Restaurant Mod Support (Modzzz) - part 3

29 Jan 2015

Geek_Girl, what on earth is your problem ????


This is a mod support forum, not a general forum.


Same as you, I mentioned an idea here for improvement which I will keep in mind when I will ask for customisations. Same as other improvements I already have in mind.


I put every question I had in this forum for the benefit of everyone who buys this mod. You call this nagging ? I don't care. You don't have to read this if you have no interest in this mod.


And yes, I WILL pay for customisations. In the past 7 years I already bought several mods in the Boonex market so I'm not stingy or unwilling to pay if that crosses your mind.


Are you the financial manager of Boonex ? Or do you just want to have the final word ? Be my guest ... but this is no contribution to the mod.



For further improvement of the mod, a restaurant events page where all restaurant events can be browsed, would be nice.

I'll note that for my future customisations.

All of your requests have been for customisations, time for it to stop.  You should send Modzzz at least $300 USD for all the extra work he has done for you on adding your customisations.

To answer your earlier question; yes, I have asked for an additional feature in a module and Modzzz would state that he would think about it for a future release and I would say, "OK, thanks."  With you it is nag and nag and nag and nag and never offer any compensation.


29 Jan 2015

As promised, a 5 star rating for this restaurant mod (since I can't file another comment in the restaurant mod market anymore, I'll do it here).


I apologize for being a pain in the ass, but after the improvements and corrections you made to this mod, it is well-worth buying.


It's an excellent tool if you want to integrate restaurants in your site and people can easily find the restaurant of their choice.


Thanks Modzzz

29 Jan 2015

we know how busy these developers are especially when they are trying to upgrade all their mods, i feel bad for modzzz cause he spent too much time here when in reality he did  not have to do anything, this was all custom work. Let's say it took him 5 days 8 per day = 40 @ 50.00 = 2,000. Let's not go that high, lets say it was 20 hours @ 50.00 = 1000. But that is what they all say when a developer goes out of their way and does custom work, once its complete they turn around and say i would have paid. This is the kind of people that cause problems and are stingy with money and love to nag and nag. My mod is original and my members love it and have not had any issues. I am out,meeting in the big apple!!

Everyday is a new beginning.
29 Jan 2015

And there's another predictable reaction.


I must say, I'm not amused with the threats you sent me in your private message DeanMonte.

29 Jan 2015

 If you call this a threat, then lady i suggest you go seek help, this was a reply to your annoying unwanted PM. If you are looking for attention walk the streets and have a conversation with another lonely person at a cafe. Excuse me as i continue my productive day!  

 "Lady the next time you contact me i am reporting you, you have caused issues in that forum and your making a developer go out of his way. I am blocking you right now. Learn some codings and i will not take orders from a lady who is so annoying take care!"

And there's another predictable reaction.


I must say, I'm not amused with the threats you sent me in your private message DeanMonte.


Everyday is a new beginning.
29 Jan 2015

Well, since this appears to be kindergarten here, with people who like to present themselves as having a very interesting life with meetings, big apple trips, making condescending remarks to others asking questions ... I think the Boonex forum has sunk beneath the level of being an interesting platform for all of us who want to use the Dolphin script.


I won't post on the forums again and hope people like DeanMonte and geek_girl can now continue in peace to be the most intellectual and interesting people ever. You guys must be a great support for Boonex.


Enjoy your status !

29 Jan 2015

 Awww thank you for the kind words, the meeting went fabulous and met a lot of interesting people!

Well, since this appears to be kindergarten here, with people who like to present themselves as having a very interesting life with meetings, big apple trips, making condescending remarks to others asking questions ... I think the Boonex forum has sunk beneath the level of being an interesting platform for all of us who want to use the Dolphin script.


I won't post on the forums again and hope people like DeanMonte and geek_girl can now continue in peace to be the most intellectual and interesting people ever. You guys must be a great support for Boonex.


Enjoy your status !


Everyday is a new beginning.
29 Jan 2015

The following file has been updated so that the search block on the main page will function the same way as the general search page :


Paypal email is -
31 Jan 2015

Thanks for all the after-sales work you do on your mods to keep improving them, modzzz.

Cool - The Online Guide to Travel
31 Jan 2015

There seems to be something wrong when adding opening hours.

Although I enter them chronologically, they are mixed up in the page view. 

When I delete them all and start all over, I start with monday and I end with saturday. In the page view it starts with saturday and it ends with monday. It should be the other way round.

Isn't there a possibility to have 24 hours instead of AM and PM ? We don't use the AM and PM notification in Europe.

1 Mar 2015

The ordering of the display of Opening Hours has been fixed so that they will display based on the order of entry. The following file has been updated :

modules\modzzz\restaurant\classes\BxRestaurantDb.php (specifically, the getPeriodFeed function in that file)

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8 Mar 2015

After all the drama in this thread I'm almost fearful to suggest a potential addon... A way for restaurant to add a menu? Wether simply as a pdf attachment, or a form?

just a thought. :)



10 Mar 2015

To avoid installing another module, I put it as a downloadable pdf (by clicking on the icon which I use for that) in the description of the restaurant. 

