Support forum for IBDW EVO Wall - part 11

16 Jun 2014


Just took a quick look on the demo site and there's the same problem...


I've received the notification correctly on our demo site

This is the scenario:

User 1: Mr. Ferraro

User 2: Raffaele Ferraro


User 1 commented a photo of User 2

User 2 received this email notification:


DolphinExtensions - Dolphin Extensions - Modules and Templates for Boonex Dolphin

Hello Raffaele Ferraro,

Mr. Ferraro commented your Photo


So User 2 (Raffaele Ferraro) received the notification correctly when User 1 commented the post (User2 added a photo) on the wall


User 1 likes a photo of User 2

User 2 received this email notification:


DolphinExtensions - Dolphin Extensions - Modules and Templates for Boonex Dolphin

Hello Raffaele Ferraro,


Mr. Ferraro likes your photo

So User2 received the email notification correctly



We suggest to install a beta version of your site in a subfolder where to install the modules without customization.

If you change the code of the modules, then you can't be sure it's a module bug. For this reason it's better to have an original version of the module (in an original dolphin installation, for example in a subfolder of your site).

See my products at | Hosting:
16 Jun 2014

Thank you for fixing the space in the likes.  I appreciate it. As always, a great job.  

Do you have any ideas on how to add a submit button for mobile phone use?  When making a comment on a post in the news feed, there is no way to submit it while on a cell phone.

16 Jun 2014

Released a minor bug fix (EvoWall 1.6.7 is available in the boonex market).

If you have already installed the ver. 1.6.6 you have only to overwrite the file "basecore.php" and empty the cache.

See my products at | Hosting:
18 Jun 2014

I just installed 1.6.6. I HATE the way it looks now. Also, it seems I can no longer manage thumbs or image sizing? Also, I used to be able to play with the settings to stretch the block out to better fit the page length?

Why these dramatic changes? Someone adds an avatar and it stretches the image out to fit the block. Looks absolutely terrible.....

This is horrible.

stretchmetillipop ... Hosted by!
19 Jun 2014


I just installed 1.6.6. I HATE the way it looks now. Also, it seems I can no longer manage thumbs or image sizing? Also, I used to be able to play with the settings to stretch the block out to better fit the page length?

Why these dramatic changes? Someone adds an avatar and it stretches the image out to fit the block. Looks absolutely terrible.....

This is horrible.


The main change in EvoWall is the "Responsive" content size (blocks, images, ecc..)

So you'll see everything adjusted to the viewport or to the layout of your device. This has been not an easy evolution for EvoWall (we have received a lot of request to add this feature).

Anyway, we can consider to add a new time the setting "show large image/low quality image" in the configurator of this module but this must be considered as a regression. Responsive means adaptable.

Also, if you desire to restore the previous layout, contact us in order to get the version 1.6.5

See my products at | Hosting:
19 Jun 2014

i wonder that can we share video from evowall to youtube as facebook

19 Jun 2014



I just installed 1.6.6. I HATE the way it looks now. Also, it seems I can no longer manage thumbs or image sizing? Also, I used to be able to play with the settings to stretch the block out to better fit the page length?

Why these dramatic changes? Someone adds an avatar and it stretches the image out to fit the block. Looks absolutely terrible.....

This is horrible.


The main change in EvoWall is the "Responsive" content size (blocks, images, ecc..)

So you'll see everything adjusted to the viewport or to the layout of your device. This has been not an easy evolution for EvoWall (we have received a lot of request to add this feature).

Anyway, we can consider to add a new time the setting "show large image/low quality image" in the configurator of this module but this must be considered as a regression. Responsive means adaptable.

Also, if you desire to restore the previous layout, contact us in order to get the version 1.6.5

 I understand your desire to meet your customers needs but quite frankly, not everyone is going to want, nor desire this change. If I revert to 1.6.5, then (and correct me if I am wrong) that will be my final version and any new features that come along in later versions won't be available to me unless I accept this responsive design change..... ... Hosted by!
19 Jun 2014




I just installed 1.6.6. I HATE the way it looks now. Also, it seems I can no longer manage thumbs or image sizing? Also, I used to be able to play with the settings to stretch the block out to better fit the page length?

