Ok.. So you wanna here something really weird. I have an issue on my homepage where the public photos display. I have 8 photos set to display, and the bottom left 2 seem to be randomly disappearing. If you stay on the home page and click the >> next page, the bottom left 2 continue to not appear.
Also, seem to be getting an error email from my cron job about every 30 minutes or so that says:
-----Original Message-----
From: Cron Daemon
To: myemail@mydomain.com
Subject: Cron <me@server> /usr/local/bin/php -q
Database access error. Description: Database access error. Description: Database access error. Description: Database access error. Description: Database access error. Description:
Now hows that for weird. Don't know if that has anything to do with the photos issue or not. Any ideas?