Subject field Bonnex messenger email remove

Hello, I'm back.

my question:

is it possible to use the field Subject

in the bonnex messenger email

to remove??

thanks for your help


Subject field.JPG · 34.3K · 250 views
Quote · 25 May 2019

Hello !


Not sure if I've got your request properly. If you mean: "Is it possible to remove the "Subject" field in the Dolphin's mailbox?" then answer will be: "Yes". If it's OK for you to give all letter the one subject then edit this lines in templates/tmpl_[your template]/mail_box_compose_message.html (if your template doesn't have it then copy from the templates/base folder)

<div class="input_wrapper input_wrapper_text clearfix">

		                    <input type="text" value="" id="compose_subject" class="form_input_text bx-def-font-inputs" />



just change the filed within to something like:


<input type="hidden" value="<bx_text:_message_subject />" id="compose_subject" class="form_input_text bx-def-font-inputs" value="your ling default subject"/>
Quote · 25 May 2019

yes, Subject" field in the Dolphin's mailbox?" should be removed.

Quote · 26 May 2019


Hallo  !


Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich Ihre Anfrage richtig erhalten habe. Wenn Sie meinen: "Ist es möglich, das Feld" Betreff "in der Mailbox von Dolphin zu entfernen?" dann lautet die Antwort "Ja". Wenn Es in Ordnung ist, DAMIT Sie alle Buchstaben, sterben ein Thema GIBT Dann bearbeiten this Zeilen in templates / tmpl_ [Vorlage] /mail_box_compose_message.html (sterben , ideal Vorlage es nicht Dann aus dem Kopieren templates / Basisordner )

<div class = "input_wrapper input_wrapper_text clearfix"> <input type = "text" value = "" id = "compose_subject" class = "form_input_text bx-def-font-input" /> </ div>


ändere einfach das Feld in etwas wie:


<input type = "hidden" value = "" id = "compose_subject" class = "form_input_text" value = "your ling default subject" />

 I searched my Dolphin 7.4.2 with agent Ransack


not found

Unfortunately, this file does not exist

Quote · 26 May 2019

You may have Agent Ransack set up incorrectly, but Leonids told you where the file was:


It should be there, if it's not, what else is missing?

Clipboard01.jpg · 34.9K · 457 views
Quote · 26 May 2019


Sie haben Agent Ransack möglicherweise falsch eingerichtet, aber Leonids hat Ihnen mitgeteilt, wo Sie die Datei finden:

/ templates / base / mail_box_compose_message.html 

Wenn nicht, fehlt sonst noch?

 I had dolphin 7.4.2 downloaded to my PC and searched with Ransack.

strange, he had not found the file.


Thanks, Johnk42, I found now.

Otherwise, everything is probably there.

You know the saying:

A blind chicken sometimes finds a grain.

Quote · 26 May 2019


Sie haben Agent Ransack möglicherweise falsch eingerichtet, aber Leonids hat Ihnen mitgeteilt, wo Sie die Datei finden:

/ templates / base / mail_box_compose_message.html 

Wenn nicht, fehlt sonst noch?

 es hatte nur wunderbar funktioniert

Delphin meldet sich mit "Bitte geben Sie den Titel ein"

Natürlich sucht Dolphin nach dem Titel.

Wie finde ich den Code? it had worked wonderfully, only

dolphin announces with "Please enter the title"

Of course, Dolphin is looking for the title.

how can I find the code?

to delete

Quote · 26 May 2019



Hallo  !


Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich Ihre Anfrage richtig erhalten habe. Wenn Sie meinen: "Ist es möglich, das Feld" Betreff "in der Mailbox von Dolphin zu entfernen?" dann lautet die Antwort "Ja". Wenn Es in Ordnung ist, DAMIT Sie alle Buchstaben, sterben ein Thema GIBT Dann bearbeiten this Zeilen in templates / tmpl_ [Vorlage] /mail_box_compose_message.html (sterben , ideal Vorlage es nicht Dann aus dem Kopieren templates / Basisordner )

<div class = "input_wrapper input_wrapper_text clearfix"> <input type = "text" value = "" id = "compose_subject" class = "form_input_text bx-def-font-input" /> </ div>


ändere einfach das Feld in etwas wie:


<input type = "hidden" value = "" id = "compose_subject" class = "form_input_text" value = "your ling default subject" />

 I searched my Dolphin 7.4.2 with agent Ransack


not found

Unfortunately, this file does not exist

I had the code changed with success.

Subject was no longer visible

Unfortunately, no messenger email can be sent because Dolphin misses typing in subject.

Error message from Dolphin:

"Please enter the title"

Quote · 27 May 2019

I actually fixed this for a person that didn't want subject mandatory.  What you fail to realise is that the subject is used to form a link to open the email.  How do you expect someone to be able to open an email in a list of emails they may have sitting in their inbox?  So what you can do is to not make the subject mandatory and if the person does not fill in the subject then it is filled with a default text that can be generated in some manner.  This will allow a link to be formed so the person has something to click on to open the email.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 27 May 2019

You could also consider AntonLV's Simple Chat 2. It's not cheap but it's excellent. It's a cross between Dolphin's Chat and Mail. It allows you to:

  • Send messages to members whether they're online or not.
  • Send a message or have a chat when they are online.
  • Video Chat if the correct module is in place.
  • Send photos.

It doesn't have a subject line because the chat's are stacked one on top of the other.

Quote · 28 May 2019

HI all!


The original message was improved to pass the empty subject checking.

Quote · 30 May 2019
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.