Setting up

Hi All

I am trying to setup a community site for Club Members.

It is an RC Model Flying Club who's members range in age from 6 to 90yo.

I obviously do not want "Matchmaking", "Dating" or "Would like to meet" etc.
Just a plain community site for all members.

Cananyone point me in the right direction as to how to setup Dolphin 7
so members can use all the facilities of dolphin (Excluding the above)

I setup a Dating site some years ago using Dolphin 4 or 5 I think, so I have some knowlage
of the workings, but that needed few changes.

Any help and/or advice would be very much appreciated



Quote · 11 Jan 2010

Hi Dave,

The matchmaking stuff can just be turned off in advanced setting.  D7 is much better for building a general community site than D6 was- most of the deeply embedded dating functions have been removed (i.e. little heart icons, etc).   All the "set-up" tools are there - set up the profile fields to collect the data you want, then name the menu items, blocks, etc as you see fit.  Good luck.


Quote · 11 Jan 2010

Thanks Rob.

I will have a go at it and let you know how I get on.
D7 does look a lot more simpler than the one I used before,
it was the menu blocks that I was worried about.



Quote · 11 Jan 2010

It's Late, I have been trying all day and still very little worksCry

I have uploaded exactly as instructed, logged into admin, Added & activated and (as in the oder version I used, re-loaded the Language) all the modules and other bits I need, clicked on a few main and sub menu links and hardly any work. I get 404 Page not found.

As an example, I click on main menu "Ads"/Ads Home and get Page not found

Other times, again as an example, I click on "Dashboard/Avatar" only to get Page not found
the URL when I clicked on the link came up with

I can not understand what the "/m/" is as I checked the File structure and there is no file named "m"
The "/m/" is coming up in the URL in nearly everthing I try.

If anyone wants to give it a go, tell me where I am going wrong and point me in the right direction.
Please feel free to try @

Thanks in advance




Quote · 12 Jan 2010

administration/ Settings Permalinks

un-check all of them

does your host meet the Requirements?....

Quote · 12 Jan 2010


administration/ Settings Permalinks

un-check all of them

does your host meet the Requirements?....




Thanks for the info

Got everything more or less working now so I can start customising
the look to blend with main website



Quote · 13 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.