Security Attack

can some one please tell me what this means i found it in my email. It was to my site admin email.

Total impact: 5
Affected tags: Command Execution, id

Variable: GET.bubbles | Value: AddContent:NaN,Mail:0,Friends:0,Shopping Cart:0,Spy:0,
Impact: 5 | Tags: Command Execution, id
Description: Detects remote code exectuion tests. Will match "ping -n 3 localhost" and "ping localhost -n 3" | Tags: Command Execution, id | ID: 74

SCRIPT_FILENAME: /home/1254777/public_html/site/member_menu_queries.php
QUERY_STRING: action=get_bubbles_values&bubbles=AddContent%3ANaN%2CMail%3A0%2CFriends%3A0%2CShopping+Cart%3A0%2CSpy%3A0%2C&_r=0.46076234825886786
REQUEST_URI: /member_menu_queries.php?action=get_bubbles_values&bubbles=AddContent%3ANaN%2CMail%3A0%2CFriends%3A0%2CShopping+Cart%3A0%2CSpy%3A0%2C&_r=0.46076234825886786
QUERY_STRING: action=get_bubbles_values&bubbles=AddContent%3ANaN%2CMail%3A0%2CFriends%3A0%2CShopping+Cart%3A0%2CSpy%3A0%2C&_r=0.46076234825886786
SCRIPT_NAME: /member_menu_queries.php
PHP_SELF: /member_menu_queries.php
Quote · 9 Mar 2015

You can ignore it.  You supposedly can turn that off in the admin but I have gotten such with it disabled.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 9 Mar 2015

Thank you GG .

Quote · 9 Mar 2015

Make sure both impact threshold options under Admin Panel => Settings => Advanced Settings => Security are set to -1. If they are, then the best course of action is to rip out that broken code:


PHPIDS is a security feature that was never properly implemented, so it's disabled by default. Sometimes, for an unknown reason, it still runs in some cases. So if that happens, it's best to completely remove it.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 10 Mar 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.