Can you add in by default that if you choose "United States" as your country that the option of "State" then comes up. And also include this in the search of the site as well as the browse sections ie it would say United States, Florida, Orlando instead of just United States, Orlando.
Also why are things such as "Files" required to have the store? I understand that if you want to allow people to sell files you have to let them upload them... BUT what if you do not want files being sold? I do not understand the need for this. I mean unless you are uploading and selling a file, would you really need this to sell something? Same goes for Sound on the Wall feature... Video I get, because you can leave video comment (which yes have sound on them but its not the same thing) I do not want Sounds or Files, but I do want the Wall and the Store... So why do I need the other two?
Also, could there be a better way to edit some things like the Actions Box. I do not want anyone to be able to "Send Greetings" or "Get Email" but even if i turn the feature off the button is still there for everyone... How can I remove this?
You raise some excellent points.
I can undersatnd why a list of all the states, provinces, etc are not there. Keep in mind this program has a global user base and doing this for every country in the world, would not be a trivial task at this point. It's easy enough to do yourself though. Maybe the extended location lists will make it into 7.1
I griped about some of the modules being dependent, but didn't get very far. I wanted to uninstall the 'Files' module, but couldn't unless I uninstalled the 'Groups' module first. This, apparently, made sense to someone at Boonex, but I just don't get it. If you are going to have modules, then module interdependency needs to be reduced as much as possible. If you can't have one without the other, what is the point of having two separate modules? I was told it would be a major overhaul to make the 'Files' module independent, and that if I wanted to get rid of it, it would have to be surgically removed.
Since I'm stuck with the files module, now I have to worry about scanning uploads on the server for viruses in real time. I don't want my site to turn into a malware distribution center. The sites module is another one I'm going to turn off... I can see people posting links to every porn ad drug site on earth, using the 'sites' feature.
I've also griped about the wall. There's too much on my wall, and I'm the only member of my site . I don't need a huge thumbnail of every sing photo I've uploaded... only a one line text summary that I've uploaded new photos... same with all other media. Some site owners might like the way it is, but my opinion is that it turns the wall into an indecipherable mess. The wall really needs an administration panel where you can select what appears, and to what degree it appears.
Instead of:
Bob added a new photo [Thumb] ddmmyyyy
Bob added a new photo [Thumb] ddmmyyyy
Bob added a new photo [Thumb] ddmmyyyy
Bob added a new photo [Thumb] ddmmyyyy
Bob added a new photo [Thumb] ddmmyyyy
Bob added a new photo [Thumb] ddmmyyyy
Bob added a new photo [Thumb] ddmmyyyy
Bob added a new photo [Thumb] ddmmyyyy
Bob added a new photo [Thumb] ddmmyyyy
Bob added a new photo [Thumb] ddmmyyyy
I would rather see, with a simple link to the photos:
Bob added 10 new photos on dd/mm/yyyy
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I agree about the wall. But have you been to Facebook? My goodness my wall there grows exponentia..exponan..exp, oh dang it, it grows faster. They only saving grace seems to be the ability to block some users and some applications from the wall by choice. That would be a nice feature here too as well.
While yes the state can be added in, the problem is it then becomes a problem to code it in for searches and to show up in things like profile searches. Say you are looking at everyone online. It tells you Country and City, well I would want the state to be there too... So yes it is easy enough to add the field in there and make it look pretty, but giving it true function is a whole different issue.
As for the files being turned off or on for modules... What about a simple compromise... could there be a way to say install but do not show links/fields.. So in fact it is there (installed), but does not show the link in the tags categories etc.? I hope i explained that well...
Problems Schmoblems. In my opinion, it doesn't matter how 'difficult' it is, it needs to be done. If it was some obscure island somewhere with a population of 10, it might be different story but we are talking about the US. Being from the US, I can tell you the userbase from our area will be substantial and if the states feature isn't added, it will be an ongoing complaint and may even cause some of the users to look elsewhere.
I know you all don't know me from shinola but my intention for Dolphin will involve tens of thousands of members, mostly from the US. The lack of a State feature will be a serious problem for me. ... Hosted by! |
@ SkyForum
Since D6.0 you can easily add any field you like or need using the Profile Fields Builder...
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
Skyforum, if this is really holding you up in your quest to have tens of thousands of users, why don't you just enter them by hand? Yes, it is a bit of a pain to enter the codes for all 50 States but it shouldn't take you more than a half hour. I have them in the predefined values table. I'll send you the csv or sql if you send me your email.
@ SkyForum
Since D6.0 you can easily add any field you like or need using the Profile Fields Builder...
And back to what I said... Yes you can add the field but giving it true function for search is a whole other ball game.
Maybe I don't understand that you are saying... but any added Profile field is also available for Search page. Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
My email is I am new here so I haven't had a chance to check out the field editor. If I add fields for the states will they be fully functional like the rest of the fields (searchable, displayed in profile information throughout, etc.)?
I have D6 installed and working but have only done minimal testing with it. i haven't actually developed it at any level. I have been patiently awaiting an RC of D7 to start that process as I only want to do it once. I have some 25,000 posts and 1700+ members already that will need to be manually moved from the current asp portal I am using(Soop) to the php format of Dolphin. ... Hosted by! |
SK.... posting an email address or your site url on, is a real good way to get spammed. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Skyforum, if this is really holding you up in your quest to have tens of thousands of users, why don't you just enter them by hand? Yes, it is a bit of a pain to enter the codes for all 50 States but it shouldn't take you more than a half hour. I have them in the predefined values table. I'll send you the csv or sql if you send me your email.
can you post this fix with detailed instructions?
Rob (AKA Caltrade) said with his genius mind)
Skyforum, if this is really holding you up in your quest to have tens of thousands of users, why don't you just enter them by hand? Yes, it is a bit of a pain to enter the codes for all 50 States but it shouldn't take you more than a half hour. I have them in the predefined values table. I'll send you the csv or sql if you send me your email.
Hey Rob, I remember before you telling me that if I don't understand something to keep my nose out of it. Just thought I'd mention that as I cover this post of Skyforums. After all, it actually does effect you too, but you just can't seem to comprehend that.
What Skyforum and todaler are talking about is that when a end user selects the United States or Canada or The UK or even Australia that these countries are different from the vast majority of other countries, in that we have States/Provices/Territories that other countries don't have. For these guys, it would be a good idea that when the enduser selects United States for example that a field opens up with all 50 states listed in it, if they select Canada then the same exact box opens up again, but this time it has all the Canadian Provinces in (13 of those I believe), same thing for UK, Australia and so on. This is NOT 4 different fields, it's the same exact field, reacting in real time via AJAX to turn on and populate that one field without reloading the page. In addition, when running a search the same rules apply. So, if one user select the United States as the country then they need to selet a state, but if they select France then no state/province/territory is selected.
Hmmmm.... Could this be what you wanted when you were asking about nulling of fields? It's called a Predefined Dependent Value.
And tell me I'm picking on you again Rob, I friggin' dare you to make one of your whiney comments in regards to this again.