In admin tools says:
PHP: 5.6.29 - OK
- allow_url_fopen = Off -FAIL(must be = On)
And when I set it to on the script wont run with a message that allow_url_fopen should be disabled...
Any known explanation for this?
In admin tools says:
PHP: 5.6.29 - OK
And when I set it to on the script wont run with a message that allow_url_fopen should be disabled...
Any known explanation for this?
Thanks |
what script specifically are you trying to run? caredesign.net |
You may be turning on url_include by mistake. Check for the following (note, Boonex has removed short tags in Dolphin code but you might still want to allow short codes just in case): register_globals must be Off Geeks, making the world a better place |
yes, something was wrong at first. Everything looks good now. |