Why these dramatic changes? Someone adds an avatar and it stretches the image out to fit the block. Looks absolutely terrible.....

This is horrible.


The main change in EvoWall is the "Responsive" content size (blocks, images, ecc..)

So you'll see everything adjusted to the viewport or to the layout of your device. This has been not an easy evolution for EvoWall (we have received a lot of request to add this feature).

Anyway, we can consider to add a new time the setting "show large image/low quality image" in the configurator of this module but this must be considered as a regression. Responsive means adaptable.

Also, if you desire to restore the previous layout, contact us in order to get the version 1.6.5

 I understand your desire to meet your customers needs but quite frankly, not everyone is going to want, nor desire this change. If I revert to 1.6.5, then (and correct me if I am wrong) that will be my final version and any new features that come along in later versions won't be available to me unless I accept this responsive design change.....

As you know this is a space where everyone can express their opinions.
We have accepted the requests (numerous, about 300) to make all modules "responsive". It's an hard job, but we want meet this frequent request.

Apparently the future is "Responsive" for Internet, (likely) also for Dolphin.
However, we have not excluded to consider your request.
We want to wait for any other reports and opinions before proceeding with a new update.
Final note: D7.1 was introduced with the "Profile Picture." The module avatar (the only one that returns low-resolution images) is really useful?

See my products at | Hosting:
19 Jun 2014

I would be satisfied if I could turn off the reporting when someone adds or changes an avatar. Although not perfect, it would at least get rid of this particular image problem.....

300 people have asked for a responsive template? I would subtract this number from the number of licenses you sold for this product to determine how many do not want or care about a responsive design. You won't hear from them until they decide it's time to update or make changes to their sites... Taking an existing product and changing it for 300 when there's far more people than that using it seems self defeating.....

IMHO..... ... Hosted by!
19 Jun 2014

Oh crap... this is a total clusterphuck....

I lost all the videos from the previous version. Members are complaining like crazy and i can't find them anywhere..... In fact, It seems I lost about 25% of the content that was in the wall before the upgrade...... I am not happy...... ... Hosted by!
19 Jun 2014

Does uninstalling and reinstalling a newer version delete content form the DB? I hope not.... ... Hosted by!
19 Jun 2014


I'm uninstalling and reverting back to my last known working version 1.5.4...... It's obvious to me that a lot of functionality and configurability was removed to facilitate the responsive design. Performing this upgrade has been a total disaster for me. From the minute I did it, I started getting complaints from my users......

Not everyone wants the latest technological advances. Some of us just want it to be rock solid and work. ... Hosted by!
19 Jun 2014

GREAT! It did not uninstall properly. Reinstalling 1.5.4 has been met with a crapload of duplicate table entry errors.....

I am sending you my FTP login credentials. If I work on this anymore, I'm gonna have a total hissy fit!

Please install the last version you created BEFORE you made it responsive. Thank you/. ... Hosted by!
20 Jun 2014


GREAT! It did not uninstall properly. Reinstalling 1.5.4 has been met with a crapload of duplicate table entry errors.....

I am sending you my FTP login credentials. If I work on this anymore, I'm gonna have a total hissy fit!

Please install the last version you created BEFORE you made it responsive. Thank you/.

The module does not remove the content, only the owners of the posts may cancel notifications.
Remember that periodically the module Boonex Spy
deletes the notifications (the same info you see in the wall) according to the settings of the module.
Everything is due to improper installation.
In fact, now you can not even install it, you most likely have not been followed steps suggested (to uninstall the previous version before uploading the new files and then to install the new version).
However, the previous version is 1.6.5, not 1.5.4
Evidently, the module has not been updated to the versions that were released on the market the previous year.

In any case, in addition to the credentials for the FTP, we need those for PhpMyAdmin.

We'll help you asap (and considering the difference of timezone).

The module has been released 10 days ago, we have not received other similar report about this type of issue.

The reports are referred only to layout adjustments.

See my products at | Hosting:
20 Jun 2014

Why isn't is possible anymore to set a default album for the wall photo's? Now he uploads them in a album with no name... Checked on the demo site... Same problem...

20 Jun 2014

For educational purposes what controls the auto refresh feature? PHP, Database, or other type of script? If that makes sense?

