I only want a specific membership level to be able to access and use the Invite a Friend function, can anyone please assist?
Hi I only want a specific membership level to be able to access and use the Invite a Friend function, can anyone please assist? Thanks |
Just add a check for membership in the evaluation. Are these members allowed to receive and accept friendship requests? Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See http://denre.com for more information |
Thank for the reply Denre, What I mean was the "Invite a friend" mail function that is typically at the bottom of the page. Thanks |
Answer would be the same Take a look at BxBaseMenuSimple.php Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See http://denre.com for more information |
Answer would be the same Take a look at BxBaseMenuSimple.php Thanks, It's been a while since I worked with the coding of Dolphin, how do I add a check for membership in the evaluation. Thanks |
getMemberMembershipInfo() Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See http://denre.com for more information |
Thank Denre, Will do some digging to see how that works. |
Hi Okay, seems like old age is also catching or it was just toooo long since I was involved with PHP and Dolphin. Can someone please point me into the right direction for using getMemberMembershipInfo() function. Thanks |
Did you ever figure this out? I need the answer if anyone can help. I would greatly appreciate it. |