Support forum for IBDW EVO Wall - part 14

4 Apr 2015

Question regarding 'sharing' of posts.

This is a really great feature, and one I hope to use as a big focus on a site build.

However, when someone shares another persons post, it shows on their profile wall, which is fine.

But, it also then re-posts it again on the main evo wall (I have main one set to show members content).


Is there a way that when someone shares a post directly from the main evo wall (members) it will not then re-post to that same evo wall, and only post/share to the members profile wall that chose to share it?


Hopefully that makes sense!

I think if this can be done, the share function could be very well used...

4 Apr 2015

just a thought / suggestion 

when a photo is posted to evo wall, would be great if somehow the  option was there so that the photo did not link back to /m/photos/ hyperlink, but instead was just posted to evo wall.

For content like events, articles etc that have further info, its fine to link back to original, for photos, facebook style would be good with lightbox, or just view on evo wall itself.


4 Apr 2015

Yep sorted out lol , spent 1 hour or so , changing php.ini following boonex wiki time configuration and finally evowall summer time was +01:00.

Very frustrating .

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4 Apr 2015

Quick question. I have version 1.70. Time to upgrade to VS 1.76. Is there an easy path or do I need to reinstall entire mod? ... Hosted by!
6 Apr 2015

Absolute great product and service, its a must have mod!!

Everyday is a new beginning.
11 Apr 2015

Could I ask for a custom job? I really like to know what this is gonna cost me and when you could have it ready.

What we want is the ability to add things to the wall from the member menu ( so it can be done from every page by the user ) As default you have the main_testata div ID only on the pages where there's a wall ( homepage, accountpage and profilepages ).

We like it just as the "add content" section that's already in the in the member menu.

It needs to have the same capabilities as the main_testata div, but work on every page to post things to your wall.

Second request is the ability to add your location to a post ( just as on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks ). When posting content like a photo for example, the members location ( city ) needs to be grabbed and stored. Next to the date when the post is made you also see the location from where it's made. Important: the location of the member is not the current location, but the location of the member when he / she made the post. For example I'm in Dublin and I want to post a video. I place the video in the main_testata div and click on the submit button. Then on my wall the video appears with the location Dublin. A week later when I'm back home, the location where that post is posted still is Dublin.

Third request is the ability to post your status message from the main_testata div.

These requests don't need to be exclusive for us. They can be placed in a update so everyone can use them. The only issue is that they need to be developed fast. 

18 Apr 2015

Suggestion:  Add ability to prevent link posting to certain membership levels or even certain members if possible.  This way when a link is recognized the post will not complete and offer a custom error message.  This would solve some problems for me. As the website grows I can't have the entire feed covered with links just assuming they will read a site policy notice.  I am alright with people posting links as part of a conversation but not just out right spam of their affiliates for example.



29 Apr 2015


Yep sorted out lol , spent 1 hour or so , changing php.ini following boonex wiki time configuration and finally evowall summer time was +01:00.

Very frustrating .

you can tune the difference of clock (between the server mysql and php) using the variable "Offset" in the EvoWall configurator. This is explained in the quick guide (pdf) included in the zip.

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2 May 2015

Released EvoWall 1.7.7

on every version we add some improvements, we'll consider these last suggestions for the next version 1.7.8

About this version:

1) Added the compatibility with the modules:

  • Modzzz Events
  • Modzzz Polls

2) Blocked members posts are now not considered by the news feed query

3) the join of unconfirmed profiles is not displayed (when unconfirmed profiles are blocked)

To install this version you must uninstall and reinstall the previous one.

The uninstallation process dont delete the news feed and it will take about 1 minute.

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2 May 2015

Hey Guys - I just installed the update, and within the setup panel, there isn't an option to select Modzzz Events module.  


2 May 2015


Hey Guys - I just installed the update, and within the setup panel, there isn't an option to select Modzzz Events module.  


 It's normal, Modzzz Events uses the same alerts of Boonex Events. So, if you have installed Modzzz Events, you must not specify anything to EvoWall that automatically will work with this custom module.

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4 May 2015

I don't want to be annoying but i have just a question about the background of the evowall , if i want to change the background what file i need to look for ? I mean i would like the background of my webpage to match  the background of the news feed :)

This here look  great, look the picture.


Screenshot_18.png · 199.7K · 322 views
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6 May 2015

Whenever members share a URL Link (example: a news story) to Facebook, "+" signs appear between each word instead of a blank space. How can we stop those + signs from displaying (attached image)? Doesn't look very good.

I tried it on your demo site too.


PS: Please add future compatibility for MODZZZ Ultimate Articles. Thanks!

EVO-share-plus-signs.png · 64.3K · 314 views
6 May 2015

Could I ask for a custom job? I really like to know what this is gonna cost me and when you could have it ready.

What we want is the ability to add things to the wall from the member menu ( so it can be done from every page by the user ) As default you have the main_testata div ID only on the pages where there's a wall ( homepage, accountpage and profilepages ).

We like it just as the "add content" section that's already in the in the member menu.

It needs to have the same capabilities as the main_testata div, but work on every page to post things to your wall.

