Setting search match /email triggers- help

I am working on a project that requires profile matching for artist and I need some help on how to adjust the current match setup that has dating in mind. So instead of match email triggers coming from sex etc it needs to come from other match criteria.

For instance, to match someone offering to be a volunteer with someone that wants to find a volunteer how should I set that up?

I was trying to get the "sex" box to stop triggering emails, and I had removed the match settings in there. So I can no longer check what the settings were as a reference to help me set a new match box. However, the "looking for" box still has it's setting as far as I can tell. Under advanced tab is has possible values set as #!Sex (is the #! of some significance? ) and it's using LKey2 (Do I have to set up an LKey 2 for matches to work?)

Quote · 18 Mar 2009

Matches Tab info>

This tab defines the profiles matching settings for a specific field. You can set up which fields of other profiles will be compared with the current field and the maximum percentage of matching.

Example. The member " A" is viewing the member "B" profile. The field "LookingFor" of the user "A" will be compared with the field "Sex" of the "B" member. If member "A" has specified the sex of member "B" in the "LookingFor" field so the field's comparison will pass successfully and the percentage which has been determined for the "Looking For" field will be added to a match.

The comparison of all fields, except «Multiple-selector vs. Multiple-selector» comparison pass according to Yes – No principle, the comparison has passed or not. The type of comparison «Multiple-selector vs. Multiple-selector» (an example is Dolphin 5.6: Relationship) passes differently. The fractional part of coincidence is made. How much from how much has coincided. For example, from 3 chosen values of "A" member with the member "B" has coincided only 2 values. So, the fractional part is 2/3. This number is multiplied on a corresponding percent of this field and is added to the common match percentage.

System fields

As it was described above, system fields have not additional tabs in a properties window, however, some of them have special properties on the main tab. Let's consider fields itself and their properties:

Keyword. Available in Search zone only. It allows to make a search by several text fields at the same time. But for all that it has Search in fields property which allows to choose, in which text fields search should be made.

Other system fields have not any special properties. You can find their descriptions in properties of these fields.

Split Join Form

You are able to split the Join form into the several pages, just "transfer" some blocks to the next pages: Click on Join block title in join area and in an opened window of its properties choose Join Page different from "0", and Save. That's all. The new Join page is created and your block is transferred to this page.

Quote · 18 Mar 2009

Here's asome more info from mrpowless>

You have 2 boxes, both will use the very same predefined value
#! triggers the call of said prevalue
In the case of sex-looking for they use the prevalue "Sex" in the advanced see: #!Sex
open admin/settings/prevalues and look at Sex in the dropdown you see how easy its built?
copy the "Sex" prevalue and make new one(use 2 admin browsers) with your values now go back to builders and edit your blocks to use this same value #!new  and Lkey1 for the first and Lkey2 for the second.  You will get it as soon as you see it work once.

prevalue = new

yes     _yesnew      _lookyesnew
no    _nonew      _looknonew

with all blocks made you can test

Quote · 18 Mar 2009


If  am not mistaken it should be possible by setting up your custom fields like below and setting the match criteria.

Field Selection Match With Field
I Am: Volunteer Looking For
Looking For Artist I Am:

If that is your only criteria, set each to 100% match.

If you dont know how to set up custom fields, go to Admin>Builders>Fields Builder>(Choose either 'Edit Profile' or 'Join Form' so that your users can edit these fields)>Inactive Items>New_Item and dragg it up to the 'Active Items' box.

This should work to get your matching based on that creiteria working.

Hope this helps and if it does not just post a reply and we'll try again to help you :)

Quote · 18 Mar 2009
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