21 Jun 2014

Released IBDW EvoWall 1.6.8 for D7.1

this version solves the following issues:

1) when you upload an avatar, you will see the small image (just for the avatars), for profile picture you will continue to see the medium image format

2) fixed the style for the upload buttons (photos and videos) in the top bar

3) fixed the layout problem when there is a video still not processed

4) fixed the problem for no-name albums during a photo upload


To update from the version 1.6.7 and 1.6.6, follow these easy steps:

1) overwrite the files basecore.php

 2) overwrite the folders "templates" and "install"

3) empty the cache

See my products at | Hosting:
21 Jun 2014


For educational purposes what controls the auto refresh feature? PHP, Database, or other type of script? If that makes sense?

The autorefresh is a jquery script, in the module settings you can find the fields:

Refresh type: possible values are "Auto" or "Manual"
Refresh rate (Minutes)

So if you use the type "Auto" the wall will be refreshed if you return in the page window after the X minutes (you have in the second parameter Refresh rate).

If you want, you can turn off the auto refresh thanks the option "Manual"

See my products at | Hosting:
21 Jun 2014


Why isn't is possible anymore to set a default album for the wall photo's? Now he uploads them in a album with no name... Checked on the demo site... Same problem...

 Try now using the current update (EvoWall 1.6.8)

See my products at | Hosting:
21 Jun 2014



For educational purposes what controls the auto refresh feature? PHP, Database, or other type of script? If that makes sense?

The autorefresh is a jquery script, in the module settings you can find the fields:

Refresh type: possible values are "Auto" or "Manual"
Refresh rate (Minutes)

So if you use the type "Auto" the wall will be refreshed if you return in the page window after the X minutes (you have in the second parameter Refresh rate).

If you want, you can turn off the auto refresh thanks the option "Manual"


Thank you.

21 Jun 2014




For educational purposes what controls the auto refresh feature? PHP, Database, or other type of script? If that makes sense?

The autorefresh is a jquery script, in the module settings you can find the fields:

Refresh type: possible values are "Auto" or "Manual"
Refresh rate (Minutes)

So if you use the type "Auto" the wall will be refreshed if you return in the page window after the X minutes (you have in the second parameter Refresh rate).

If you want, you can turn off the auto refresh thanks the option "Manual"


Thank you.


I think I might be closing in on an old issue I have with evowall. Where is jQuery referenced to support this mod? For example <script src="//"></script>.  Where is the call being made from (which file)?  I have my own reference in my templates header file to accommodate some other jQuery scripts. I think the 2 are conflicting with each other causing my auto refresh issue. I just need to know where yours is located since there is no mention in the install pdf to add a jQuery reference.  Thanks.

22 Jun 2014

 I reinstalled the whole module and have the same problem. When someone likes a photo the notification in Spy is good. When someone comments on the photo you get the notification "... commented a post of ..."


Just took a quick look on the demo site and there's the same problem...


I've received the notification correctly on our demo site

This is the scenario:

User 1: Mr. Ferraro

User 2: Raffaele Ferraro


User 1 commented a photo of User 2

User 2 received this email notification:


DolphinExtensions - Dolphin Extensions - Modules and Templates for Boonex Dolphin

Hello Raffaele Ferraro,

Mr. Ferraro commented your Photo


So User 2 (Raffaele Ferraro) received the notification correctly when User 1 commented the post (User2 added a photo) on the wall


User 1 likes a photo of User 2

User 2 received this email notification:


DolphinExtensions - Dolphin Extensions - Modules and Templates for Boonex Dolphin

Hello Raffaele Ferraro,


Mr. Ferraro likes your photo

So User2 received the email notification correctly



We suggest to install a beta version of your site in a subfolder where to install the modules without customization.

If you change the code of the modules, then you can't be sure it's a module bug. For this reason it's better to have an original version of the module (in an original dolphin installation, for example in a subfolder of your site).


22 Jun 2014


 I reinstalled the whole module and have the same problem. When someone likes a photo the notification in Spy is good. When someone comments on the photo you get the notification "... commented a post of ..."


Just took a quick look on the demo site and there's the same problem...


