Support forum for IBDW EVO Wall - part 8

10 Jul 2013


 Try to upload an image using the default module Boonex Photos.

Can you upload the image using Boonex Photos?

If yes, are you using the last versions of EvoWall?

Let us know.

See my products at | Hosting:
10 Jul 2013

Hello once a super praise the EVO Wall is top I like it very very well, now I noticed the following when a member of a comment to an article in the Wall writes appears instead of his profile photos only the gray standard photo (as if the member no photo would have) is in the advanced settings in the admin area there anywhere in Profile Profile photo or Profilicon and in the setting EVO Wall stands as a default avatar type. Nevertheless, there appears a gray photo. I once added a screenshot. How could I solving?

Hallo erst einmal ein super Lob die EVO Wall ist top sie gefällt mir sehr sehr gut, jetzt ist mir folgendes aufgefallen, wenn ein Mitglied ein Kommentar zu einem Beitrag in der Wall schreibt erscheint anstatt seines Profilfotos nur das graue standard Foto (als wenn das Mitglied kein Foto hätte) in den erweiterten Einstellungen im admin Bereich steht dort bei Profil überall Profilfoto oder Profilicon und in der Einstellung EVO Wall steht als Avatartyp default. Trotzdem wird dort ein graues Foto angezeigt. Ich habe einmal einen Screenshot hinzugefügt. Wie könnte ich das Lösen?

pinnwand.PNG · 56.5K · 403 views
10 Jul 2013


I've uninstalled the Evo wall module as you suggested, and the problem remains, which I guess makes it no longer an Evo Wall issue!?  Any ideas what I have done wrong?  I installed Dolphin, then Evowall, onto an empty domain, following guidelines for both...I'm at a loss now :-/

10 Jul 2013

"Profile Cover" and "Shared Albums" photos are not showing on EVO Wall. Please see attached photo.  

12 Jul 2013


13 Jul 2013






we have received your payment when it was night (We live in Italy).

This is a company and the office is open Monday-Friday 09:30-13:00/16:00-19:00

Anyway dont worry, we'll install the module today.

I'll contact you when the installation will be finished.

See my products at | Hosting:
13 Jul 2013


"Profile Cover" and "Shared Albums" photos are not showing on EVO Wall. Please see attached photo.  

 I've contacted you in private to get the info needed to check your site.

See my products at | Hosting:
13 Jul 2013

Hi all,

I know this question has been done to death, but I seem to have a slightly unique slant on it.  I get "upload error: 404" when I attempt to upload images of any size, even down to a few hundred bytes, via the flash uploader or "regular" uploader in the News Feed php block. However, when I click on the "other methods" drop-down menu I am able to upload via flash/regular without problem.  Can anyone advise what I need to do to ensure I can upload directly from the News Feed section?



29 Jul 2013


Hi all,

I know this question has been done to death, but I seem to have a slightly unique slant on it.  I get "upload error: 404" when I attempt to upload images of any size, even down to a few hundred bytes, via the flash uploader or "regular" uploader in the News Feed php block. However, when I click on the "other methods" drop-down menu I am able to upload via flash/regular without problem.  Can anyone advise what I need to do to ensure I can upload directly from the News Feed section?



Hello Tom,

have you tried to upload an image using the module Boonex Photos?

If you have the same issue the problem is not EvoWall but the uploader.

Let me me in PM with the credentials of your site so to check.

See my products at | Hosting:
30 Jul 2013


When I submit a comment, upload a photo etc. I get a timestamp declaring "about -60 minutes ago" below the submitted comment/photo etc.  It's a lovely feature in theory, but I cannot work out how to get it into positive values!  I have tried changing my timezone to Europe/London in php.ini and as some have suggested on the forums, but nothing works.  Any ideas?  I'm assuming this is an Evo Wall issue, not a standard Dolphin one?



31 Jul 2013



When I submit a comment, upload a photo etc. I get a timestamp declaring "about -60 minutes ago" below the submitted comment/photo etc.  It's a lovely feature in theory, but I cannot work out how to get it into positive values!  I have tried changing my timezone to Europe/London in php.ini and as some have suggested on the forums, but nothing works.  Any ideas?  I'm assuming this is an Evo Wall issue, not a standard Dolphin one?




Its not an issue or a bug.. In your evo wall settings you need to change the number in the field titled "Offset".  This offsets your time stamp to the correct time.  Yours needs to be 3600.  This should correct your issue.

31 Jul 2013

perfect.  Timestamp is spot on now...thankyou so much!!

31 Jul 2013


perfect.  Timestamp is spot on now...thankyou so much!!


Your very welcome.

31 Jul 2013

 I love evowall, best of the best. I continue to have little issues. For example, My profile page doesn't get all the posts that my account page gets. I have the profile privacy set to members, account page set to display members posts and homepage set to display members posts. No where do I see option of what to display on the profile page. Are the profile page posts only my posts and my groups posts? Just curious why the two are different.

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from
2 Aug 2013

Just a quick note for my friends at IBDW. I just did the upgrade from 1.39 to 1.51. 2 things I noticed that need attention.

In the install folder, you have one of the folders named wrong. Says 7.0.1, should say 7.1.x (might confuse the newbies). Also, maybe somewhere in a prominent place, you could recommend that the user copy his activation code from the old version BEFORE he upgrades the script. That way, he/she doesn't have to lose access to his script until he can get one from you to replace it. Just a thought... ... Hosted by!
8 Aug 2013

Hi I am currently evaluating dolphin and really need good wall functionality.

This seems to be the most active wall plugin. 

I have tried a number of time to check out the EVO Wall demo site but keep getting the message that the site is down for maintenance. Is this the correct site as advertised in the boonex market?

Many thanks




9 Aug 2013

Yes that is the correct site.

At the top of the page you need to login with the username and password provided.  demouser and p/w ibdwdemopass

I have used Evowall for about 5 months now. I highly recommend it for a better newsfeed. Raffaele is really good with support and he is an outstanding programmer.  Lately, he has had some health issues, and there has been issues (I believe) with the email system or reporting of posts to vendors. If you need to get in touch, his email maybe the best. Also, July and August are big Vacation months over in Europe, keep in mind he lives in Italy and the timezone is different.

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from
9 Aug 2013

Thanks Itsawhiz

I was trying to create a new user instead of using 'demouser' and it seems to bring the whole site down into maintenance mode. Still in maintenance mode now so still can't check it out :(

10 Aug 2013


Thanks Itsawhiz

I was trying to create a new user instead of using 'demouser' and it seems to bring the whole site down into maintenance mode. Still in maintenance mode now so still can't check it out :(

Yes, Thanks Itsawhiz...

about your problem (tribe75), on our demo site we are using a very important tool by Deano called AntiSpam.

You see the maintenance message because this tool banned your IP address or your account for one of the following reason:

1) your IP is in the IP blacklist

2) you have attempted to bypass the decription field using black space

3) you have used an email address of a provider into the default black list

4) in other fields you have typed links (into the description or into the headline)


Try to register a new account using these suggestions, otherwise contact me in order to unlock your account from the blocked account on

Let us know.


See my products at | Hosting:
10 Aug 2013

Quick question. If you've been watching my posts lately, I'm getting big about everything working like it should,

The share feature in the EVOwall does not work properly for the Facebook share. If you upload a video, then try and share it to Facebook, it does not display the video thumb. Seems to work ok on other social sites (like Google+). Is there a reason for this or a fix? Thanks ... Hosted by!
11 Aug 2013

I have a suggestion that i think all most all the users would love to see!  It would be nice to see the latest comments / posts move to the top of the wall every time something was said or done!  So lets say i am viewing the wall and i comment on something near the bottom that would be new news or a new comment and it should be displayed at the top of the wall so others can see it and not have to go clear to the bottom and to find it.


I have alot of users and all of them would love to see this. Just think it would make this product even better and it is very good now!

11 Aug 2013

where can i find instructions for third party modules integration?

can't find them inside the .zip file


25 Aug 2013

here is a strange onewhen taging a photo

if i tag a friend in a photo which has privacy set up to friends only,then in news feed i have a message that :"private!you dont have the right to access this content!" but it still points me to the photo with the tag.This is for IE,for chrome for example instead of that message i have a broken link.And more than this is breaking the template on whole page for any template style im selecting for evowall:uni or dark.And i am using the original template from Dolphin 7.1.4,Evowall 1.5.1,photo Deluxe 7.3,1col 5.7,3col 6.2,Megaprofile 7.3.

see pictures

any ideea what i did wrong?

Untitled2.png · 152.7K · 379 views
Untitled1.png · 191.7K · 368 views
Untitled.png · 153.5K · 379 views
Untitled3.png · 33.5K · 371 views
25 Aug 2013


Quick question. If you've been watching my posts lately, I'm getting big about everything working like it should,

The share feature in the EVOwall does not work properly for the Facebook share. If you upload a video, then try and share it to Facebook, it does not display the video thumb. Seems to work ok on other social sites (like Google+). Is there a reason for this or a fix? Thanks

 Can you reproduce this issue on our demo site? (

If not download the current file zip of EvoWall (1.5.2), if you have already installed the version 1.5.1, overwrite only the file "bt_condivisione_1.php" and empty the cache.

