Search Options

Hi all,

Im trying to make a seach option based on gender.  I want an option that selects both - i.e




How do i do that?

Quote · 1 Jan 2010

Bump - anyone out there?

All I want to do is when people search on the criteria I specify (could be a whole range of checkboxes) the next option is sex Male or Female.  I want to add "dont care" or "both" - cant be that hard can it?

Quote · 2 Jan 2010


I have to ask this, but have a picked a turkey with Dolphin?

I have come from phpbb where the community support is superb - but here all I mostly see bumped topics or not answered at all.  Is that a fair observation or have I just picked the wrong time of the year to start learning this??

Are there any other sites out there I should visit too? (makes you think why do I need to do this - afterall this is the publishers own site) I have tried expertzzz but that does not seem that active either.

Any advice?  Or maybe somebody may know the answer in the OP.

Quote · 2 Jan 2010


I have to ask this, but have a picked a turkey with Dolphin?

I have come from phpbb where the community support is superb - but here all I mostly see bumped topics or not answered at all.  Is that a fair observation or have I just picked the wrong time of the year to start learning this??

Are there any other sites out there I should visit too? (makes you think why do I need to do this - afterall this is the publishers own site) I have tried expertzzz but that does not seem that active either.

Any advice?  Or maybe somebody may know the answer in the OP.


you have certainly picked dolphin. i think caltrade can answer this question as i think he has added quite a few fields to the profile page for join.

dolphin is not for the weak at heart, and what you must understand is that dolphin does not have the age as phpbb, nor does phpbb have the power and dynamics that dolphin has.

so if phpbb serves your purpose and there is not such a tremendous learning curve, which in fact this whole community is going through a huge learning curve since as you should well be aware that Dolphin 7 was released on Christmas day. so with that and the holidays, there are those of us who are plugging at it hard and some spending countless hours at getting answers.

if your answer does not come up immediately, i would ask if you have searched the forums, because i am pretty sure that caltrade and some others had this same issue with the RC's.

hang in there, suit up and welcome to the jungle. this baby is a beast.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Thanks for the response Dosdawg - I was getting bored of replying to my own posts!  Why does no one from Boonex monitor the forums??

OK was unaware that Dolphin 7 was only released a few days back - (not sure I agree that should be a reason for lack of responses) but I will wait to see if an answer arrives or keep bumping :)

Must admit I did not think that this question was that tricky :)

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Thanks for the response Dosdawg - I was getting bored of replying to my own posts!  Why does no one from Boonex monitor the forums??

OK was unaware that Dolphin 7 was only released a few days back - (not sure I agree that should be a reason for lack of responses) but I will wait to see if an answer arrives or keep bumping :)

Must admit I did not think that this question was that tricky :)

your question is not tricky, your question is not standard. if you are looking for customized programming then that can be provided. the search features and search capabilities are powerful. its up to the admin to add all of the predefined values and fields that are going to be searchable. this is not a phpbb sir, and the ability of the site is a direct reflection of the ability of the site owner. will get you up to speed on most things prior to 7 but his information for the most part is built on D6, but still some good knowledge. some good information and video tutorial stuff, again most likely all geared at D6

your actual thread post for somebody who came from or who hails from and touts phpbb was lacking in and of itself sir. so please dont mash on those of us who provide these answers, for not jumping all over your post.


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Dosdawg - please dont misunderstand me, after all I am new to the forums and Dolphin so I am finding my way and certainly not intending to"mash"  the active members looking to help.

I can only go on experience that I have seen from other open source (such as phpbb) etc - hence the comparasion.

Just frustrated...

I will try the other links and see if that helps, thanks for the links.

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Dosdawg - please dont misunderstand me, after all I am new to the forums and Dolphin so I am finding my way and certainly not intending to"mash"  the active members looking to help.

I can only go on experience that I have seen from other open source (such as phpbb) etc - hence the comparasion.

Just frustrated...

I will try the other links and see if that helps, thanks for the links.

indeed sir. frustration is only beginning, i can assure you. this is not an easy application to operate, even for experienced programmers.

welcome to the community and hope you see better days



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Dosdawg - please dont misunderstand me, after all I am new to the forums and Dolphin so I am finding my way and certainly not intending to"mash"  the active members looking to help.

I can only go on experience that I have seen from other open source (such as phpbb) etc - hence the comparasion.

Just frustrated...

I will try the other links and see if that helps, thanks for the links.

indeed sir. frustration is only beginning, i can assure you. this is not an easy application to operate, even for experienced programmers.

welcome to the community and hope you see better days



Hi DosDawg,  it's true, the frustation is much !! I don't have experiences, but i'm surprise to see the difference of problem installing D6.1.6 and D7... The first one i don't have big problem to do and to set... D7 i still have problem that i don't undesrtand... i read a lot of post, with almost the some problem but a lot of different solution !! I don't know if is normal for one problem to be more solution, but each case is a little bit different, so one solution for someone don't work for otehr one...

I know i have to be pacient... but i wish to see my sit work fine with D7...

And Scotty,  sometime the answert from forum come later, i know, but like what tell you DosDawg if you search and search and search you can found what you need....

