Can someone pls tell me how i remove this off their page .
Thank you Inadvance
Can someone pls tell me how i remove this off their page . Thank you Inadvance |
Easy enough, go to your admin, builders, navigation menu (or /administration/nav_menu_compose.php) and go over until you find the pink/red top menu "Dashboard". you just remove the menu item
However, you have to provide your members with some means to remove their account. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Thank you GG . It should be ok for me to leave a notice if they want to leave they can contact me. As i would like to know they leave? So i can fix or improve the problem? |
Can you tell me what cart and payments are there for? As my site is free Also spy personal? dont know if i need them either. Thank you |
If you'd rather track when and how a member is deleted, Deano has an excellent mod for this:
Payment and Cart are there if the Payment module is installed, and is used in default Dolphin for custom (paid) membership levels via the Memberships module and the Store module. Spy is a log of activity around the site, so members can see what others are up to, e.g., if a member has uploaded a video, joined, etc. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
In addition, there are two modules that will give members a short survey when they try to leave so you can track exactly what members are uncomfortable with. They are : Unregister Quiz by AntonLV - this tracks members leaving the site and provide feedback. Member Tracker by Modzzz - this tracks members leaving the site and provide feedback. In addition, it tracks members joining the site so you can see where they are coming from. Plus it allows you to send promotional offers to person who have left as incentive for them to join back. Paypal email is - |