Setting Featured Members

I'm having a brain freeze - where do I go in admin to set featured members? Embarassed


Edited: OK, I see that they are random - but they don't have their username under the image so if there's no profile photo, we can't tell who they are. How do we pull in the username?

Quote · 23 Oct 2008

Within your Admin Panel, there is a checkbox to tick on the member's profile edit page to set the member as featured ;-)


Rather than display the username, you can edit the SQL query to display only featured profile with photo... Add to the query something like: AND 'picture'=1

(Sorry I don't have time to search the file and the correct syntax just now) 

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 23 Oct 2008

Oh wow, I would have never seen that, you have to go into the profile. OK. Actually I want the username, right now there is none ;-)


See: (no name in featured box)

Quote · 23 Oct 2008

Name under featured member profile photo

1) Add user name/user url to featured member box

Edit file: templates/base/scripts/BxBaseIndex.php

Find: function getBlockCode_Featured

Find code bellow, added code is bold:

$ret .= '<div class="featured_block_1">';
$ret .= get_member_thumbnail( $featured_arr['ID'], 'none' );
$ret .= '<center>';
$ret .= '<a href="' . getProfileLink( $featured_arr['ID'] ) . '">';
$ret .= process_line_output( $featured_arr['NickName'] );
$ret .= '</a>';
$ret .= '</center>';

$ret .= '</div>';

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Quote · 24 Oct 2008

Thanks Stuart 038.  That script works perfectly.  Do you know how to make the font smaller so it matches up with the member font size?Smile

Quote · 14 Nov 2008

Fantastic Stewart - I have a field for "full name" defined, and am now able to add the names of my sponsoring members to this block.  Good job.



Quote · 14 Nov 2008

Thanks Stewart for this one!


Works perfectly!!!!


~~ Lorren


Name under featured member profile photo

1) Add user name/user url to featured member box

Edit file: templates/base/scripts/BxBaseIndex.php

Find: function getBlockCode_Featured

Find code bellow, added code is bold:

$ret .= '<div class="featured_block_1">';
$ret .= get_member_thumbnail( $featured_arr['ID'], 'none' );
$ret .= '<center>';
$ret .= '<a href="' . getProfileLink( $featured_arr['ID'] ) . '">';
$ret .= process_line_output( $featured_arr['NickName'] );
$ret .= '</a>';
$ret .= '</center>';

$ret .= '</div>';

Quote · 17 Apr 2009
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