Split join form for aestethics. Should be easy?

Rather than have all my questions go a mile down the page vertically, I'd like to have a bunch of questions on the left and right in two columns.

I expect this should be a simple thing if I can figure out which file to edit.

Quote · 11 Aug 2015

Nope. You can split the join form into multiple pages, though. Just click on a block (e.g., Misc Info) and select a page number from the drop-down menu in the edit window. Pages start from 0, which is the first page. Select 1 to have the block and the forms under it appear on the second page. When a block is made available on the second page (1), you can then add a block to the third page (2), and so on.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 12 Aug 2015

I don't see page numbers?  Confused, Nathan.  You make it sound easy... but I am at a loss.  I did spend about ten minutes looking for what you're talking about, but no dice.

Quote · 12 Aug 2015


I don't see page numbers?  Confused, Nathan.  You make it sound easy... but I am at a loss.  I did spend about ten minutes looking for what you're talking about, but no dice.

Click on the name of the blue block you want to edit (not the green form items under the block). This will open an edit window for the block, with a few options. At the bottom is a drop-down selector for Join Page. So for example, let's say we want the form items under Misc Info to appear on a new page. Edit the Misc Info block, and for Join Page, select 1 and click the Save button. The items under Misc Info will now be on the second page of the join form - completing the first page will bring you to the second page after you submit like normal.


Dolphin orders page numbers starting at 0, so this can be a bit confusing at first. So 0 is actually 1, 2 is actually 3, and so on.


Hope this helps, and doesn't confuse you more. Smile

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 12 Aug 2015

Ok I think I got you.  I was hoping to put page 2 in another column next to page 1 (maybe suggestion for another Dolphin version?  It would be nice to have it all on one page and not going three feet down the screen.

Related question:  On the join page, there is a column for Login with that block.  Can I put other things in the column?  Shoutbox, site status, whatever?  I ask because Join and Login are the only block available to choose from.

Quote · 12 Aug 2015


Ok I think I got you.  I was hoping to put page 2 in another column next to page 1 (maybe suggestion for another Dolphin version?  It would be nice to have it all on one page and not going three feet down the screen.

Related question:  On the join page, there is a column for Login with that block.  Can I put other things in the column?  Shoutbox, site status, whatever?  I ask because Join and Login are the only block available to choose from.

That would require custom work done. You could hire a developer if it's something you really need for your site. Right now the only other option besides one big form is to split sections off into separate pages.


This is done via the page builder, but those blocks aren't available on that page. You could try something like Deano's Block Tools to force a block onto the page, but it may not work - some blocks have code that's only available on the intended page, so they won't work when forced onto other pages without more work. If you're interested in the module, make sure to check with Deano first to see if a block will work.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 12 Aug 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.