Matches Tab info>
This tab defines the profiles matching settings for a specific field.
You can set up which fields of other profiles will be compared with the
current field and the maximum percentage of matching.
Example. The member " A" is viewing the member "B" profile. The
field "LookingFor" of the user "A" will be compared with the field
"Sex" of the "B" member. If member "A" has specified the sex of member
"B" in the "LookingFor" field so the field's comparison will pass
successfully and the percentage which has been determined for the
"Looking For" field will be added to a match.
The comparison of all fields, except «Multiple-selector vs.
Multiple-selector» comparison pass according to Yes – No
principle, the comparison has passed or not. The type of comparison
«Multiple-selector vs. Multiple-selector» (an example is
Dolphin 5.6: Relationship) passes differently. The fractional part of
coincidence is made. How much from how much has coincided. For example,
from 3 chosen values of "A" member with the member "B" has coincided
only 2 values. So, the fractional part is 2/3. This number is
multiplied on a corresponding percent of this field and is added to the
common match percentage.
System fields
As it was described above, system fields have not additional tabs in
a properties window, however, some of them have special properties on
the main tab. Let's consider fields itself and their properties:
Keyword. Available in Search zone only. It allows to make a search by several text fields at the same time. But for all that it has Search in fields property which allows to choose, in which text fields search should be made.
Other system fields have not any special properties. You can find their descriptions in properties of these fields.
Split Join Form
You are able to split the Join form into the several pages, just
"transfer" some blocks to the next pages: Click on Join block title in
join area and in an opened window of its properties choose Join Page
different from "0", and Save. That's all. The new Join page is created
and your block is transferred to this page.