Secure all but the home page...

Just installed a freash version of dolphin and I want to force the user to login if they click on any navigation links on the home page (register to see this page type of thing). I tried using the navigation builder, by making all links only visible to members but then the menu goes away. Is there a way to make this happen?
Quote · 5 Sep 2009

Log in to the admin and go to builders. Select navagation, click on the link, near the bottom you will see guest and member, select member only. It's that simple. Have fun.

Quote · 6 Sep 2009

Not that simple.  Nice try, but his post stated he already did that and it hid the menu.  Not what he is looking for.


Here's the issue, the site is most likely running in Free Mode.  This makes everything on it operate as if every person (member & non-member) is a paying customer and opens all parts of the site up to them.


So, what do you do to fix this?  After all, he wants to lock it down but doesn't want to hide the full menu, and in the event that someone knows the URL to a page (such as then they are in.  Not a good solution.


Here's the trick for you.


1.  Login to Admin Panel & Go to Settings - > Membership Levels


2.  Turn off Free Mode and Promotional Memberships, we want them gone.  In the end they are more of a pain in the arse than they are worth.  (Don't worry, you can still have a free site, just doing it a different way.)


3.  Look down the screen, see Membership Levels and where it has "Standard"  Go ahead and click on "Standard"


4.  Below it, you will now see a list of items they can do and at the top of the list a drop down menu.  Go ahead and click on the drop down menu and start giving all the permissions you want them to be able to do. 


  •     Note here:  Certain items by default, like sending messages, greetings, viewing profiles and so on will have limits on them.  You will need to change these limits from their numerical value to unlimited (You just type the word unlimited in the box where it has a number) and this will enable the site to run in free mode without having to be free.  I know, a pain in the arse, but this is the best way to get what the Opie has asked for.

What FRSAdmin is referring to is locking down a menu only, it will not deny access to pages as the Opie has requested, only by setting membership levels can you limit access to pages. 


5.  You will need to next click on Non-Member and remove all items from their list of things they can do and add those you want them to be able to do. 


Not that hard guys and definitely much more secure than locking down just the menu.

Quote · 6 Sep 2009

Not that simple.  Nice try, but his post stated he already did that and it hid the menu.  Not what he is looking for.

Here's the issue, the site is most likely running in Free Mode.  This makes everything on it operate as if every person (member & non-member) is a paying customer and opens all parts of the site up to them.

So, what do you do to fix this?  After all, he wants to lock it down but doesn't want to hide the full menu, and in the event that someone knows the URL to a page (such as then they are in.  Not a good solution.

Here's the trick for you.

1.  Login to Admin Panel & Go to Settings - > Membership Levels

2.  Turn off Free Mode and Promotional Memberships, we want them gone.  In the end they are more of a pain in the arse than they are worth.  (Don't worry, you can still have a free site, just doing it a different way.)

3.  Look down the screen, see Membership Levels and where it has "Standard"  Go ahead and click on "Standard"

4.  Below it, you will now see a list of items they can do and at the top of the list a drop down menu.  Go ahead and click on the drop down menu and start giving all the permissions you want them to be able to do.

  • Note here:  Certain items by default, like sending messages, greetings, viewing profiles and so on will have limits on them.  You will need to change these limits from their numerical value to unlimited (You just type the word unlimited in the box where it has a number) and this will enable the site to run in free mode without having to be free.  I know, a pain in the arse, but this is the best way to get what the Opie has asked for.

What FRSAdmin is referring to is locking down a menu only, it will not deny access to pages as the Opie has requested, only by setting membership levels can you limit access to pages.

5.  You will need to next click on Non-Member and remove all items from their list of things they can do and add those you want them to be able to do.

Not that hard guys and definitely much more secure than locking down just the menu.

I'll try this now! Great tip! I've been having issues with greetings being sent at random.

Quote · 6 Sep 2009

If I would have read the message throughly I would have caught that. My mistake, I do apologize. I would have given the same answer, had the same issue.

Quote · 7 Sep 2009
Thanks for all of your help! I followed all the instructions and after finishing the steps and checked the site. I can still see the profiles and search for them (but it does block the user from seeing the full profile)... Same for photos, video and music. Did I miss a step?
Quote · 15 Sep 2009

Figured it out! Thanks again for all your help.

Quote · 16 Sep 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.