Safemode problems

I am trying to install the Dolphin on my webbserver that i rent. I have a questian, How do I change in my scripts so it will start workning.

To get those things change from my provider is out of the questian.

Quote · 2 Jun 2009

I have this problem, and need to resolv it. How do I do that? I know that my provider wont change the settings in servers.

you can see my problem here

Quote · 2 Jun 2009

If you are using the latest version of dolphin. 6.1.6 then you can try editing the .htaccess file. Look for the existing code as so.

<IfModule mod_php4.c>
php_flag register_globals Off
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag allow_url_include Off
php_flag register_globals Off

And change it to look like this.

<IfModule mod_php4.c>
php_flag register_globals Off
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc On
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag allow_url_include Off
php_flag register_globals Off
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc On

Also if your provider provided a php.ini file than that can be changed. In there look for magic_quotes_gpc Off and change it to magic_quotes_gpc On
Quote · 2 Jun 2009

Ok thanks I think we are getting somewhere. I did what you said, And i wonder another thing, When it comes to Safe_mod. how do I do with that,

I did enter the index.php file befor and changed it there and then removed the htaccess file from the server. And now its only showing

Internal server error.

I will put all the "original" files back up on the server and see what happends, "when i only change the httaccess file.

But i wonder how i fix that problem with safe_mod if it doesnt work with that code you gave me?!?

Quote · 2 Jun 2009

First thing. put the .htaccess file back on your server. It is needed. dolphin will not run without it. You also said you edited index.php, so put the origional back, you don't edit that file.

Safe mode is another option that can be set in .htaccess and the servers php.ini file. php_flag safe_mode Off.

But you should look to see if your host put a php.ini file in your root web hosting folder. If so, those options are in that file and should be adjusted there.

BTW, who is your hosting company? I only ask because they default to safe mode on in their servers settings so i would like to add them to my list of hosts to avoid.
Quote · 2 Jun 2009

I have reinstalled the files in the server, Now it says "Internal error" what shall I do now?

Quote · 2 Jun 2009

If you put things back the way things were then you would be back to your origional problem, not a new one.

So you must have done something else. You best bet is to start over.
Quote · 2 Jun 2009

I have installed the whole script to the ftp now... no changes or anything.. and i get Error... "Look at my link in my second post... What shall I do?

Quote · 3 Jun 2009

if you have version php5 or below you cannot disable those settings in the htaccess.

some cpanel setups allow you to change this configuration via the php.ini quick config tool , if you dont have this and your running php as fast cgi..enter the following into a text file save it as php.ini and upload it to the root dir of your site:

safe_mode = Off
get_magic_quotes_gpc = On

Quote · 3 Jun 2009

and if you these these too add them to the same php.ini

allow_url_include = Off

register_globals = Off

Quote · 3 Jun 2009

also try naming it to php5.ini  and see if that works if you are running php5. - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 3 Jun 2009

Ugg, your right. Most every server i deal with runs php as an apache module so i am used to doing most everything via the .htaccess file but i forgot safe_mode can't be changed there. Most everything else can.
Quote · 3 Jun 2009

Hey agen, I tryed to install it agen, I did what u said and i installed all the files at But still it doesnt work, Starting to feel that will abandon this script... its to hard to get it to work!

I did create a php.ini and copied the text that Kosmic wrote , it didnt work anyway, then i changed the name on the ini.file to php5 Still no respons from the site.

Thanx for the help anyway guys and girl.

Quote · 3 Jun 2009

Is this on a windows server by any chance.  I know they give 500 errors alot... - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 3 Jun 2009

Seems the most obvious question would be does your host meet all the "Dolphin Technical Requirements"
that no one asked.

If not, it is much easier to change to a Dolphin friendly host  ..... 


Quote · 3 Jun 2009

one more go... keeping the php.ini file,

in your htaccess and change

<IfModule mod_php4.c>
php_flag register_globals Off
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag allow_url_include Off
php_flag register_globals Off

to read

<IfModule mod_php4.c>
#php_flag register_globals Off
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
#php_flag allow_url_include Off
#php_flag register_globals Off

php is not running as a module so you need to comment the above out with the # as ashown Smile

Quote · 3 Jun 2009
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