Tables installed in MyISAM and not InnoDB



Just installed my dolphin 7.1 and my mysql 5.6 use innodb as default table but and see on phpmyadmin dolphin is installing 95% of tables in MyISAM and not InnoDB.


I'm running an VPS 1GB Ram / 75GB SSD / 3 CPU so InnoDB shoult be perfect for me.


So my question is, Why Dolphin is not installing all tables in InnoDB engine?

Quote · 27 Dec 2014

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 28 Dec 2014


I'm running an VPS 1GB Ram / 75GB SSD / 3 CPU so InnoDB shoult be perfect for me.

 With such a low end web server, It doesn't make a lot of sense to worry  about database performance.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 28 Dec 2014

Dolphin is using MyISAM storage engine, but it can work with InnoDB too.

You can change storage engine in phpMyAdmin, then you need to change the following setting in Dolphin Admin Panel:

Settings > Advanced Settings > General > Disable Full-Text Search: enable

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Quote · 29 Dec 2014

i had disabled innodb because i thought dolphin was in MyISAM, but there were two tables:




these tables were still innodb tables.....  so I enabled innodb.  now i have problems with the graphs on the dashboard.

are those two tables supposed to be indoor or MyISAM?



Quote · 11 Mar 2015


i had disabled innodb because i thought dolphin was in MyISAM, but there were two tables:




these tables were still innodb tables.....  so I enabled innodb.  now i have problems with the graphs on the dashboard.

are those two tables supposed to be indoor or MyISAM?

Tables engine shouldn't affect graphs in admin panel, the problem is somewhere else.

I would recommend to use the same engine (InnoDB or MySQL) for all tables in the db for the consistency. 

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Quote · 15 Mar 2015
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