Has any one ever made a Sports Pool Mod where users join in the pool and have a selection of the sports teams-Players and earn points . Pool mod could update the pool daily and it would generate the standings in that pool ?
This would be a good mod for where i'm from ( Canada ) we like our sports ( hockey ) LOL
Sorry.... that falls under the "Creative" category, therefore you won't find it in the market. You sure you don't want to make a great new Dolphin dating site? There's only 800,000 of them..... one more won't hurt. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Sorry.... that falls under the "Creative" category, therefore you won't find it in the market. You sure you don't want to make a great new Dolphin dating site? There's only 800,000 of them..... one more won't hurt.
Thats really funny, hahahaahha,
I actually made a site about my home city sucks ( its a joke but we all think it ) Have a look HERE
I have publicized it yet, but i will over the next couple of weeks
Thanks for the Laugh , and i would still REALLY like a sports Pool mod 
I have a Tournaments mod (unfinished) along this line. I will PM you the demo link later today. Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz |
I have a Tournaments mod (unfinished) along this line. I will PM you the demo link later today.
Modzzzz you seem to have everything ;)
I'm really surprised that no one has done an NFL pick 'em pool..... or a squares pool. Each week of the NFL season, millions of football fans put their name and money into a football pool, and no one here has thought of a mod for this. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
It's a great idea but keep in mind that some places, like Canada, consider a Sports Pool as a form of gambling and regulate it. Basically... as soon as the "house" gets a percentage of the winnings, or those joining the Sports Pool need to pay a fee in order to participate, then a gambling license is required.
@albarnes I'm not sure what the exact regulations are for Ontario... I only checked them for the province of British Columbia.
Note: if you're doing this on a website associated with a registered charity then my understanding is that obtaining a special license can be done... in which case having this module could prove to be a great asset for raising funds.
http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
Many states in the US have social gambling exceptions to their laws. The applicable law in Texas is:
47.02(b) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that:
(1) the actor engaged in gambling in a private place;
(2) no person received any economic benefit other than personal winnings; and
(3) except for the advantage of skill or luck, the risks of losing and the chances of winning were the same for all participants.
As long as whoever is running the football pool doesn't take a cut, they are OK. Even then, most law enforcement agencies have bigger fish to fry than some poor schmuck running a football pool. If the pools get big enough, you are more likely to get some attention from the IRS than anyone else. Probably in most cases, purveyors of football pools get unwanted attention because somebody, somewhere is resentful of all the fun they are having.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
It's a great idea but keep in mind that some places, like Canada, consider a Sports Pool as a form of gambling and regulate it. Basically... as soon as the "house" gets a percentage of the winnings, or those joining the Sports Pool need to pay a fee in order to participate, then a gambling license is required.
@albarnes I'm not sure what the exact regulations are for Ontario... I only checked them for the province of British Columbia.
Note: if you're doing this on a website associated with a registered charity then my understanding is that obtaining a special license can be done... in which case having this module could prove to be a great asset for raising funds.
WE just want it for Bragging rights , and i would still love to have a sports pool software ..
And hello British Columbia....