Sub menus disappear by the time I drag my mouse

Hi guys, If I am on say members page, and if I put my mouse on say Blogs, then by the time I move my mouse to the submenus of Blogs, the submenus disappear, although no changes have been made to the menu code.

If anybody can help !!


Quote · 12 Dec 2008

found the solution- just a line of code commented in the jquery file included for the menu

Quote · 13 Dec 2008

I agree, it is frustrating, and really hurts the usability of Dolphin.  I understand version 7 will have a new menuing system, but I haven't seen it.  Would you mind posting your solution?

Quote · 13 Dec 2008

Much, much better Mydatery.  How did you do it?

Quote · 15 Dec 2008

Hey Pramani - not fair not sharing the solution properly Wink


Quote · 16 Dec 2008

Mydatery too- were you just showing off, or are you going to tell us how you did it?



Quote · 16 Dec 2008

I don't understand - why am I banned??? (I mean when I click on I end on a 'you are banned' page!)


Quote · 17 Dec 2008

It was just that the following line on line 47 was commented in the file inc/js/jquery.dolTopMenu.js

$inactiveSubs.hover( show, hide );

I uncommented it and its working

Quote · 18 Dec 2008


There are no messages in my inbox here from you.  The external mail I usually use is, but I do read my messages here.


Quote · 18 Dec 2008

It was just that the following line on line 47 was commented in the file inc/js/jquery.dolTopMenu.js

$inactiveSubs.hover( show, hide );

I uncommented it and its working

That definitely worked to keep the field from disappearing when hovered over.

mydatery, how did you acheive having a list below the certain field? That is what I'm looking for!

Quote · 18 Dec 2008

If your in need of a css drop down menu i recommend this menu by aramis it works beautifully.

Quote · 18 Dec 2008

If your in need of a css drop down menu i recommend this menu by aramis it works beautifully.

Wow, $20 for a simple string of coding? I think I'll figure it out myself and post it up for everyone if I get it. No offense to those who write some of the script tweaks for Dolphin, but many of the prices are too high. Much coding tweaks can easily be solved with a little google, and 20 minutes tweaking a script. This is one of them.

Quote · 19 Dec 2008

Anarchology, by 'how did you acheive having a list below the certain field?' do u mean

for e.g. All Blogs, Top Blogs, Top Posts and so on... under the main menu 'Blogs'?

Quote · 19 Dec 2008

Anarchology, if you feel like that, then by all means post your code and fixes here.  I have nothing against anyone selling mods either but - mostly because of the sad state of my finances, always appreciate the free mods that some people post here.  I've try to do so on those occasions when I do come up with something with  my meagre skills,  and welcome anyone to do the same.



Quote · 19 Dec 2008

I haven't yet modified my code other than to have sub menus static under the field you currently have clicked. So basically, when you go to my Blogs page... the sub menus are fixed regardless of where your mouse is. I still want the drop down menus.

Searching over the interwebz, I did come across the basic drop down menu modification for css files for no specific site. Give me a night to compare, modify, test, and finalize... I'll possibly have the fix for your guys.

Also searching the webz, I came across a Dolphin site where the guys there seem to know a whole hell of a lot of little fixes and tweaks. I had my video embedding question answered in a couple hours whereas it hasn't been here for a couple days.

Check this guy out...

FWI, its not my site, and I don't have any affiliation other than being a new member, so I hope I'm not flagged or banned for posting that up.

Also CALTRADE, some of the answers to some of the posts I've seen from you might find a faster response there. They seem to know their code there.

Quote · 20 Dec 2008
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