I've received the notification correctly on our demo site

This is the scenario:

User 1: Mr. Ferraro

User 2: Raffaele Ferraro


User 1 commented a photo of User 2

User 2 received this email notification:


DolphinExtensions - Dolphin Extensions - Modules and Templates for Boonex Dolphin

Hello Raffaele Ferraro,

Mr. Ferraro commented your Photo


So User 2 (Raffaele Ferraro) received the notification correctly when User 1 commented the post (User2 added a photo) on the wall


User 1 likes a photo of User 2

User 2 received this email notification:


DolphinExtensions - Dolphin Extensions - Modules and Templates for Boonex Dolphin

Hello Raffaele Ferraro,


Mr. Ferraro likes your photo

So User2 received the email notification correctly



We suggest to install a beta version of your site in a subfolder where to install the modules without customization.

If you change the code of the modules, then you can't be sure it's a module bug. For this reason it's better to have an original version of the module (in an original dolphin installation, for example in a subfolder of your site).


 Today we have released an update for a file.

Download the new version 1.6.9 of EvoWall, then (if you have installed the version 1.6.8), just overwrite the file "comment.php" in the EvoWall folder and empty the cache.

See my products at | Hosting:
23 Jun 2014

We need to back to the previous version. Unfortunately privacy settings are not working - thumbinals on the Wall are visible for everyone - despite of User privacy settings. In the new version everyone see every material on the Wall.

The second bug in the new version - photos are not grouping.

27 Jun 2014

After the next few days of testing - there is a huge bug in the privacy area.

When you set "Display In The Home Page The Post Of" to "Members" - all thumbnails (including private and only for friends) are visible for every member in the Wall. What's more - "private" thumbnail is automatically increased on "mouse over". 

My general remark is that thumbnails for photos which are not available for given user should not be visible on the wall for this user.

Please fix this issue. The new version of Evo Wall is very nice, but privacy settings of users are also very important...

And - please do something with the grouping of photos - it's really not working :(

1 Jul 2014

 i have found a bug in evowall when a photo or video etc is commented on by the owner after another comment has been left;


1. Matthew Jones uploads a photo (evowall output = Matthew Jones added a new photo) "this is good"


2. Andrew Collins comments on the photo (in the photo view comments) that Matthew Jones added (evowall output = Andrew Collins commented on the photo of Matthew Jones"this is good"


3. Matthew Jones then adds another comment under Andrew Collins comment (not a reply(evowall output = Matthew Jones commented on the photo of Andrew Collins"this is wrong as Andrew Collins is not the owner of the photo!!!!!!!!!"


the same thing happens if you rate your own photo after another has rated it. ive attached photos of the replybug and can add photos of the comment bug as well if needed.

steves photo.jpg · 90.4K · 312 views
steves photo2.jpg · 142.8K · 314 views
2 Jul 2014


 i have found a bug in evowall when a photo or video etc is commented on by the owner after another comment has been left;


1. Matthew Jones uploads a photo (evowall output = Matthew Jones added a new photo) "this is good"


2. Andrew Collins comments on the photo (in the photo view comments) that Matthew Jones added (evowall output = Andrew Collins commented on the photo of Matthew Jones"this is good"


3. Matthew Jones then adds another comment under Andrew Collins comment (not a reply(evowall output = Matthew Jones commented on the photo of Andrew Collins"this is wrong as Andrew Collins is not the owner of the photo!!!!!!!!!"


the same thing happens if you rate your own photo after another has rated it. ive attached photos of the replybug and can add photos of the comment bug as well if needed.

We have tried to reproduce this issue without success.

On the demo site there is not this problem.

If you want we can check directly your site. So, contact us in PM to start.

See my products at | Hosting:
2 Jul 2014

Today we have released the update: IBDW EvoWall 1.7.0

about this version:

  • web browser compatibility improved
  • fixed the bug for videos player under chrome
  • added (another time) the support for the "new line" in the message

To update from the version 1.6.9 to the version 1.7.0:

  • overwrite the following files:
    • config.php
    • main.php
    • morenews.php
    • bt_more_news.php
    • morecomments.php
    • comment.php
    • socialbuttons.php
    • adding.php
    • basecore.php
    • functions.php
    • scomment.php
  • Overwrite the folder "install" (modules/ibdw/evowall/install)
  • empty the cache
See my products at | Hosting:
2 Jul 2014


After the next few days of testing - there is a huge bug in the privacy area.

