Setting up more user groups in "Files"

I am really sorry about posting so many questions but apart from this forum and website documentation I cannot seem to find any other sources of help.


I have a question regarding the files module, I am looking to add different user groups so that I can map individual users into pre-arranged groups. at the moment whenever I try to share a folder I get:

Me only






I would like to add for example a trustees folder so the files inside the folders are only shared with the trustees, and another for the chairperson, secretary and treasurer.


I hope that this can be done, I am willing to learn all I need is pointed into the right direction and I can usually muddle through to the end, its just that I need a starting point.


Kindest regards

Quote · 20 Sep 2015

These groups are the privacy groups and you can set that in advanced settings, privacy groups.

There some default groups there, but you can also let your members create their own groups.


Maybe there is a module in the market that lets you create extra privacy groups, else you need to do some coding.

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Quote · 20 Sep 2015

There is a module; maybe more than one, in the Market that lets you add custom privacy groups for 7,1.x; it may or may not have been updated for 7.2

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 20 Sep 2015

Thank you for your replies I will go and look at your suggestions now. Cost is an issue so if needs be I could go down the coding route but I hate meddling about with other people code

Quote · 20 Sep 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.