This is the first time I am using the Store Mod, as a user I tried to add a product, I see the Form for Prod description, pictures, video etc.. but, I could not see the field where to put the Product Price... any idea ?
Also, as a user (not admin), I wanted to setup paypal under my Acct, but not sure how to do that..
I'd appreciate it if someone can provide instructions to add a product with a price and if someone purchase it, it should go directly to my paypal Acct..
Thank you !
Everyday is a new beginning. |
Thanks Dean ! This is a good jump start.. |
you have to upload a txt doc or pdf can be blank after the upload the price field shows up. at least thats how it worked in the past. - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
@Jay - this can be very confusing to my Store Owners. If me as Admin was selling products on my site, I wouldn't mind doing extra steps, but telling my store owners they have to upload a blank doc/pdf first before they can add a price makes no sense. It must be a better way..
I was wondering if anyone has been offering his users to sell products on Dolphin site & to share your experience please how this is done. I am using D7.3.
Thanks. |
One more thing, I noticed the store owner can only upload a video, but I want them to embed a video instead, is there a way to do that ? |
The store is one of the key featuers of our site so I know the setup well.
They can upload or embed. When they click to add a new product, in the description form there is an option to add video. If they click that a popup appears as displayed in the screenshot below.
You'll notice there is also an "embed" tab. If they click that embd tag, they can add videos from anywhere.... youtube, your social network, video, or anywhere else that gives them embed code.
Also they don't have to add a blank doc to set the pricing (least not since I have been using dolphin). They MUST upload SOMETHING as the store only works with digital products, so if they are selling something physical, they need a document the buyer will download explaining further details. However as long as the member in question sets up their payment details - it should allow them to add products flawlessly, to add payment details the user must visit - /m/payment/details/
Hope this helps. |
No problem Morocco.
If you want to bring it up a notch once you solve your issue, and really make your members happy, check this mod out I bought it a while back and to me it was a good investment. Just saying. 
Everyday is a new beginning. |
@viraladmin - Thanks for the info ! I see now they can embed videos within the description, but there is still an option for them to upload a video which I do not allow, please see attached.. I was wondering if I can remove this option since they can embed videos within description field..
I also see the payments options from the link you provided: exp: but how do I get to payment details when you login as a user ? I clicked on {store}, but I did not see {store settings} how to get to payment/details.. ?
@Dean good point ! in fact that is an option I am thinking about, I want a product that is a user friendly so the users don't keep asking me similar questions I am posting here..
I did look at the store Mod you provided, but I was also looking at this Mod which is Mobile ready:
Now, I have to pause for a second and decide which Mod would be ideal. One thing that I see that is more attractive on the Store Mobile is the fact that it is Mobile ready.. If anyone had experience with Store Mobile, I would like to hear their experience about this product.. or even comparing the 2 products would helpful too..
Thanks ! |
I actually have no idea how to remove that.
As to the location when members login.... well its not in the most easiest to find place - and its one of the reasons I have created a "shortcut menu" to a few things on my site.
However the link is in the dropdown on a members home page (members.php). It is the last link on the list. After opening that page, there is another dropdown called "processed". Clicking that dropdown the last link is settings. THAT is where the user can setup their payment settings (confusing and completely illogical I know).
Another really strange thing to try to find, though totally unrelated, is the "edit" avatar link which is also on the membes.php drop down - NOT in the profile edit as one would think.
Now you can understand why I have an extra little menu of useful links on my site :) |
@Morocco I would say both, but i would go with the premium store. It's just me, I'd prefer learning something that can be viewed in a more visible stand point, as to learning the steps in a much smaller scale like the Store Mobile.  Everyday is a new beginning. |
Did I read right, that the store only supports digital products, there's no option for physical?
We plan on selling a wide range of physical products as well as some digital ones. What's the solution to this?
Yep, only digital products (downloadable products). No way to support physical products. Sorry there isn't such a feature in Dolphin right now. Maybe in future. Who knows! |
Paypal email is - |