When you set "Display In The Home Page The Post Of" to "Members" - all thumbnails (including private and only for friends) are visible for every member in the Wall. What's more - "private" thumbnail is automatically increased on "mouse over". 

My general remark is that thumbnails for photos which are not available for given user should not be visible on the wall for this user.

Please fix this issue. The new version of Evo Wall is very nice, but privacy settings of users are also very important...

And - please do something with the grouping of photos - it's really not working :(

The module EvoWall displays the image using the default function of dolphin get_member_icon for the thumbnails.

Automatically, if you set the album privacy (for example) "Me Only", you will see the anonimous gray image instead of the profile image.

Try on our demo site and let us know.

See my products at | Hosting:
2 Jul 2014



GREAT! It did not uninstall properly. Reinstalling 1.5.4 has been met with a crapload of duplicate table entry errors.....

I am sending you my FTP login credentials. If I work on this anymore, I'm gonna have a total hissy fit!

Please install the last version you created BEFORE you made it responsive. Thank you/.

The module does not remove the content, only the owners of the posts may cancel notifications.
Remember that periodically the module Boonex Spy
deletes the notifications (the same info you see in the wall) according to the settings of the module.
Everything is due to improper installation.
In fact, now you can not even install it, you most likely have not been followed steps suggested (to uninstall the previous version before uploading the new files and then to install the new version).
However, the previous version is 1.6.5, not 1.5.4
Evidently, the module has not been updated to the versions that were released on the market the previous year.

In any case, in addition to the credentials for the FTP, we need those for PhpMyAdmin.

We'll help you asap (and considering the difference of timezone).

The module has been released 10 days ago, we have not received other similar report about this type of issue.

The reports are referred only to layout adjustments.

Ok, just wanted to drop a note to this post. A lot of this was my fault. I did not do the updates as they came and tried going from 1.54 to the current one. I also did not follow the instructions to the letter performing the updates and created my own issues. I wanted to thank the team for coming to my rescue and fixing everything for me.  As usual, they were there when I needed them .... Kudos.

Now I have a request. How can I keep an image from being expanded past it's normal size? Originally my update produced this issue and version 1.7.0 is still doing it. Taking a relatively small image and stretching it to a point far beyond what it was designed to be displayed at. It's actually quite ugly. ... Hosted by!
2 Jul 2014

Can anyone tell me, if this module is purchased and installed on a dev site, can it then be transferred to a live site afterwards or is it locked to the domain via the developers control?

Have messaged dev but I understand he has had family circumstances that have meant not being online as much recently.

I have dev site under a different url to live site, and with slightly different db so would not be able to just change the url of dev site etc...

any info appreciated.

7 Jul 2014

Great Work!

Everyday is a new beginning.
8 Jul 2014

I been trying to get in contact with you guys for the past 2 days. Ever since you updated the mod, my admin can not change passwords and the join form after a new member joins can not get passed that page. I been asking to please take a look at it, it began right after the update. This is not to say your product is not good, but please reply when you are needed to resolve an incident. I need that resolved please.

Everyday is a new beginning.
9 Jul 2014

How can I integrate the modules of modzzz: Debate, Likes, Location, Awards, Opinions, People, Question & Answers, Trips, Premium Fundraiser, Project Management, Swap Shop, Ultimate Refferals, Reputation  in the EVO Wall ?

regards ralf

10 Jul 2014


How can I integrate the modules of modzzz: Debate, Likes, Location, Awards, Opinions, People, Question & Answers, Trips, Premium Fundraiser, Project Management, Swap Shop, Ultimate Refferals, Reputation  in the EVO Wall ?

regards ralf

 I asked that months ago.. Just got over looked..

10 Jul 2014


Can anyone tell me, if this module is purchased and installed on a dev site, can it then be transferred to a live site afterwards or is it locked to the domain via the developers control?

Have messaged dev but I understand he has had family circumstances that have meant not being online as much recently.

I have dev site under a different url to live site, and with slightly different db so would not be able to just change the url of dev site etc...

any info appreciated.

