Several Questions About Photo Module

Version 7.2.1


1) In module settings, what is "Number of latest files by user" used for? I haven't noticed a section for this anywhere and I can't find it in the code.


2) In module settings, what is "How many files show on home page" used for? There is already another setting for "How many files show on index page" which affects the Public Photos block on the main index page. And the Public Photos block on the photo home page uses the "How many files show on browse page" setting.


3) What decides how many photos appear in the results of a keyword search?


4) What are album location and description used for? I don't see them displayed anywhere.


5) Is it possible to copy the Featured Photos block to the main index page? Featured Members is an option, but not Featured Photos.


6) Where is the best place (read: most maintainable way) to put custom CSS for photos?


7) Is there a way to filter members based on whether or not they have photos? There was a "with photos only" checkbox on the member browse page at first. But that disappeared when I added the photo module.


8) Is there a way to limit how many photos a user can have? I know I can limit how many they upload, but that's not what I want. I want to limit the total number stored. If they are at their limit, they should be able to delete a photo and upload a replacement.


9) What does it mean to subscribe to a photo?

Quote · 1 Feb 2016


3) There is no setting for this, it can be changed in templates/base/scripts/BxBaseSearchResultSharedMedia.php file:

'paginate' => array('perPage' => 10, 'page' => 1, 'totalNum' => 10, 'totalPages' => 1),

4) It's possible to edit Location and Description on edit album page

5) I can't find such Features Photos block, but it is possible to make special PHP block with such data

6) It's better to insert it in custom template, for example, to make changes in modules/boonex/photos/templates/base/css/cover.css file, create the file modules/boonex/photos/templates/tmpl_evo/css/cover.css with the content like this:

@import url(../../base/css/cover.css);

.bx-photos-cover {
    border:3px dashed red;

7) It's possible, but some code rewrite is needed which depends on Photos module, this code shouldn't be executed when Photos module isn't installed

8) No there is no such feature, you can only set number of uploads during some period of time in membership actions

9) When photo info is changed subscriber get notification by email


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Quote · 6 Feb 2016

4) I know where to edit, but what does that do? I don't see that content displayed anywhere.


5) Featured Photos is a block on the Photos home page. It's a page-specific block so how would I go about copying it to another page?


7) What is the "with photos only" checkbox on the browse page for? It gets disabled when Photos module is installed. It seems to check the Avatar field for a non-empty value. When would Avatar field be non-empty?


Is there a standard way to check if a module is installed?

Quote · 6 Feb 2016


5) There is "Latest Featured Block", this block isn't copyable

7)  "with photos only" checkbox is working when Avatar module is used for displaying member thumbnail


> Is there a standard way to check if a module is installed?

You can try this way:

if (BxDolModule::getInstance('BxPhotosModule')) {

or check some service method:

if (BxDolRequest::serviceExists('photos', 'perform_photo_upload', 'Uploader')) {
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Quote · 6 Feb 2016



 The issue was fixed.

Quote · 8 Feb 2016

Hello !


I would like to ask something regarding Point 8.) :


Is there a way to limit how many photos a user can have? I know I can limit how many they upload, but that's not what I want. I want to limit the total number stored. If they are at their limit, they should be able to delete a photo and upload a replacement


That is exactly my biggest current Problem.

I am totally surprised cause that this is not a naturally function.


I have looked around the Forum, and there are some People who would like to have this function too. But most

of the postings are years old.


Is there someone, maybe a coder, who have figured out how to get this function in the meantime ?

Every help would be very appreciated ! 




Quote · 26 Feb 2016

@Harry - Here's something you can try. I haven't used it yet but plan to. Before I explain, my requirements are:


Member with limited rights: Say 2 Photos

Standard member say 20 Photos.


Go to:

  1. Admin/Dashboard/Item 8 Set up site permissions settings here.
  2. Click Standard Actions
  3. Scroll down to Photos Add. It's in blue which means it's a link. Click it.

In the window that appears:

Enter a value in the first box. The way I read it, this is the number of photos a person can upload.

  1. The next box is for the number of hours to a reset. (That would allow more photos to be posted) As you don't want to reset, leave field blank.
  2. Leave the last two fields blank.
  3. Save

Hopefully that will do the trick. I haven't tested it, but I'd love your feedback.


This can also be used if you only want limited members to post (say) one message or forum post a day. Not meany people discuss it here, but if it works - it's brilliant!




Quote · 27 Feb 2016

Hello demmy,


thanks for your answer !

Unfortunately it is not the solution for me. I have thought and tried the same !

This is ok if you want to Limit the traffic per specific time. But the Counter is not able

to recognize that a member erases some photos meanwhile.

I want to set up a total Limit of photos a user can have. let me say 50

If 50 photos are reached System says "stop"

Now the user erases a few photos to go under the 50 to upload new ones, and here is the Problem.

Currently the Counter stops working if reached the Limit or someone resets. And i don't want to waste

huge Server storage.





Quote · 27 Feb 2016

Thanks Harry, Sadly I thought that might be the case, but I wasn't sure. Several sites I'm involved with set daily or weekly limits so I can understand the Dolphin logic. Photo uploading has become a joke since the advent of the digital camera and on one site I know of, one person has posted over 5,000 photos. Most are like frames out of a movie

Another way to do it could be to limit each member a certain amount of disk space. That way they can upload and delete at their leisure. People uploading large photos would be penalised, but frugal people may get four times more. I don't think there's a module for that either.

I'll probably settle for four photos a week or something like that.

Quote · 27 Feb 2016


And i don't want to waste
huge Server storage.

Allow admin to select supported media types uploads and file size limits vie unified interface.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 29 Feb 2016



Please someone can help me to find where I can change the code to make checkbox "with photos only" ( in the search member form) working with Photo Module and NOT avatar.


What code replacement can we use to make it to work with Photo profile ?


Thanks a lot

Quote · 2 Mar 2016
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.