Spelling mistake in dolphin!

Hello everybody,

Please search for this key "_adm_txt_settings_file_not_image" in your language settings and click for editing.

It says "The uploaded file is not an inmage!" Please change the inmage to image and save.


Quote · 6 Jan 2010

That's the only mistake I've found so far in Dolphin (I must be blind, because seeing how English isn't the BoonEx crew's first language, this isn't the first, nor last).

Still, it's better than some software translations that I've seen over the years. "Backup aps that gunna get remove now" is perhaps the most memorable.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 6 Jan 2010

That's not even a translation error, that's just a basic little typo that any of us could of done.


In the end, Boonex has done an awesome job with the English in D7 and should be congratulated for it.

Quote · 6 Jan 2010

That's not even a translation error, that's just a basic little typo that any of us could of done.

In the end, Boonex has done an awesome job with the English in D7 and should be congratulated for it.

I do agree, as I've seen far worse from people who's supposedly native language is English. Some, are on these forums.

Also, for the record, I didn't mean a translation, as Dolphin is only written for English with the option for third party translations. I guess I got hung up on the Kyrgyzstan thing and trailed on.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 6 Jan 2010

That's not even a translation error, that's just a basic little typo that any of us could of done.

In the end, Boonex has done an awesome job with the English in D7 and should be congratulated for it.

Hello friends,

I am not blaming the boonex team! I know this can happen to everybody. I have seen major mistakes from well known sites. This is nothing when we compare with that. I saw this mistake by chance and pointed out to correct it. Please don't misunderstand me. Thanks.

Quote · 6 Jan 2010


This is another area where we should have a separate sub forum just for language misspellings, so they would all be in one place and easy to take care of all at once.  I hate creating tickets for a single language spelling error.

Maybe Boonex could at least make a sticky thread for this topic??

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 6 Jan 2010
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