Let me know.

See my products at | Hosting:
26 Aug 2013


here is a strange onewhen taging a photo

if i tag a friend in a photo which has privacy set up to friends only,then in news feed i have a message that :"private!you dont have the right to access this content!" but it still points me to the photo with the tag.This is for IE,for chrome for example instead of that message i have a broken link.And more than this is breaking the template on whole page for any template style im selecting for evowall:uni or dark.And i am using the original template from Dolphin 7.1.4,Evowall 1.5.1,photo Deluxe 7.3,1col 5.7,3col 6.2,Megaprofile 7.3.

see pictures

any ideea what i did wrong?

 Contact us via Message area and give us the credentials for checking

See my products at | Hosting:
26 Aug 2013


where can i find instructions for third party modules integration?

can't find them inside the .zip file


 Definitely not in 1.5.2

Where can we download this please.

Rod | | hosted with
29 Aug 2013
I am running Dolphin 7.1.4

When writing on wall I get errors, and when old news load.
1.png · 348.8K · 397 views
2.png · 163.7K · 388 views
29 Aug 2013



Can you make it possible to configure the type of actions that get grouped? For example, it would be nice to say, photo/video adds and ratings grouped, but comments not grouped, so the actual comments can be seen... So if you had additional options to Group Comments, Group New Items, Group Ratings etc.... that would be great.



1 Sep 2013

I am still waiting for some kind of reply to adding more of Modzzz things. Been a few weeks now and still no reply

1 Sep 2013

ok,that was for me after i purchased :1col,3col,profile cover,photo deluxe,megaprofile,evowall and spywall from ibdw.

just realized that i cant relay on their support!

so....just dont want to use the modules anymore...dont want to have an all the time broken site.

dont wonder anymore why this support forum has 8 pages!!!

i'm out of here!

1 Sep 2013


ok,that was for me after i purchased :1col,3col,profile cover,photo deluxe,megaprofile,evowall and spywall from ibdw.

just realized that i cant relay on their support!

so....just dont want to use the modules anymore...dont want to have an all the time broken site.

dont wonder anymore why this support forum has 8 pages!!!

i'm out of here!


You should reply to their last suggestion directed towards you. Did you reproduce this issue on their site and have you downloaded the latest?


Anyway... their support page is 8 pages, because they actually provide support. Duh... But I will say, there has been more delays as of late as I'm noticing myself...

1 Sep 2013


ok,that was for me after i purchased :1col,3col,profile cover,photo deluxe,megaprofile,evowall and spywall from ibdw.

just realized that i cant relay on their support!

so....just dont want to use the modules anymore...dont want to have an all the time broken site.

dont wonder anymore why this support forum has 8 pages!!!

i'm out of here!


we are back from a half-vacation period.

Anyway, we have sent the activation codes on the same day (August 27) of the request, and after you have removed the modules from the previous domain. Anyway we have sent the code also via Boonex message area.

See my products at | Hosting:
2 Sep 2013

"Days considered for popular news:" have no effect to popular news, it still shows popular posts of the last year. please fix.

evowall_admin.jpg · 95.3K · 354 views
evowall_popular.jpg · 183.9K · 368 views
4 Sep 2013

Using Safari on Mac, profile covers do not display on the EVO Wall Feed, a message saying that they have been updated is displayed with an empty section where the image should show, Firefox and Chrome works as expected, Safari does not.

Please fix this.

5 Sep 2013


Using Safari on Mac, profile covers do not display on the EVO Wall Feed, a message saying that they have been updated is displayed with an empty section where the image should show, Firefox and Chrome works as expected, Safari does not.

Please fix this.

The new version of EvoWall is incoming with the fix of the bugs reported this month.

See my products at | Hosting:
5 Sep 2013


"Days considered for popular news:" have no effect to popular news, it still shows popular posts of the last year. please fix.

 Try the beta on our demo site, soon the update for EvoWall

See my products at | Hosting:
5 Sep 2013

Update released.

Only overwrite the files and empty the cache (for who installed already the ver 1.5.2).

See my products at | Hosting:
5 Sep 2013


Update released.

