Several Issues with Events section

Hello, I've got several events registered on our site - but when the events show up, there are two problems:

1. By default, it shows events, 1-10, and has links below to go to second page and beyond. But when I click on Page 2 or anything higher, the first page is again displayed. Doesn't look the pagination is working. ANy suggestions?

2. Also, the default sorting is latest first. This is not what we want - we'd like the nearest future event shown first. Can the order be changed?

3. In the event calendar, the name of the event and location is not shown - only the picture, if there is one. It would be ideal to have an event name and location mentioned.

4. Finally, the search of events only allows by Country. A far more useful one would be by state or city - eg NY, Houston, Boston etc. Is this possible to do through Admin based or Database changes?



Quote · 1 Aug 2008

Admin --> Settings --> Advanced Settings /// Please check to see if Cupid is activated. If there are check boxes remove them and Save Changes

Quote · 2 Aug 2008

Hi Chitro, I see this is quite an old post, so  I'll pm you as well.  Just in case anyone else would like to know, I've
recently posted a question ( with the same problem with the events listing - did you ever find a solution to the pagination problem with page 2 /next page link?

Regarding your question no. 3: I've myself inserted the title of the event under the picture in the calender - insert "{$eventArr['Title']}" in line 1655+1666 of BXDolEvents.php:



Quote · 1 Jan 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.