and sound files to Hostforweb but have had no problems since changing host to HostUpon


It ain't easy being this stupid all of the time
Quote · 17 Aug 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.