Randomly when I view the page source I can see the following code blocks. Is this supposed to be true, and if so it should be fixed as it has the raw code references to the different folders.
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery.fn.fixedMenuMember = function(options, callback) {
options = jQuery.extend({
// possible variants : top, bottom, static ;
menu_position : 'top'
}, options);
return(this.each(function() {
position: ( options.menu_position == 'static' ) ? 'absolute' : 'fixed',
zIndex: '990',
left: '0px'
if ( options.menu_position == 'top' || options.menu_position == 'static' ) {
jQuery(this).css({ top: '-2px'});
else {
jQuery(this).css({ bottom: '-2px'});
// set visible ;
jQuery(this).css('display', 'block');
if ( typeof callback == 'function' ) {
// ** define some global menu's variables ;
// define all menu's popup menu ;
var membermenu =
// contain path for page response ;
page_url : 'http://www.SITE.net/member_menu_queries.php',
data_block_prefix : 'menu_content_',
//duration of slide in/ out animation, in milliseconds for submenu
animateduration : {over: 200, out: 100},
notify_window_animateduration : {over: 1000, out: 1000},
description_window_animateduration : {over: 300, out: 300},
// member menu's width ;
iMemberMenuWidth : 0,
// member menu's wrapper width ;
iMemberMenuWrapperWidth : 0,
// current member menu position ;
sMenuPosition : '',
// contain all registered bubbles for menu items;
oBubbles : '',
// in millisecond;
iBubblesUpdateTime : 6000,
iDestroyNotifiWindowsTime : 9000,
// contains a descriptor of the created timeout ;
rBubblesHandler : '',
rNotifyHandler : '',
// contain notify block's id;
sNotifyWindow : 'notification_window',
sBubbleBubblePrefix : 'bubble_',
// description window's id (nedded for displayed menu description);
sDescriptionWindow : 'MemberMenuDesc',
* Function will define some nedded menu's settings;
* @param : sMenuPosition (string) - menu's position;
* @param : aMenuSections (array) - menu's sections (that will need to build);
init:function(sMenuPosition, aMenuSections)
var i = 0;
var iSections = aMenuSections.length;
var self = this;
var $oExtraMenu = $('#extra_top_menu .fixed_menu');
this.iMemberMenuWidth = $oExtraMenu.width();
this.iMemberMenuWrapperWidth = $oExtraMenu.width();
this.sMenuPosition = sMenuPosition;
this.oBubbles = {
Mail : {count:'0'},
bx_pmt_cart : {count:'1'},
Spy : {count:'0'},
Friends : {count:'0'} }
// build submenus;
for(i=0; i<iSections; i++)
// try define width for received sections;
$('#' + aMenuSections[i]).each(function(){
$(this).parent().css( 'width', $(this).width() + 5 );
* Function will update all registered bubbles;
var self = this;
var sQueryParam = '';
//procces all registered bubbles;
for (Element in this.oBubbles)
sQueryParam = sQueryParam + Element + ':' + this.oBubbles[Element].count + ',';
// if any of bubbles not defined;
if ( !sQueryParam ) {
var _sRandom = Math.random();
$.get(this.page_url, { action: "get_bubbles_values", bubbles: sQueryParam, _r : _sRandom }, function(sData)
if (sData)
var oResponse = eval("(" + sData + ")");
var iCount = 0;
var sNotifications = '';
var bHaveMessages = false;
for (Element in oResponse)
if ( typeof self.oBubbles[Element] != 'undefined' ) {
iCount = parseInt(oResponse[Element].count);
self.oBubbles[Element].count = iCount;
// update bubble's block with recived value;
var iOldCount = parseInt( $('#' + self.sBubbleBubblePrefix + Element).find('td.bubble_count:first').text() );
$('#' + self.sBubbleBubblePrefix + Element).find('td.bubble_count:first').text(oResponse[Element].count);
if ( typeof oResponse[Element].onlclick_script != 'undefined'
&& oResponse[Element].onlclick_script) {
self.oBubbles[Element].onlclick_script = oResponse[Element].onlclick_script;
else {
self.oBubbles[Element].onlclick_script = 'undefined';
// process all recived messages (if isset);
if ( typeof oResponse[Element].messages != 'undefined' ) {
bHaveMessages = false;
for (MessageEl in oResponse[Element].messages)
// add messages into container;
sNotifications = '<div class="notifi">' + oResponse[Element].messages[MessageEl].message + '<\/div>';
$(sNotifications).prependTo('#' + self.sNotifyWindow).mouseover(function(){$(this).addClass('active')}).mouseout(function(){$(this).removeClass('active')});
bHaveMessages = true;
var _this = self;
$('#' + self.sNotifyWindow).find('div.notifi').each(function (i) {
if ( $(this).css('display') != 'block' ){
if( !self.rNotifyHandler && bHaveMessages ) {
}, self.iDestroyNotifiWindowsTime);
if (iCount > iOldCount) {
self.set_visible_bubble_block(self.sBubbleBubblePrefix + Element);
if (iCount != iOldCount || bHaveMessages) {
// refresh the bubble's submenu;
var $oCurrentMenu = $('#' + self.sBubbleBubblePrefix + Element);
var $oSubMenu = $oCurrentMenu.parents('li:first').find('ul:first');
self.load_sub_menu_content($oSubMenu.attr('id'), true);
if( $oSubMenu.css('display') != 'none' ) {
$oSubMenu.css('display', 'none');
if (!iCount) {
self.set_hidden_bubble_block(self.sBubbleBubblePrefix + Element);
var _this = self;