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

I know this is off topic in a way, but do they have forum moderators? People that kind of moderate things on the forums or try to answer the questions here?  I noticed before the change it had seemed people mostly posted blogs, and that is where alot of answers came from.  I can say like dos dawg stated it is the holidays ( or end of them)  and they have made alot of improvements so i guess only time will tell.

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

dolphin is very fickle, and the developers do list a recommendation for a server build. that is one of the most prominent reasons for recommending a VPS or Dedicated server is not only so you can run RMS for streaming media, but also so it can be configured to run dolphin.

there are many different pre-configured builds for servers and depending on the OS --> control panel --> hosting service provider as to what you will actually get is a huge caveat.

yes there are differences in the server setup between 6 and 7, nothing to shut down the farm about, but differences. and when you dont have the ability either physical or knowledge to configure a server you are going to be fighting issues.

then you come to the forums and the actuality of this Dolphin is still in its infancy, and when you are dealing with thousands of users asking questions, and only ten or so providing answers, its all overwhelming.

i am sure that caltrade and some others hammered this topic rather heavily on the RC's.

so where the thread title is very insufficient in its presentation, the fact of the matter is, this is not phpbb, and very few who run phpbb would be able to tame this monster, including the programmers of phpbb.

we are all trying to get through this, and when newcomers start posturing because they havent been given an answer, and then have a declaration that it cant be that hard, well if its not that hard, then why not figure it out and come back and post the answer?

because it is hard, and for anyone of us to be able to provide an answer, we would have had to already faced the same situation, or we will go and create the situation, or try to recreate the situation that is being faced.

we all know there is no manual for this application, we depend on each other. this is a community of dedicated folks who spend countless hours providing answers. and for those answers there are a few who have asked for positive votes on their posts and some who have ran a nomination for certain priveleges here on unity. when you see the number of posts that are provided and the actual reciprocation its as astonishing as the reality that your answer does not come instantaneously.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

I know this is off topic in a way, but do they have forum moderators? People that kind of moderate things on the forums or try to answer the questions here?  I noticed before the change it had seemed people mostly posted blogs, and that is where alot of answers came from.  I can say like dos dawg stated it is the holidays ( or end of them)  and they have made alot of improvements so i guess only time will tell.

the straight answer is no there are no moderators. there are those of us with a title of a moderator, however no moderation capabilities. i can only assume they are working on that.

the staff took off for the holidays immediately after the release and posting a couple of answers.

they will all return on monday i presume. however, i do know that there is a huge holiday coming for many of the countries outside the US in regards to celebratory status, so not sure how long we are going to be without actual developer support on some of these issues.

the issue of search options is not a new subject, and would require some digging around, call it profile fields or join form or whatever you wanted to call it. im certain caltrade has faced this issue, maybe not on the search faction, but the ability to create custom fields and predefined values and language strings.

mydatery is another that has accomplished that, and he has been gone for a couple of days.

the developers really dont come here to answer customization questions, they have on occasion, but its not standard.

well i am rambling.


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Ok to get this back on topic I will clear up my question.

I have created my own list of options for members to check when they sign up.  (PS Why cant the check boxes be put in columns instead of a single list?)

These check boxes will be what other members search on.  Now the questions is that I want to further define from that list Male or Female - easy enough using the "Sex" field.  What I want is an option for "dont care if male or female".

Hopefully this makes sense.

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

An update - I have decided to walk away from Dolphin (Boonex).  I want to leave some feedback here for Boonex and it is no way intended to cause flamming although I am sure it will from the elitest who will blame my lack of knowledge, server providers etc - as that appears to be a common theme.

I have been playing with Dolphin for a few days now, and without support I am up a river with no paddle.  I realise it is a long learning curve, but with no documentation it is impossible to implement within a resonable amount of time.  My project would take too long using Dolphin. A real shame as on face value it looks great - better than that it looks awesome and would suit my project perfectly.


Whilst its Opensource, you MUST have a good community to support it.  I have noticed the same 3 or 4 users trying to help.  I am certainly no programmer, and only have basic understanding of coding - but I cannot see how this could be used without a real high level of programming and with only 3 or 4 users prepared to try and help its impossible.

I am a patient sort of guy and I am prepared to "try"  "search" to make things work before posting a question.  If you do search all I mainly see is opening questions, followed by repeated bumps - and no answers...pointless searching in most cases.  Even the search link has been broken - sloppy in my opinion.

Whilst I am not trying to compare other solutions, I started to look at Drupal last night, and whilst there is a long curve here too, the support is fantastic via the forums - the same is true with phpbb. I was posting and within minutes solutions. (I know DosDawg has already said that "even phpbb programmers could not make this work" - I doubt that as I know the community there very well), so if phpbb programmers could not do it - what hope does someone like me have?

However, my point is - they offer support, with great documentation.  I understand that the community here is not as large or established - so give us the documentation surely?

This is not really free either.

If you have no documentation then you use the forums - but you have to pay to do that!  I had to switch server providers too (I realise that was in the opening documentation) - which cost me further.  In fact after many conversations with my webhost - they had told me that they closed customer accounts due to securtiy flaws using Dolphin with injection of code etc. (sic)

I WANT to use the software, and I will keep checking back for updates from time to time - but as it stands its not for me, and I wanted to share why as I am sure I am not the only person going through this in hope Boonex listen and maybe try to correct.

Peace Out.

Quote · 3 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.