Restrict Access

I was actually able to restrict access to a page using this:

if ( !( $logged['admin'] = member_auth( 1, false ) ) )
if ( !( $logged['member'] = member_auth( 0, true ) ) )
if ( !( $logged['aff'] = member_auth( 2, false )) )
$logged['moderator'] = member_auth( 3, false );

I found in my MySql database that membership Levels I create are assigned an ID number in "MemLevels". Would anyone be able to tell me how to restrict someone access to a page with 'MemLevel' equal to 7?

Quote · 16 Jun 2008

To restrict a page to a members you have to use the function checkAction.

For this you may have to insert new access level

Quote · 17 Jun 2008

Hello Praveen:


Would you kindly give an example of what you're proposing? Thank you in advance.

Quote · 13 Aug 2008

Wouldn't you do this in Admin > settings > Membership Levels > Membership Actions

Quote · 13 Aug 2008


sure, you can define in settings - Membership levels, what they may do and what the must not do,

but this does in fact not work.

I made a little test today, granting nothing to my Guests, logging out as member, beeing now Guest and

calling a guestbook from a Member (via URL in Browser); I could view the guestbook and additionally I

could also post a Comment in that users Guestbook.

I wonder how this functionality really works.

I'd like to have something like this:

if a member action is not defined for a member level

a) the submenu entry should disappear and

b) if the member calls a page which he is not allowed to view, there should be an error message 'Access denied' or something else

Any hints

Regards, M

Quote · 25 Nov 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.