I didn't realize this for a long time. One of my members told me that the Poll feature isn't working or allowing. I tried to add a new poll myself but I get this.....

I didn't have a problem before dolphin 7.0 Final. I checked Manage Membership Levels and Poll settings and I don't see anything that causing this. Any ideas to fix this? Thank
Working okay on Dolphin 7.0 Final for you guys? |
Hmm... i'm not sure why i'm facing this issue. :-/ |
Membership levels allow to set max allowed count for some actions, please check number of allowed polls creations for your member membership type. Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
yeah i did.. they're all blank... umm interestnig.. is there a way i can fix this? replace the whole poll folder or? I already replaced the whole poll folder and it still doesn't work. Maybe I need to go in phpmyadmin and fix the max allowed count. |

Both standard and promotion.. weird
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
You have tried to uninstall and then reinstall the module right? Whether or not this ultimately turns out to be a "bug" I want to say that despite what others might think here, this post is perfectly appropriate. This forum is for the discussion of bugs - and that should discussion include whether something is a bug or not. If there is a "filter" here that says "don't even think about posting unless you are ten thousand percent sure you have identified a bonafide and certified bug" and then it goes through a second filter from Boonex that says "nothing is ever a bug" then this forum is all but useless. I would worry far less about a few 'false positives" then about not identifying serious issues in the product.
All those fileds blank, should mean no limitations on anything. Mine's the same way. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Patrick, have you checked your settings in Admin --> Modules --> Polls --> Settings

This is what my setting are. They are the default settings when the poll module is installed.. I haven't changed anything. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
ah jeez.. of course! Thanks houstonlivly. I thought leaving blank for "Number of Polls that users can create" was unlimited. Now it's working. :D Stupid me. I even went into phpmyadmin to look for hard stuff. |
Glad it's working now. I looked though some of the files of this module and noticed something funny. It seems as though the word 'pools' is used almost interchangeably, with the word 'polls' (I'm not sure funny is the right word) Anyway, it's a wonder there isn't any bugs. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |