Doppo un anno di installazione il mio Dolphin sito non funziona??? Tanti errori di Dolphin scripts???
Il mio sito non e visibile sul Web...messaggio: Sorry, your site is temporary unavailable!
Io ho pagato "Standard license" ed Admin messaggio: " this is a Trial copy, get a License????"
Io sono stanco di tanti errori...che fare???
I've seen this happen when the BoonEx footer line is removed from the template file. So have you made any templates changes recently? Or any changes at all? BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
...??? Il mio sito in Dolphin template non e visibile,invece in Blue template e visibile?? Perché? Dolphin template error? |
...??? Il mio sito in Dolphin template non e visibile,invece in Blue template e visibile?? Perché? Dolphin template error?
So it's visible with one templates, but not the other? Is this other template a third-party template, or has otherwise been modified? Does this happen with the default UNI template?
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Sul Dolphin template il mio sito non e visibile. E Dolphin template errore! |
Sul Dolphin template il mio sito non e visibile. E Dolphin template errore!
Can you post a link to your site?
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
http: // my site is unavailable??? |
Ed e Uni Dolphin template scripts fatale errore!!! Andate sul mio sito per leggere errore messaggio: |
Ed e Uni Dolphin template scripts fatale errore!!! Andate sul mio sito per leggere errore messaggio:
Re-upload the /templates/tmpl_uni directory and make sure it has the right permissions.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I see a pattern... to his/her/it previous topics posts.
Perché Boonex team non vuole modificare script template Uni errore? |
Perché Boonex team non vuole modificare script template Uni errore?
Did you try my suggestion?
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Io non ho mio nuovo host dice che mancano molti files? |
Io non ho mio nuovo host dice che mancano molti files?
Please try it and see if that works.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
..non mancano 8452 directories,..old host ha sospeso il mio account prima di trasferrimento? |
..non mancano 8452 directories,..old host ha sospeso il mio account prima di trasferrimento?
That's something you should have mentioned at the start. In that case, the best I can recommend is that you get your old host to unsuspend you so you can do a complete transfer.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Il mio nuovo Hosting provider non ha trasferrito sul nuovo server "template_Uni directory"?
E problema che il mio vecchio host ha sospeso il mio account perché il mio nuovo host non a fatto tempo per trasferrire files complette del mio sito? Il mio vecchio host non vuole riattivare il mio conto per permettere a backup completto?
Il mio nuovo Hosting provider non ha trasferrito sul nuovo server "template_Uni directory"?
E problema che il mio vecchio host ha sospeso il mio account perché il mio nuovo host non a fatto tempo per trasferrire files complette del mio sito? Il mio vecchio host non vuole riattivare il mio conto per permettere a backup completto?
If that's the only directory missing, try re-uploading it from a fresh download of Dolphin. If other directories are missing, you can also try this. Directories with user-uploaded content will be a problem, though.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
The transfer did not complete for /home/ilikesex/public_html/.
The needed include /home/ilikesex/public_html/templates/templ_uni/scripts/BxTemplConfig.php is not present.
Not even the /templates directory is there.
The transfer did not complete for /home/ilikesex/public_html/.
The needed include /home/ilikesex/public_html/templates/templ_uni/scripts/BxTemplConfig.php is not present.
Not even the /templates directory is there.
As said, you can try re-uploading the directory and see if that works. But depending on how incomplete the transfer was, you may be better off simply paying the overdue invoice at your former host and having a complete backup created.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Avete server dedicato migliore da consigliarmi? Io ho bisogno di trovare buono server dedicato per i miei siti? |
Which one of you server providers wants to jump into the fire? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Even if i was doing hosting. I would run the other way. |
Even if i was doing hosting. I would run the other way.
Run hard.. very hard and fast. 
I have been trying to help this guy for the last couple of days. I can not communicate with him due to language barriers. His new server has a 500 gig hard drive that is full because of failed transferred attempts and/or other things. I have tried to get him to let me communicate with the host of the new company so I can get the new server re-imaged so it is back to the way when he first acquired it. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Sono Stato sfortunato di trovare nuovo team che non vuole contattare ex host ne il mio developer(Geek)?
Che fare non lo so? Il mio nuovo host team ha sbagliato il transfer 7 volte..e poi mi dic cono che non c'e disk spazio per nuovo tentativo di transfer?
What is your monthly budget for a dedicated server? Geeks, making the world a better place |
Dolphin developer ha cancellato il mio sito...non esiste più!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Dolphin developer ha cancellato il mio sito...non esiste più
It is probably for the best. Have you given any thought to some different hobbies? This website stuff just isn't working out for you.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
.....e poi...qualcuno dovrà pagarmi dei danni? |
.....e poi...qualcuno dovrà pagarmi dei danni?
What more damage could be done than what you already did yourself ? People were trying to help you.
What damages? You had a useless site with over 500,000 fake profiles. Be glad it's gone. Maybe you should start a nice herb farm or something. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
radefantasy, really?!?!
go and do something you're good at but leave Boonex and don't ever download dolphin software ever again. Do us a favor and stop wasting our time and energy!!!
The best of the best here tried to help you but all you do is bitch when you mess something up. Like HL said b4: You had a useless site with over 500,000 fake profiles. Be glad it's gone. Maybe you should start a nice herb farm or something.
Io non ho capito cosa centro io,cosa centrano profili? Non ho scrito io Dolphin,non ho cancellato io my site!
Il problema e Dolphin script database have errori pesanti: mille volte il mio server si ferma per "database query error"?
Io non sono un schemo,io capisco a scrivere PHP,creare mysql database! Voi avete tanti moderatori deficenti!
Vedete gli altri script come funzionano perfetto: Abk-soft,Phpfox,Jomsocial,...
Io ho speso tanti soldi e tempo per costruire il mio sito per essere più bello...ed inutile...Dolphin database non e affidabile!
Io falsi profili posso anche cancellare...non e problema,...molti moduli installati dai vostri moderatori non funzionano:
SMS,chat non esiste nonostante installato RMS,astrology matches,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram moduli,audio & Video chat,
Forgot passford non funziona,edit profile,britto timeline,ll vostro Uni template,HTML page,..e molto altro...
Perché e colpa mia perché il vostro developer ha cancellato il mio sito???? Chi e responsabile? Nessuno!
Dolphin non funziona sul IE browser N.1??? Dolphin supporto non e esiste!!!
Esistono solo deficenti sul Forum che litigano ed offendono tutti e tutto!!!
If you get database errors, you fucked up the script.
Believe me, I did it myself, a hundred times 
Stop whining, re-install and start all over again. Guess you know what a database backup is ?
Buena respuesta Annabel  |
Grazie  |