I guess you can also add it as a file in the actions menu, but I haven't tried that because the solution in the description area looks good for me. If you want to add it as a file, you need to install the files module.


PM me if you want the url of my website, so you can see what I mean.

10 Mar 2015

 The feature exists already. It is called "Add Files", perhaps I should rename it to "Add menu".

After all the drama in this thread I'm almost fearful to suggest a potential addon... A way for restaurant to add a menu? Wether simply as a pdf attachment, or a form?

just a thought. :)




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10 Mar 2015

Indeed, it exists, but therefore you have to install the 'files' module.

10 Mar 2015

There stil seems to be an error in the search result page.

When I make a search through the search block on 'city' on the m/restaurant/search page and the result is more than 100, I can just see 1 page.

When I click on the arrow at the bottom of the page I get an empty page. The other results don't show.

This happens only when I add city i the search option, if I leave city out there is no problem.


25 Mar 2015

An update has been made to the search functionality. The files below are modified. The sections of code changed are flagged with today's date (march-31-2015)



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31 Mar 2015

Thank you

1 Apr 2015

The date format doesn't match the general site settings.

This is what I entered in the event :

I get this as a result in a restaurant event :

Apr 26, 2015 12:30 PM - Dec 31, 1969 6:00 PM

1. It should be 26 april 2015, 12:30

2. It should be 26 april 2015, 16:00


Please make update.

18 Apr 2015

An update has been made to the following file :


If you have a customized version of the module, see specific change below :

In modules\modzzz\restaurant\classes\BxRestaurantSearchResult.php

Find :

      'created', 'author_id', 'thumb', 'rate', 'desc', 'event_start',

Replace with :

     'created', 'author_id', 'thumb', 'rate', 'desc', 'event_start', 'event_end',

Paypal email is -
1 May 2015

Thank you, it's fixed now.

1 May 2015

This module is now compatible with Dolphin 7.2 . For those upgrading from Dolphin 7.1, please check the upgrade folder for instructions.

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9 Sep 2015

Some layout and language adjustments were made. Re-upload files, recompile language for the module and clear cache.

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4 Dec 2015

Why isn't there a possibility to add more categories or subcategories when you add a restaurant.


A restaurant can belong to more than 1 subcategory.


See picture attached. There is  a possibility to add more bar types, payment methodes, ...




categories.png · 37.7K · 363 views
20 Jan 2016

 I will have that feature implemented in modules that have sub-categories in the future.

Why isn't there a possibility to add more categories or subcategories when you add a restaurant.


Paypal email is -
24 Jan 2016


 I will have that feature implemented in modules that have sub-categories in the future.

Why isn't there a possibility to add more categories or subcategories when you add a restaurant.


 In the restaurant module or other modules ?

24 Jan 2016

Restaurant module and other modules that have sub-categories will eventually get this feature. No exact timetable is set for this though. It will be sometime later on in the year.

In the restaurant module or other modules ?


Paypal email is -
24 Jan 2016


Restaurant module and other modules that have sub-categories will eventually get this feature. No exact timetable is set for this though. It will be sometime later on in the year.

In the restaurant module or other modules ?


It would be nice if you could set a, approx. date, since the year has just begun and 'later on in the year' could be next month, but also december 2016.


Anyway, I'll wait patiently ...

24 Jan 2016

Is someone else using the restaurant module ? Please contact me.

2 Feb 2016

Have bought it and installed it, but not really using it.

Need to upgrade Dolphin to 7.3.0 and see what breaks.

Upgrading Dolphin is a Pain - The Online Guide to Travel
17 Mar 2016

Modzzz, can you please explain how this forum integration of a restaurant works?


I tried, but I couldn't find any way to integrate a restaurant in the forum. Also on your demo site, it isn't working (page not found error).

31 Oct 2016

In the .htaccess file found in Dolphin root :


   Find :


RewriteRule ^forum/groups/(.*)$  modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=groups [QSA,L]


   Just above add :


RewriteRule ^forum/restaurant/(.*)$  modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=restaurant [QSA,L]


Modzzz, can you please explain how this forum integration of a restaurant works?


I tried, but I couldn't find any way to integrate a restaurant in the forum. Also on your demo site, it isn't working (page not found error).


Paypal email is -
31 Oct 2016

I think the "Post Review" is not functioning properly. When a review is typed it works however when clicking on the numbered scale it does not register correctly. I tested out one post and i attempted to choose "5" and when i clicked submit, it registered as a "1." It also states that 9 reviews have been posted but there is only 1 which i just did.

Everyday is a new beginning.
3 Nov 2016

This is the installation, it's not what I meant.


As I noticed meanwhile, a restaurant can start it's own forum, which is not part of the public forum.


So how can other members find or see this forum ?


In the .htaccess file found in Dolphin root :


   Find :


RewriteRule ^forum/groups/(.*)$  modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=groups [QSA,L]


   Just above add :


RewriteRule ^forum/restaurant/(.*)$  modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=restaurant [QSA,L]


Modzzz, can you please explain how this forum integration of a restaurant works?


I tried, but I couldn't find any way to integrate a restaurant in the forum. Also on your demo site, it isn't working (page not found error).



3 Nov 2016

On the Restaurant view page, there is a menu at the top section with link to the forum for that Restaurant listing. The menu may appear as a drop-down list on some templates.

This is the installation, it's not what I meant. 

As I noticed meanwhile, a restaurant can start it's own forum, which is not part of the public forum. 

So how can other members find or see this forum ?



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3 Nov 2016

Dolphin 7.3.x - Version 2.0.5 released. (See patches/version_2.0.5 folder in zip file)

Fixed issues with the Reviews system.

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12 Nov 2016

I applied the patch and still can not rate more then 1 star.

Everyday is a new beginning.
14 Nov 2016

 You have to move the sliders from left to right.

I applied the patch and still can not rate more then 1 star.


Paypal email is -
14 Nov 2016


 You have to move the sliders from left to right.

I applied the patch and still can not rate more then 1 star.

 That's correct modzzz, i did try to slide it, push it, kick it. They only move when user places cursor on any of the bars and just click the mouse, the indicator will move, however when user clicks submit, then goes back to view the review post it only shows 1 star. :/


Everyday is a new beginning.
14 Nov 2016

Dolphin 7.3.x - Version 2.0.6 released. (See patches/version_2.0.6 folder in zip file)

Further updates made to the Reviews system.

Paypal email is -
26 Nov 2016

Hi Modzzz


I finally did the upgrade to 7.3 version and now I have double icons in the restaurant/view page (see attachment)


Any idea where this comes from?


It's only in this page ...

double icons.jpg · 7.9K · 311 views
30 Nov 2016

@annabel - Can you please tell me which sql files you uploaded and ran ?

Paypal email is -
30 Nov 2016

I first did the upgrade to 7.3.3 and then tried to uninstall version 2.0.4 of the restaurant module (because the upgrade process was too many steps). Uninstall didn't work so I deleted the mod on the server and removed everything from the database (manually).


I made a fresh install of the latest version of the restaurant module (2.0.6) 


I ran this installation through the admin panel (modules - add&manage)


30 Nov 2016

I first did the upgrade to 7.3.3 and then tried to uninstall version 2.0.4 of the restaurant module (because the upgrade process was too many steps). Uninstall didn't work so I deleted the mod on the server and removed everything from the database (manually).


I made a fresh install of the latest version of the restaurant module (2.0.6) 


I ran this installation through the admin panel (modules - add&manage)


30 Nov 2016

How can I get the zip code before the city instead of after the state ?


I know it's in the BxRestaurantModule.php, but I can't figure out which lines to change and how (somwhere around line 4923)


30 Nov 2016

What this photo is showing is different from the original module. In the original module, you would make the following two changes :


Change line 4926 to :

$sState = $aDataEntry['zip'] .' '. $sState;


Change line 4937 to :

$sCity = $aDataEntry['zip'] .' '. $sCity;


How can I get the zip code before the city instead of after the state ?


I know it's in the BxRestaurantModule.php, but I can't figure out which lines to change and how (somwhere around line 4923)



Paypal email is -
3 Dec 2016

Your manual attempt caused the problem. Run the following query on your database to find the duplicates then delete one instance (clear cache in admin panel afterwards) :


SELECT * FROM `sys_objects_actions` WHERE `Type`='modzzz_restaurant_title';


I first did the upgrade to 7.3.3 and then tried to uninstall version 2.0.4 of the restaurant module (because the upgrade process was too many steps). Uninstall didn't work so I deleted the mod on the server and removed everything from the database (manually). 


Paypal email is -
3 Dec 2016

Yes, I already managed to hide country, author, time and other things I don't need, because my site is not supposed to be interactive. No members as well :-)


What this photo is showing is different from the original module. In the original module, you would make the following two changes :


Change line 4926 to :

$sState = $aDataEntry['zip'] .' '. $sState;


Change line 4937 to :

$sCity = $aDataEntry['zip'] .' '. $sCity;


How can I get the zip code before the city instead of after the state ?


I know it's in the BxRestaurantModule.php, but I can't figure out which lines to change and how (somwhere around line 4923)




3 Dec 2016

Thank you Modzz, it's fixed !


Your manual attempt caused the problem. Run the following query on your database to find the duplicates then delete one instance (clear cache in admin panel afterwards) :


SELECT * FROM `sys_objects_actions` WHERE `Type`='modzzz_restaurant_title';


I first did the upgrade to 7.3.3 and then tried to uninstall version 2.0.4 of the restaurant module (because the upgrade process was too many steps). Uninstall didn't work so I deleted the mod on the server and removed everything from the database (manually). 



3 Dec 2016
3 Dec 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.