Simple Chat 2.0 from AQB Soft - part 2

Quote · 9 Jan 2017

I've tried this on two different computers and get the same result.

when person "A" invites person "B" to a video chat, the graphical chat request pops up at the top left of the page with no sound (not the top left of the screen). This means if person "B" is looking at something half way down the page there's no way he could know that he's been invited to a video chat unless he happens to scroll up to the top of the page and see the invitation.  Would it be possible to add an audio notification?


Otherwise this Mod is AWESOME!  I love the feature that you can invite someone even if they show "Away".

Well worth every penny and THEN SOME!! :)


This is not connected to the Simple Chat module itself. Because it is using the Dolphin's default link/function to initiate a video chat which is a part of stock Dolphin. So if you think that something have to be done to the way of video chat invitations then this is a request to Dolphin development team. :) Or if you want it right now then probably hire someone to make a custom modification for you. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 9 Jan 2017

Hi Anton, I'm very interested in this module but I'm concerned about the Photo upload feature.

The screenshot for Admin settings doesn't seem to show an option to switch this feature off.

I would want to switch it off UNLESS Admin has some control over settings so that the upload automatically reduces images to a certain size (say 700 px wide/high at 80% compression). My concern is that my members will love the image upload feature, but will clog my server and burn up bandwidth uploading 3 to 10 megapixel photos including bitmaps PNG's and GIF's which I don't allow with the photos module.

Quote · 26 Dec 2017


Hi Anton, I'm very interested in this module but I'm concerned about the Photo upload feature.

The screenshot for Admin settings doesn't seem to show an option to switch this feature off.

I would want to switch it off UNLESS Admin has some control over settings so that the upload automatically reduces images to a certain size (say 700 px wide/high at 80% compression). My concern is that my members will love the image upload feature, but will clog my server and burn up bandwidth uploading 3 to 10 megapixel photos including bitmaps PNG's and GIF's which I don't allow with the photos module.


Good point. We've added the optional feature to downscale shared pics to any desired dimensions and quality (quality applies to JPEG images only):

The package has been updated with the new module's version. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 26 Dec 2017

Hi  Anton and thanks for your fast and positive response. I'll now purchase the module.

Just one question: Am I to assume the module still allows people to upload other file types which with bypass the settings? If so, could you also add "Allowed Extensions" to the next update, or can I set these to JPEG only in the code? See attached.


anton1.jpg · 6.5K · 310 views
Quote · 27 Dec 2017


Hi  Anton and thanks for your fast and positive response. I'll now purchase the module.

Just one question: Am I to assume the module still allows people to upload other file types which with bypass the settings? If so, could you also add "Allowed Extensions" to the next update, or can I set these to JPEG only in the code? See attached.


 The module allows to upload jpeg, gif and png images only which all are having a pretty good compression rate. It doesn't allow to upload bmp bitmaps. 

Anyway if you'd like to allow only jpeg then you'll need to edit the file modules/aqb/simple_chat/classes/AqbSimpleChatModule.php, the line

if ( $scan['mime'] != 'image/jpeg' && $scan['mime'] != 'image/gif' && $scan['mime'] != 'image/png') return _t('_aqb_simple_chat_image_error');

replace with

if ($scan['mime'] != 'image/jpeg') return _t('_aqb_simple_chat_image_error');
Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 27 Dec 2017

Many thanks Anton. Please look out for my order.

Quote · 27 Dec 2017

How to add aqb_simple_chat page to the boonex administration page builder? 

Quote · 23 Jan 2018


How to add aqb_simple_chat page to the boonex administration page builder? 

 There is no simple instruction for achieving this. It is necessary to alter the code and create the necessary class that will be representing the page driven by page builder. In other words this requires custom work. If you need this then contact us via PM to discuss the details. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 24 Jan 2018

yeas I noticed it was a little bit of work, but I've already figured out how  to accomplish it =)  thanks!

Quote · 24 Jan 2018

Hi Anton, this module is working fine and the photo controls are great.


I am confused about one thing however:

  • Sends out notifications to members who received a message in chat while being offline.

I'm not sure what this means. Does it send an email to tell a member that someone is trying to contact them?

If so, does the 30 minute default delay mean that the first email is sent in 30 minutes or reminders are sent every 30 minutes?

I've tried this several times but no emails are being received.

No hurry.


Quote · 26 May 2019


The 30 minutes delay means that it sends notifications every 30 minutes (but only for those messages which have been added in the past 30 minutes). 

If it doesn't work for you then check 3 things:

1) Spam/Junk folder

2) Ensure that while testing this you're sending a message to a person who is really offline (no small green circle seen on a recipient's thumbnail)
3) Ensure that your Dolphin's cron job is installed and working (this script is responsible for periodic tasks in Dolphin).

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 26 May 2019

Thanks Anton. Sorry for the delay but I've been working on another project unrelated to Dolphin.


I've always worried that my Cron setup isn't working properly. Most things, Dolphin notifications etc., were working fine, but not your Chat. I manually ran a cron job an over 50 emails were in the queue. There were slowly sent out, which annoyed many of my members because some of the emails were very old.

I also restarted cron using putty and stated getting periodic reports, but the notifications have stopped, as did notifications from Modzzz Admin Notifier which worked on my old cPanel server.

I'm using Sentora and they don't allow for a complex cron command. To get Sentora to accept the cron script, all I can enter is:


The folks from Sentora insist that it's all that's needed, but it's obviously not working.

Any suggestions? If not can you suggest another panel, hopefully free? I can't afford cPanel and can barely afford Plesk.

Quote · 2 Jun 2019


Do you have a VPS/Dedicated server? If so then you should have a SSH access. And it is possible to install a cron job via SSH. Contacts us via PM so we could help you with this if you have no any experience with SSH/terminal. 

Thanks Anton. Sorry for the delay but I've been working on another project unrelated to Dolphin.


I've always worried that my Cron setup isn't working properly. Most things, Dolphin notifications etc., were working fine, but not your Chat. I manually ran a cron job an over 50 emails were in the queue. There were slowly sent out, which annoyed many of my members because some of the emails were very old.

I also restarted cron using putty and stated getting periodic reports, but the notifications have stopped, as did notifications from Modzzz Admin Notifier which worked on my old cPanel server.

I'm using Sentora and they don't allow for a complex cron command. To get Sentora to accept the cron script, all I can enter is:


The folks from Sentora insist that it's all that's needed, but it's obviously not working.

Any suggestions? If not can you suggest another panel, hopefully free? I can't afford cPanel and can barely afford Plesk.


Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 2 Jun 2019

Hi Anton, I've sent you an email.


Quote · 2 Jun 2019
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.