Only overwrite the files and empty the cache (for who installed already the ver 1.5.2).

 thank you :-)

5 Sep 2013

Some customers reported  some warnings these days like these:


Warning: Illegal string offset 'build' in .........your site path............................../inc/classes/BxDolDb.php on line 520

Warning: Illegal string offset 'url' in .........your site path............................../inc/classes/BxDolDb.php on line 520

Warning: Illegal string offset 'ver' in .........your site path............................../inc/classes/BxDolTemplate.php on line 1552

Warning: Illegal string offset 'build' in.........your site path.............................. /inc/classes/BxDolTemplate.php on line 1552

Warning: Illegal string offset 'url' in .........your site path............................../inc/classes/BxDolTemplate.php on line 1552

Warning: Illegal string offset 'ver' in .........your site path............................../inc/classes/BxDolTemplate.php on lin e 1552

Warning: Illegal string offset 'build' in .........your site path............................../inc/classes/BxDolTemplate.php on line 1552


This was due to a name conflict of a variable.

Today we have fixed this issue with the update of EvoWall 1.5.4 already availble for the download.

If you have already updated EvoWall to the previous version 1.5.3, you can simply overwrite the following files:

  • mqconditions.php
  • mqconditions2.php
  • inserimento.php
  • config.php
  • blocchi_wall.php
See my products at | Hosting:
11 Sep 2013

Found a new issue. I have added the ability for users to upload 3gp video files from their cell phones to my site by adding it in the admin section of the site. EVOWall does not match and a user cannot upload a 3gp video file from their phone to the wall...

Can you please fix so changes made in dolphin are also applied to EVOWall? ... Hosted by!
14 Sep 2013



Quick question. If you've been watching my posts lately, I'm getting big about everything working like it should,

The share feature in the EVOwall does not work properly for the Facebook share. If you upload a video, then try and share it to Facebook, it does not display the video thumb. Seems to work ok on other social sites (like Google+). Is there a reason for this or a fix? Thanks

 Can you reproduce this issue on our demo site? (

If not download the current file zip of EvoWall (1.5.2), if you have already installed the version 1.5.1, overwrite only the file "bt_condivisione_1.php" and empty the cache.

Let me know.

 Yup. All fixed. Thanks ... Hosted by!
14 Sep 2013


I have version 1.5.1


And now downloaded version 1.5.4


How do I update? I just need to upload these files below?

  • mqconditions.php
  • mqconditions2.php
  • inserimento.php
  • config.php
  • blocchi_wall.php

Or do I need to do something else? I do not have version 1.5.2 and not 1.5.3. My version is 1.5.1


Please, help! Thanks!

16 Sep 2013

Does anyone know where the css (or code) is to change the font size for typing in the comment box. Currently it's 11px and I would like to change it to 14px. Thanks.

Rod | | hosted with
21 Sep 2013



There are two files. One for each configuration you choose. Recommend changing the two so you can change the style of the wall and keep the 14px in imput comments.



Inside: modules/ibdw/evowall/templates/uni/css

Open the files 'evowallstyleDark.css' and  'evowallstyleUNI.css'


2. Search for the class ".Mycomm {}"


3. Add the code at the end of this class:



That's all! Then clear the cache of your browser and dolphin and see if it worked.

21 Sep 2013



I have version 1.5.1


And now downloaded version 1.5.4


How do I update? I just need to upload these files below?

  • mqconditions.php
  • mqconditions2.php
  • inserimento.php
  • config.php
  • blocchi_wall.php

Or do I need to do something else? I do not have version 1.5.2 and not 1.5.3. My version is 1.5.1


Please, help! Thanks!

23 Sep 2013

Is it possible to integrate statistics regarding the share function?

I always wonder if people are using this feature, and if it results in any traffic coming to the site. 

25 Sep 2013

I got a question , I put up a new post on the wall, When I do My post does not show at the top of the wall it shows at the bottom How do I change this ?

27 Sep 2013

Released a new update for EvoWall 1.5.5 for D7.1.X.

(if you want update from an old version, not simply the previous, you can browse this forum, generally there is the change list for every update)

Some clarifications:

from the version D7.1, Boonex allows to use the profile image for the thumbnail, so you have not need the module Boonex Avatar. This is a very revolution. This month, thanks your reports we have updated many part of every module.

In particular MegaProfile, PhotoDeluxe and EvoWall (there is also a live beta on our demo site for the mobile wall).

From today we'll release these 3 mods with the support of this feature.

If you are using the version 1.5.4, you can only overwrite the following files:

  • basecore.php
  • commento.php
  • scomment.php
  • like_action.php
  • altricommenti.php
  • install/config.php

Then empty the cache.

See my products at | Hosting:
27 Sep 2013

Hi, I'm enjoying using the best mod for Dolphin. Smile

With consolidated ratings, when I expand these, only one is displayed.

Cheers, Rod

Rod | | hosted with
30 Sep 2013
30 Sep 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.