I would like to know how much I have to pay to get support from BoonEx team to manage my server, making the right configurations and to have my website up and running so well as the demo site of your company?
How much does your technical support, I have features of your software can reflect on my site as much as in its demonstration site. and the most important is that the files hosted on my site do not disappear mysteriously. I hope at least you can respond to my email, because when I bought your software, I believed I was doing business with a solid and professional company. I appreciate the time and wait for your answer because my site is completely offline, damaging me financially and causing me serious problems. thank you.
this is the email from hostforweb
[#JOB-203-95154]: site error
HFW MX Gateway Department 04:26 Manter esta mensagem na parte superior de sua caixa de entrada
Para: aknagai@hotmail.com
from what I can see
Only issue here is on your Chat part of website, and as mentioned issue here is beacuse of the scripts/installation missing.
Installation of user scripts is out of our scope of support.
We can only assist you if you have any backup created on server, or locally, we would gladly restore it for you.
I did review server, and you don't have server backups, therfore if you have any local ones, or you did create one from cPanel, please provide us with its location and we will assist you further.
On our end you are paying for VPS server, and if server will have any issues we will assist you with resolving them, and since this is a scripting issue it is out of our scope of support.
You have mentoned before that you have provided credentials to server to Boonex support, and it is possible they did these changes, so you might want to contact them for assistance.
No answer, I already expected it! but I will not be silent!
Hello Sir Andrew.
I would like to ask you a solution to my problem, I am premium customer of your company since 2011, when I bought my first license Dolphin software in 2012 with the disclosure of version OSHO I bought two more licenses, however I opted by Hostforweb to host my website, everything was working fine, until I ask Mr Igor,your team of technical support to upgrade to the current version and the reason for this was unique and exclusive to use the chatplus system because this system would meet my needs as a teacher however, I was informed by Mr. Igor that I need to migrate my site to a dedicated server or VPS minimum, to use the Chatplus system and so I did, I chose the best VPS server hostforweb and since then my site not working more correctly, has errors every day and when we apply for Hostforweb for solutions, they say that the error in this script. So I sent an email to Mr. Igor asking him please take a look at my website and see if there was something wrong in the script and in this email I informed all server access data such as logins and passwords, dns, or all. But I do not got answers Mr. igor and who gave me support was Mr. Nathan, but then I went back to provider and asked for support, and every time they settled the files and the site worked, days after the instalção files from CHATPLUS simply disappeared, the entire chat directory was empty, I would like to ask how this would be possible?