Second request is the ability to add your location to a post ( just as on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks ). When posting content like a photo for example, the members location ( city ) needs to be grabbed and stored. Next to the date when the post is made you also see the location from where it's made. Important: the location of the member is not the current location, but the location of the member when he / she made the post. For example I'm in Dublin and I want to post a video. I place the video in the main_testata div and click on the submit button. Then on my wall the video appears with the location Dublin. A week later when I'm back home, the location where that post is posted still is Dublin.

Third request is the ability to post your status message from the main_testata div.

These requests don't need to be exclusive for us. They can be placed in a update so everyone can use them. The only issue is that they need to be developed fast. 

7 May 2015

Ok, installed newest version. No one can post a reply. Also box and underlying text seemed crammed together. Very ugly. ... Hosted by!
21 May 2015

Ok, that's odd. If I switch to the BIZ template, the evowall works fine. It's just failing with the UNI template. Sumthin ain't right. I have made no modifications to the default templates ... Hosted by!
21 May 2015

Try to empty the cache (remember that you can compare your EvoWall on our demo site

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21 May 2015

a quick question man , for some reason i can't share an url to facebook or either google from evowall but still can use share button and it does share it on the wall ! what could be wrong . Thanks

Just to add that i can manage to share video to facebook without any problem

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21 May 2015

even in the demo site i can't manage to share this link to the facebook , or google share or any social share but instead i can use Share to the evowall fine !

I reproduce this in the demo site here

any help pls on this ... thanks

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22 May 2015


even in the demo site i can't manage to share this link to the facebook , or google share or any social share but instead i can use Share to the evowall fine !

I reproduce this in the demo site here

any help pls on this ... thanks

right, it seems a coding issue (due to a special char). We are investigating about this problem and will report the solution (and release the update) as soon as possible. Thanks

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22 May 2015

We have uploaded the file "socialbuttons.php" on our demo site.

You can try the fix also on your site (upload the attached file into the evowall root folder).

Please report any issue.

socialbuttons.php · 20.8K · 348 downloads
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22 May 2015

the new socialbuttons.php worked perfectly.

22 May 2015

Thank you for the quick response and the fix ! all works perfectly :)

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22 May 2015


Try to empty the cache (remember that you can compare your EvoWall on our demo site

 No change. The UNI template does not work properly. That's ok, turns out my users like the Biz  template better anyway ... Hosted by!
23 May 2015


Not sure if this has to do with evowall or just me can't figure thing's again. Today i wanted my profile to be seen in public including the Cover page and megaprofile and of course evowall.

So this is what i've done , Privacy in evowall Default profile wall privacy: Public.

I changed privacy as well for cover to public and megaprofile to public , also i went to Edit profile and changed privacy of viewing profile to public as well , also went to membership  level in boonex admin and did permit viewing profiles to public .

So when done with all of this , this is what i got check please check the picture :

I'm not sure if im doing something wrong or it is just me lol

Your help will be appreciated .



profile.png · 142.3K · 305 views
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23 May 2015



Not sure if this has to do with evowall or just me can't figure thing's again. Today i wanted my profile to be seen in public including the Cover page and megaprofile and of course evowall.

So this is what i've done , Privacy in evowall Default profile wall privacy: Public.

I changed privacy as well for cover to public and megaprofile to public , also i went to Edit profile and changed privacy of viewing profile to public as well , also went to membership  level in boonex admin and did permit viewing profiles to public .

So when done with all of this , this is what i got check please check the picture :

I'm not sure if im doing something wrong or it is just me lol

Your help will be appreciated .



our modules are for members. Only you can use EvoWall to display the news feed, but for the guest membership you must enable only the EvoWall "view" actions

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25 May 2015

ok got it :) Thanks.

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25 May 2015


I noticed this when someone reply on a comments on  in the news feed , we are not able to like the post , is that not a feature in the evowall ?

You can see only delete but no like !


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26 May 2015

That function has never been in the Evowall module. It would be a nice addition.

26 May 2015

One more and last question lately i installed ssl certificate on my site and now whenever i upload a youtube video i can't play it in the wall while i can see the thumbnail (mean picture of the video) but if i go to the video home i can play it ( because i changed all this links here to https ) : Refer to this :

You can view it - you have to enable non encrypted info to be viewable or allow blocked content. But besides that, you may need to change the way that dolphin's embed code is setup. I am not exactly sure as my embedded videos were created by me, but they do display on my https site with no problems. On modules/boonex/videos/classes/BxVideosConfig.php - you can try changing:


            define("YOUTUBE_VIDEO_PLAYER", '<object width="100%" height="344" style="display:block;"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="wmode" value="#wmode#"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="100%" height="344" wmode="#wmode#"></embed></object>');
            define("YOUTUBE_VIDEO_EMBED", '<object width="425" height="344" style="display:block;"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="wmode" value="#wmode#"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344" wmode="#wmode#"></embed></object>');



Now is there a way to do the same in evowall , i mean is there something in evowall i could change to https ?



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26 May 2015

Anyone using evowall with https here please?

