Have you forgotten your admin password? Use this to reset it. It resets the first admin that was setup when dolphin was installed which normally gets assigned ID 1.
In phpMyAdmin run the following MySQL queries.
UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Salt` = CONV(FLOOR(RAND()*99999999999999), 10, 36) WHERE `ID`='1';
UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Password` = SHA1(CONCAT(md5('New Admin Password'), `Salt`)) WHERE `ID`='1';
Now Delete user1.php from the cache folder on the server. (This step is important.)
You can also use this to reset other users passwords as well as long as you know the ID. Just change the number 1 in the above instructions to the ID of the member your resetting the password of.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
I wish I would have seen this earlier. Thanks deano! |
I've just tried this and it's not worked for me, I'm not sure why. None of my passwords are working - that includes the test user accounts I set up.
I had just installed the Profile Types Splitter Basic module, and was using that to set up my new profile types. I noticed that I couldn't move around the blocks in the profile builder so I tried to log out and back in again, see if it was a browser issue. But I pasted my password back in, and it wouldn't work. I've also noticed my Captcha graphics aren't showing, so I think I've probably screwed up one of the files while installing the PTSB module.
Of course, without the working Captcha, I can't even use an email reset.
Just when I thought I'd be making good progress tonight... :(
This is intended to reset a forgotten password.
If none of the passwords for any account are working then this or a reset via email request will not work. Passwords not working globally indicates a more serious problem then just simply resetting it.
Post a new topic in the D7 forum for help.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Well, just another hint from me :-)
Strange thing happened to me, that admin pw did not work anymore ...
Followed THIS instruction and it did not work. I removed ALL *.php files from cache directory and THEN it worked again.
Removing User1.php did not solve my problem
how do i make an additional admin and password that can log in to my admin panel? each admin can have their own password that gets them in right? |
how do i make an additional admin and password that can log in to my admin panel? each admin can have their own password that gets them in right?
I would take a look at the link for Deano's modules and find the Deano's Tools . This module can make any member and Administrator with the click of a button. So you could create another account, then use this module to make it an admin account.
Nothing to see here |
Tried this and have one observation/question:
How many characters should the generated salt value contain?
Salt values in the Profiles table generated by Dolphin contain 8 characters, and consist of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation (e.g., BNsr!5Ma), while the ones generated using the SQL provided contain 9 characters and consist only of uppercase letters and numbers (no lowercase letters or punctuation) (e.g., CH8FPA8VR).
Am I doing something incorrectly?
Also, does anyone know which source file contains this code?
Thanks in advance!
This code was extracted from the migration module in modules\boonex\data_migration\classes\BxDataMigrationProfiles.php and was designed to be used in a SQL query.
The salt length does not really matter. It cannot exceed 10 as that is the max length of the database field.
The difference is this one is generated using MYSQL functions. The one dolphin uses to generate the salt is a PHP function so a php script would need to be written to use that one located in inc/utils.inc
So how the salt looks would depend on which method was used.
If you had migrated from D6 to D7 then the mysql version would have been used for the conversion of the database and all of the salts would look like the one you generated.
But it makes no difference. The salt is mearly tacked onto the end of a MD5 hash prior to making that into a SAH1 hash. The mix of letters or symbols will not make it any harder to break the SAH1 hash.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Deano - You just saved me from having a small coronary; it worked perfectly, thanks for the tip! |
If after resetting the password as described above and you still cannot log in then try clearing your entire cache instead of just the one file mentioned.
If that still does not work and other members also cannot logon, then try re-uploading an unmodified copy of member.php for your version of dolphin to your server.
I have determined a damaged or improperly modified member.php script can cause passwords to be rejected.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Thanks for this but please highlight and make this text HUGE... I nearly went out of my mind until I read this:
Now Delete user1.php from the cache folder on the server. (This step is important.)
Sorry. I cannot edit the post. It is to old.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
This one worked for me in Dolphin 7.0.7. The one where you just edit the admin pword in the admin and profile tables didn't. Great little trick!
Have you forgotten your admin password? Use this to reset it. It resets the first admin that was setup when dolphin was installed which normally gets assigned ID 1.
In phpMyAdmin run the following MySQL queries.
UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Salt` = CONV(FLOOR(RAND()*99999999999999), 10, 36) WHERE `ID`='1';
UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Password` = SHA1(CONCAT(md5('New Admin Password'), `Salt`)) WHERE `ID`='1';
Now Delete user1.php from the cache folder on the server. (This step is important.)
You can also use this to reset other users passwords as well as long as you know the ID. Just change the number 1 in the above instructions to the ID of the member your resetting the password of.
