Reset Admin Password D7

how can I reset my admin password in D7 through phpmyadmin?   I looked at profiles and tried to switch a new user to "role 3" but that didnt work any ideas?

Quote · 31 Dec 2009

finally figured it out, stupid really, just ad 3 to the role of that person in phpmyadmin then go to ftp and clear "cache" folder

Quote · 31 Dec 2009

For Dolphin 7 Admin password reset.


I found out if you log in the site as member one and use forgot password it will allow you to reset it. Just know the email you registered as member one.

Quote · 4 Jan 2010

For Dolphin 7 Admin password reset.

I found out if you log in the site as member one and use forgot password it will allow you to reset it. Just know the email you registered as member one.

you can just as you state login from the front end, tell it you forgot your password, provide the email address that you have as registered as admin as part of the setup and installation. you will be sent a temp password that you will use to login from the front end of the site, which will provide you with the admin control panel on the floating toolbar.

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 4 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.