self.rBubblesHandler = setTimeout(function(){
* Function will set status as hidden for received bubble box;
var oObject = $('#' + sBubbleId);
if(typeof oObject != 'undefined') {
$(oObject).css('display', 'none');
* Function will set status as visible for received bubble box;
var oObject = $('#' + sBubbleId);
if(typeof oObject != 'undefined') {
if ( $(oObject).css('display') != 'hidden' ) {
$(oObject).css('display', 'block');
var self = this;
if ( typeof oNotifyWindow.find('div.notifi').attr('class') != 'undefined' ) {
this.rNotifyHandler = setTimeout(function(){
}, this.iDestroyNotifiWindowsTime);
else {
this.rNotifyHandler = '';
* Function will destroy all active notify messages;
var self = this;
var $oNotifyWindow = $('#' + self.sNotifyWindow);
var $oBuildedNotifyWindow = $oNotifyWindow.find('div.notifi:not(:animated):last');
var isDefined = false;
// remove last notify window;
if ( $oBuildedNotifyWindow && !$oBuildedNotifyWindow.hasClass('active') ) {
$oBuildedNotifyWindow.fadeOut(this.notify_window_animateduration.out, function(){
isDefined = true;
// check notify window existing;
else {
// remove next after last;
$oBuildedNotifyWindow.prev().fadeOut(this.notify_window_animateduration.out, function(){
isDefined = true;
// check notify window existing;
if(!isDefined) {
* Function will generate menu and sub menu items;
* @param : menuid (string) - menu's in DOM;
buildmenu:function( menuid )
var $mainmenu = $("#"+menuid+">ul");
var $headers = $mainmenu.find("ul").parent();
var self = this;
var $curobj=$(this);
var $subul=$(this).find('ul:eq(0)');
this.istopheader=$curobj.parents("ul").length == 1 ? true : false;
// define the member menu's position ;
if ( self.sMenuPosition == 'bottom' ) {
// set sub menu's bottom possition;
$subul.css({bottom:this._dimensions.h + 1});
else {
// set sub menu's top position ;
$subul.css({top:this._dimensions.h + 1});
var event = event || window.event;
var t = event.target || event.srcElement;
var self = this;
if ( $(t).parents('ul:first').hasClass('primary') ) {
var $targetul=$(this).children("ul:eq(0)");
// hide or show the active bubble;
var $buble_el = $targetul.parents('li:first').find('.bubble:first');
$buble_el.css('display', 'none');
if( $($targetul).css('display') == 'block') {
membermenu.close_popup( $($targetul).attr('id') );
// fill block with content ;
membermenu.load_sub_menu_content($targetul.attr('id'), false, function()
// set element hidden, need for the correct menu width definition;
if ( $targetul.css("visibility") == 'visible' ) {
$targetul.css({display:'block', visibility:'hidden'});
// submenu weight ;
var iSubMenuWidth = $(self).find('ul li table:first').width();
var menuleft = 0;
var iParentWidth = $(self).outerWidth();
menuleft = (menuid != 'primary_menu_section') ? -iSubMenuWidth + iParentWidth -2 : 0;
//set element visible, need for the correct menu width definition;
if ( $targetul.css("visibility") == 'hidden' ) {
$targetul.css({display:'none', visibility:'visible'});
// set hidden all active sub menus;
$('#extra_top_menu ul ul').each(function (i){
if( this.id != $targetul.attr('id') ) {
if ($targetul.queue().length <= 1) {
// set menu item as active state ;
.fadeIn( membermenu.animateduration.over);
// check onclick script and execute this if isset;
if($buble_el.length != 0) {
var sBubbleId = $buble_el.attr('id').replace(membermenu.sBubbleBubblePrefix, '');
var sCode = membermenu.oBubbles[sBubbleId].onlclick_script;
if(sCode) {
) //end click
}) //end $headers.each()
$mainmenu.find("ul").css({display:'none', visibility:'visible'})
* Function will load submenu for current active menu item;
* @param : popup_id (string) - popup's Id;
* @param : forced (boolean) - if set as true than script will load data from server side;
* @param : callback (string) - callback function ;
load_sub_menu_content:function( popup_id, forced, callback )
var iMenuId = popup_id.replace(/[^0-9]{1,}/, '');
if( forced || $.trim( $('#' + this.data_block_prefix + iMenuId).html() ).length == 0 )
var _sRandom = Math.random();
var sPageUrl = this.page_url + '?action=get_menu_content&menu_id=' + iMenuId + '&_r=' + _sRandom;
$( '#' + this.data_block_prefix + iMenuId).load(sPageUrl, function() {
if ( typeof callback != 'undefined' ) {
else {
if ( typeof callback != 'undefined' ) {
* Function will close opened the popup window ;
var self = this;
var $el = $('#' + popup_id);
$el.fadeOut(this.animateduration.out, function () {
* Function will show menu's description block;
* @param : description_block (string);
$('#' + description_block).css('visibility', 'visible');
* Function will hide menu's description block;
* @param : description_block (string);
$('#' + description_block).css('visibility', 'hidden');
$(document).ready(function () {
var sMenuPosition = 'bottom';
// define menu's position ;
$("#extra_top_menu").fixedMenuMember({menu_position:sMenuPosition}, function(){
var aMenuSections = new Array();
aMenuSections[0] = 'primary_menu_section';
aMenuSections[1] = 'extra_menu_section';
// build menu ;
membermenu.init(sMenuPosition, aMenuSections);