Hey Deano,
I wasn't able to message you because I have the free account right now until I get paid again but I was wanting to talk to you about your facebook connect module. I'm building a site with a professor and another student for our research project to see the affects social media has on personal, national, and international relationships and was hoping you would let us use your module... My email is mwood9@students.fairmonstate.edu -
Your's Truly,
Mitchell Wood
None of this is working for me and I'm about to go crazy trying to log into my admin area.
When I run the MySQL query I get this:
SQL query:
UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Salt` = CONV( FLOOR( RAND( ) *99999999999999 ) , 10, 36 ) WHERE `ID` = '1';
MySQL said: 
#1109 - Unknown table 'Profiles' in information_schema
I just started this site yesterday and I have not been able to log into my admin area even once.
Can someone PLEASE help?
----Okay, I am no longer getting the error. I was doing the query on the wrong place instead of the www file where I put it.
But, it is still not working and I can not log into my admin area to even begin building my site.
What method works for resetting the user name and password in D 7.1. Mine just stopped working.
This works with 7.1 as well.
NOTE: This method is for resetting a password that has been forgotten. If there is a damaged file, IP block or other reason preventing the password from working then this is not going to magically fix it.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Ok, thanks Deano. I am working on it....I may contact you for help...HAHAHAHA
Hi I tried as suggested and ued my own created password on New Admin Password
but i am not able to login
Please help
In phpMyAdmin run the following MySQL queries.
UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Salt` = CONV(FLOOR(RAND()*99999999999999), 10, 36) WHERE `ID`='1';
UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Password` = SHA1(CONCAT(md5('New Admin Password'), `Salt`)) WHERE `ID`='1';
Now Delete user1.php from the cache folder on the server. (This step is important.)
You can also use this to reset other users passwords as well as long as you know the ID. Just change the number 1 in the above instructions to the ID of the member your resetting the password of.
Hi I tried as suggested and ued my own created password on New Admin Password
but i am not able to login
Please help
In phpMyAdmin run the following MySQL queries.
UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Salt` = CONV(FLOOR(RAND()*99999999999999), 10, 36) WHERE `ID`='1';
UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Password` = SHA1(CONCAT(md5('New Admin Password'), `Salt`)) WHERE `ID`='1';
Now Delete user1.php from the cache folder on the server. (This step is important.)
You can also use this to reset other users passwords as well as long as you know the ID. Just change the number 1 in the above instructions to the ID of the member your resetting the password of.
Did you clear the cache?
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Hello guys,
I didn't read whole topic, but the main question was about resetting admin password, right?
I'd like to remind you, that an admin is always a member (in dolphin), it means that you can use forgot.php page to reset his password. Of course, it works only in case if admin pointed his email.
Thus, before you use it, make sure that your admin has email. Once you have installed your dolphin, do not be lazy - update profile info of your admin (pedit.php).
This is my 2 cents regarding this issue :-)
Made a badly-worded ticket:
Edit: I'm an idiot.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
You were best..that 2 cents let me get into site and today seems like only this achievement , when I am loosing on all other games.. thanks
Hello guys,
I didn't read whole topic, but the main question was about resetting admin password, right?
I'd like to remind you, that an admin is always a member (in dolphin), it means that you can use forgot.php page to reset his password. Of course, it works only in case if admin pointed his email.
Thus, before you use it, make sure that your admin has email. Once you have installed your dolphin, do not be lazy - update profile info of your admin (pedit.php).
This is my 2 cents regarding this issue :-)
Simplest way to reset ur password is go to phpmyadmin > database > profiles > edit > where there is long password just enter the password u want to use or 123456789.. come to bottom and save it. it will work fine :) but make sure u login ur id and change the password so the new password will be saved as encrypted. this medthod i tried on D7 i don't know about D6. Enjoy !! Umar Haroon |
I've hit a brick wall 
Auto password reset email does not work for some older members.
Tried to manually change their password via admin panel and tried the suggestion listed above with the member's ID number.
Cleared cache.
Did not work. Arghhhh!
oh thank you god and yeah u too deano for this thread lmao |
Deano, I need you :(
The query, which I think I did right, did not work for me. Ever since I forwarded my domain over and changed my base url back to my domain name versus the IP address for testing I cannot log in.
I tried the query to change password and deleted the user1 as mentioned in cache.. still no go.
This is the error I get when trying to retrieve password...
SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/elvenson/public_html/plugins/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php:586) in /home/elvenson/public_html/inc/design.inc.php on line 101
Any insight? :(
Thanks Deano still works!
Saved my butt