 We have replied in PM

See my products at | Hosting:
11 Jul 2014


I been trying to get in contact with you guys for the past 2 days. Ever since you updated the mod, my admin can not change passwords and the join form after a new member joins can not get passed that page. I been asking to please take a look at it, it began right after the update. This is not to say your product is not good, but please reply when you are needed to resolve an incident. I need that resolved please.

 No relation between our modules and the registration/join procedure. Anyway we have checked the site and the registration is working correctly, just you need to respect all the fields requirements (for example you have to type a string of 10 chars if needed)

See my products at | Hosting:
11 Jul 2014


How can I integrate the modules of modzzz: Debate, Likes, Location, Awards, Opinions, People, Question & Answers, Trips, Premium Fundraiser, Project Management, Swap Shop, Ultimate Refferals, Reputation  in the EVO Wall ?

regards ralf

 In EvoWall it's possible to integrate all the modules that support the spy system alerts.

By default we have integrated a certain numbers of 3d party modules (by Modzzz, AndrewP, AntonLV, UE30, Kolimarfey, Rayz). The most required.

For custom request you can require a customization service.

See my products at | Hosting:
11 Jul 2014

 Understood, and yes you are correct also regarding the one email that you were very busy. I understand now and thank you for such a great product.


I been trying to get in contact with you guys for the past 2 days. Ever since you updated the mod, my admin can not change passwords and the join form after a new member joins can not get passed that page. I been asking to please take a look at it, it began right after the update. This is not to say your product is not good, but please reply when you are needed to resolve an incident. I need that resolved please.

 No relation between our modules and the registration/join procedure. Anyway we have checked the site and the registration is working correctly, just you need to respect all the fields requirements (for example you have to type a string of 10 chars if needed)


Everyday is a new beginning.
11 Jul 2014

I send a very important question via a PM. Hope to get an answer soon, because all the time our wall isn't working...

12 Jul 2014

I have a very urgent and important question about the EvoWall module...

In wich file can i find the <div id="correzione"> line and the <div id="altrenews"> line?
I want to add a div class after the correzione id and before the altrenews id to let horizontal scrolling work...

12 Jul 2014

I have to say that when you go out of your way, and you are busy as hell, but you still go out of your way to help someone that their issue has nothing to do with your product, that right there shows a sign of caring and not being selfish. These guys squeezed me in when they could and attempted to help me with an issue that was not even their mod. It was not successful, but that's not the case here, the case is that they tried to help out, much respect to you guys & your EvoWall ROCKS!

Everyday is a new beginning.
15 Jul 2014


Evowall is great - but I've got one small problem. When a member posts to the wall, the time signature of the post usually says: "about 5 hours ago" or "about 4 hours ago" instead of "a few seconds ago..."

Why is the wall doing this and how do I fix it..?

17 Jul 2014

We had this also a few weeks ago... You need to change the "Offset (seconds)" value in the module settings.

17 Jul 2014

Released EvoWall 1.7.1

This version solves the bug:

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /modules/ibdw/evowall/basecore.php on line 1706


If you have already installed the previous version 1.7.0 you can only overwrite:

  • the file basecore.php
  • the file functions.php
  • the folder modules/ibdw/evowall/templates

then empty the cache.

See my products at | Hosting:
21 Jul 2014

Using your phone. How can you post a commit on the wall? There is no summit button and my phone does not have an enter key listed? Is there anyone else having that same problem. 

22 Jul 2014

A bit of an annoyance.  If the admin changes the password or otherwise updates the profile of, say, UserABC, an entry shows up in the timeline with the Admin's avatar but with the description "UserABC changed own profile".  I'd rather that this type of activity not show up at all.  Is there a way to accomplish that?

22 Jul 2014

I have another issue. The text isn't being formatted properly and it's cutting words in half at the end of each sentence.... ... Hosted by!
23 Jul 2014


I have another issue. The text isn't being formatted properly and it's cutting words in half at the end of each sentence....

I hope I've understood.

EvoWall configurator allows to choose the text max lenght for comments and message.

By default the text lenght is 500 chars

See my products at | Hosting:
23 Jul 2014
23 Jul 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.