This is how it look when i uploaded a video (picture uploadfine.png)---> shows the youtube video in wall perfect ok.

but when i click play check picture playvideo.png ---> the video doesn't show ( this is with https on ) if i took https the video work.


Now when i click on my ssl certificate on the browser i see a link without https , this is the link ----> and i think it is the one that causing the video from getting viewed .

My question is there a way in evowall core to change to make it working , mean on youtube section .

Thank you

uploadfine.png · 61.7K · 303 views
playvideo.png · 36.1K · 326 views
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27 May 2015

or how to make this code call on https instead of http !

<div class="imgtube" id="imgtube303" style="background:url(; width:120px; height:90px;"><div class="playbottone" id="playbottone303" onclick="scrollatube303()"></div></div>

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27 May 2015

Hello Eli,

youtube changed the api policy. For this reason you must update some files of dolphin videos in order to get youtube working on your site waiting the boonex update.

This post can help you:

In other words, try using the default module Videos of Dolphin and embedd a youtube video. It runs?

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27 May 2015

I did all the changes the youtube is working fine in the wall if No or disallow > .

But if i put it back Https:// the video still upload but not work and not show cause my https ssl block any http that show with the video : example

Now when i click on my ssl certificate on the browser i see a link without https , this is the link ----> and i think it is the one that causing the video from getting viewed . That link is for the Picture of the video. Im trying to make evowall to make any picture that come with youtube to show https instead of http !

Is that possible or you want to have a look at my evowall so you can understand better what i mean .


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27 May 2015

Oh Man , it took me hours to figure it out lol : i found the code in /ibdw/evowall/basecore.php

Change all of those to HTTPS :

echo '<div class="imgtube" id="imgtube'.$idswial.'" style="background:url('.$rowvideo['Video'].'/default.jpg); width:120px; height:90px;"><div class="playbottone" id="playbottone'.$idswial.'" onclick="scrollatube'.$idswial.'()"></div></div><div id="tubeswich'.$idswial.'" class="tubeswich"><object width="100%" height="100%" style="display: block;"><param name="movie" value="'.$rowvideo['Video'].'"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="'.$rowvideo['Video'].'&autoplay=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="100%" height="100%" wmode="opaque"></embed></object></div>';


All works now with SSL Ceritificate installed .

Next will be the post url lol ....


Thanks anyway. Now i can go to sleep.

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27 May 2015

When posting an ad on Ads the price symbol is in GB £  but evowall display it like this : Pricing: $ 40,00 , how to change the Dollar sign in evowall ?


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7 Jun 2015


in the language file of EvoWall search this line:

'_ibdw_evowall_currency_price' => '$ '


Change the currency as you want, upload the file and then empty the cache.

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8 Jun 2015

Thank you

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8 Jun 2015

To update to v1.7.7 I just want to make sure of instructions:

Go to admin > modules:

1) check mark uninstall EVO Wall - News Feed version 1.7.5

2) upload the 1.7.7 files to my server

3) then reinstall the module v1.7.7

Will my settings remain OK?

"Don't delete the news feed" - what news feed? I will be uninstalling the old version of the module. Where is this news feed located so I know NOT to delete it?


12 Jun 2015

When you uninstall and reinstall the module, only the settings will be restored to the default values.

Just if you have customized the language from the administration of dolphin (and not from the language file) you will loss the language strings you have created (and you will see the default texts).

For the news feed, no news will be deleted.

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17 Jun 2015

Thank you!

Can you add 3D Party Modules supported in an future update:

- Modzzz Ultimate Articles

- Modzzz Opinions

- Modzzz Debate

- Modzzz Answers


17 Jun 2015

Also modules like Modzzz Places and Modzzz Recipes are really useful for a future update.

18 Jun 2015

How to set the grouping of posts to 1 minute instead of a day. We only want to group photo's if there are uploaded more at the same time.

18 Jun 2015

Hi today i installed ultimate event premium from Modz and when ever i delete an event , in the evowall news feed , i get msql erro :


Warning: mysql_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/xxx/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/basecore.php on line 2313

Warning: mysql_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /xxxx/ilizon/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.php on line 130

what would be the cause.


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19 Jun 2015

I did unstal evowall and when instal it back again but when enter the activation code , evowall want activated at all ! i know my site now is https , could it be the reason ?



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19 Jun 2015

The instal is sorted out ,so now the only problem i have is this :

Hi today i installed ultimate event premium from Modz and when ever i delete an event , in the evowall news feed , i get msql erro :




Warning: mysql_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/xxx/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/basecore.php on line 2313

Warning: mysql_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /xxxx/ilizon/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.php on line 130



what would be the cause.


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19 Jun 2015


After moving my site to a dedicated server , i did notice this when inserting youtube link 1 here >>>> while if i insert this one here  link 2.>>>>> No Problem at all .

Strange isn't ?

Please check the picture for link 1



Please your help is appreciated , when you have time

Screenshot at Jun 25 18-50-09.png · 196.4K · 316 views
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25 Jun 2015

I've not understood.

I've tried both links on our demo site and I see no problem.

can you explain better?

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30 Jun 2015


For some reason the problem is no more there lol...Thanks

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4 Jul 2015
5 Jul 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.