Sub items not appearing

I don't why? but the sub menu item of my account, my mail, my profile...etc are not appearing when I hover them on it. But the sub menu item of Home,Photos, member.. etc appears well and working fine. Strange! Could anyone help??

Quote · 2 Dec 2008

I had a similar problem, try turning off permalinks.


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Quote · 2 Dec 2008

Hey! I did tried turning off the permalinks but i'm still not able to see other options for my account, my mail and other. Could you please think of some other tricks. Thanks for the response Stuart.

Quote · 3 Dec 2008

Permalinks :)

Enabling/disabling permalinks just give us a way which links show - friendlu links or not.

It not affected on how to generate code of menu.

Here just styles issues.

ubasolutions, can you provide us with URL of your site to check ?

possible or some design issues or JS errors on page

Quote · 3 Dec 2008

Hello, AndreyP. I'm testing the site in a local server so I don't have url of the site. Anyway could you suggest something that I could do to enable it?

Quote · 5 Dec 2008

Enable what?

I recommend you to install FF + firebug plugin on it. And HTML validator plugin. So you will able to check all your problem pages and inspect all issues.

Quote · 5 Dec 2008

i've fixebox and it's plugin installed in my computer and it doesn't shows any error, warning or anything. If i views the source code of the file, the content are already there but they are not shown when i place my mouse over my account and other.

Quote · 5 Dec 2008

Having the same problem as ubasolutions.

Anyone know why this might be happening?

Quote · 9 Dec 2008

Do any of you have the mod which allows spaces to be used in the profile name ??  I once tried using this mod and experienced nothing but problems.  If you do have this mod installed, then I suggest going back to the edit profile page and changing your profile name back to where it does not include any spaces.

Hope this helps !!

Quote · 18 Dec 2008

So seems as total - this is just styles trouble, .. and I repeat - use your Firebug to inspect styles and find error here

Quote · 20 Dec 2008

Move desired block in admin panel, builders...filed builders I think...

If you have installed 2 words nick name mod.... then those members who used 2 words wont see sublinks unless you disable permalink for profiles...but then you have to back to admin and add blocks you want to be seen for members.


Quote · 21 Dec 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.