whats wrong?
it not mess page at all
Blogs are very messed up and let me show you screens taken from demozzz showing all the issue. You need to test editing the individual post, not the blog overview itself.
1st biggest issue. IE8 CANNOT edit blogs, once the post is there if you are using IE8 you can't do anything to the post via the IE8 interface. here is what is displayed, you will see what is causing the error is the javascript. i tested this on 3 different machines so it is dolphin.

These issues are now with the latest FF

After editing a post in FF I get this page, the actions bar is all over the place and wants me to mak ea new blog within my bog entry page and it shows an error. On this page most of the javascript is also disabled and the buttons do not work. Why is the stuff in the red box even showing up??

The actions bar with create a blog shows up just like that when editing my blog entry, guess what happens when you type something into it? Well there's a pic for that. Why am I given the option to create a new blog while editing another blog entry? Anyways here is what happens when you do try to create a blog within the blog entry edit:

An error occured, of course it occurred. You shouldn't be able to create a new blog while trying to edit a blog entry. This needs to be fixed.
Now lets move on to safari. Well editing a blog works and doesn't show the actions bar after you edit the blog (though it still shows on the edit page which needs to be fixed). Now I hit finish edit and it brings me to a page that is messed up as you can see in the different highlighted areas. Further, not only is the java script and page completely messed up, none of the buttons or java on the page will work, you have to refresh the page to get it to be functional again. The pic:

AS you can see My Blog Actions is empty and missing something apparently. Categories and tags are mixing all over each other, there is a nice gray box with nothing in it in the middle of the screen, and to top it off, nothing on the page will work at all.
So I must highly disagree with Andrey when he says nothing is wrong. All these were tested on 3 different machines with Windows 7, vista, and xp with the latest versions of the browser .