I saw a site "Boonex Site" http://naughtierbutnice.com How was this warning page done like this.. Any help would be great.
I saw a site "Boonex Site" http://naughtierbutnice.com How was this warning page done like this.. Any help would be great.
There is a free mod on expertzzz.ocm which lets you do that... |
Do you have the Url or Name of the mod? Thanks so much |
I must be blind, I looked and looked.. Any help would be great |
That's not a mod. It's just an index.html page, and the 'enter' links points to index.php http://naughtierbutnice.com/index.html http://naughtierbutnice.com/index.php All, you need to do is create and index.html page in your sites root directory, with whatever content you want, with a similar link to index.php Make sure all of your sites 'home' links point to yoursite.com/index.php and NOT just youtsite.com, or else index.html will be displayed. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
after you make your Index.html it will show like that site, keeping your header? |
after you make your Index.html it will show like that site, keeping your header? That's not a site header. It's just an image. You can make your index.html page look however you want it to look. It's commonly referred to as a splash page. If you look at the site's splash page, you will see that it is missing the top navigation menu, and a simple navigation menu was added to the left sidebar. It's just a simple html page that has been designed to look like the pages within Dolphin, but it is not a part of dolphin. It just has links to a few dolphin pages. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Somebody on expertzzz may have a predesigned splash page that does this. I'll take a look. .....nope... didn't find anything. The site does use a scrolling featured profiles mod, and part of that was inserted on the splash page with an iframe. I didn't see that scrolling featured profiles mod either. Let me know if there's anything else I can't help you with. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Hey project, check your PM, I sent you the link for the warning mod..But what houston said is correct, Thats just an index page with an image and then link to the index.php.. |
Hey project, check your PM, I sent you the link for the warning mod..But what houston said is correct, Thats just an index page with an image and then link to the index.php.. What's the url? I looked at expertzzz and didn't find any sort of premade splash page My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
That's a little plain, but I suppose it serves it's purpose. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Yeah, it's just a warning before you enter the site, the bad thing about that is that everytime your memebers are going to your site, they have to go thru it....I avoided that warning very simply, maybe project can use it, on my main page, I don't have any adult content,,,I made all adult content visble for members only and I made all guest blocks not visble to members,,so a guest goes to my site, no adult content, once member logs in, all member blocks appear... |
Thank you all for the help.. I have a lot to think over about how im going to do this.. I can see Im going to have to pay some help to get me where I need to be.. Till 7 makes it our I will do what I can. |
It's always a good idea to avoid splash pages, unless you absolutely need one. The worst thing about them is that they can break search engines. If the search engine lands on your splash page, with no links to follow, your site may not get indexed properly. Also.... your registered members won't want to go through the splash page on every visit to your site. The splash page needs to go away for registered members. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
It's always a good idea to avoid splash pages, unless you absolutely need one. The worst thing about them is that they can break search engines. If the search engine lands on your splash page, with no links to follow, your site may not get indexed properly. Also.... your registered members won't want to go through the splash page on every visit to your site. The splash page needs to go away for registered members. Can't the member just bookmark the login page once they've joined? |
yes, after they go to the index.php they can bookmark it and once they go to their favorties and clikc the link they will not see the message, but you have to tell all your current members and all the new ones about this and ask them to bookmanrk your site.. |
That shouldn't be so dificult. Just include something like "Don't forget to bookmark the login page so you don't have to got hrough the warning page." in the enrollment confirmation email. That or just make the entrance page non-xrated and only members can gor passed. |
There are ways to have a splash page, where a cookie is set so that members won't see it..... until they clear their browser cache/cookies. Thay way, all they have to do is bookmark yoursite.com without specifying the index file. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
so many ways to skin a cat. Never really liked that saying... I like cats. But it works |