SEO, Am I right or is there a better way?

I was thinking, I have built a site map for my whole website (several different scripts not just dolphin) so that the google spiders will be able to go round and round the merygoround on my site pages indexing it all with out hitting any brick walls.


What is the best place to put a hyperlink that will come on every dolphin page? The footer? will this work? im not sure adout php I am still getting to grips with how it acts....I think the footer would be a good choice though.

Am I right or is there a better way?

Quote · 7 Jun 2009

If you built a site map for your site, don't worry, all page will get index and spidered by google. There is no plus in adding it on different places..

Quote · 7 Jun 2009

I think that there is ....

dolpin page <------> site map

From every page you should be able to get to the site map and from the site map you should be able to get to every page.

This way there is no brick walls, It goes around and around and around......

Spiders like this its easy for them.

Quote · 7 Jun 2009

I agree with mickyb. Once you have a sitemap and google finds it, it will index the rest of your pages. Linking to that sitemap page from every page is not necessary.

But if you insist, then the best place would be either on the topest menu or the bottom menu.

You may also want to look at googles webmaster tools. You can create a XML sitemap and submit it to google. Google search for webmaster tools.
Quote · 7 Jun 2009

Thanks guys

Quote · 8 Jun 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.